Architecture, which can be understood in its most basic sense as a form of enclosure created with an aesthetic intent, first made its appearance in the Prehistoric Age. From its earliest developments, architecture changed over time and in different cultures in response to changing cultural needs, aesthetic interests, materials, and techniques.
The A to Z of Architecture provides information on architects like Frank Lloyd Wright, Tadao Ando, Leon Battista Alberti, Filippo Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, and Konstantin Stepanovich Melnikov, as well as on famous structures like the Acropolis, the Colosseum, the Forbidden City, Machu Pichu, Notre Dame, the Pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge, and the World Trade Center. The dictionary examines the development of architecture over the centuries through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on the major architects, well-known buildings, time periods, styles, building types, and materials in world architecture.
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Vibration and structural acoustics analysis has become an essential requirement for high-quality structural and mechanical design in order to assure acoustic comfort and the integrity, reliability and fail-safe behavior of structures and machines. The underlying technologies of this field of multidisciplinary research are evolving very fast and their dissemination is usually scattered over different and complementary scientific and technical publication means. In order to make it easy for developers and technology end-users to follow the latest developments and news in the field, this book collects into a single volume selected, extended, updated and revised versions of papers presented at the Symposium on Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis, coordinated by J. Dias Rodrigues and C. M. A. Vasques, which was organised as part of the 3rd International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure (IRF’2009), co-chaired by J. F. Silva Gomes and Shaker A. Meguid, held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal, 20-24 July 2009. These papers where chosen from the more than 60 papers presented at the conference symposium. Written by experienced practitioners and researchers in the field, this book brings together recent developments in the field, spanning across a broad range of themes: vibration analysis, analytical and computational structural acoustics and vibration, material systems and technologies for noise and vibration control, vibration-based structural health monitoring/evaluation, machinery noise/vibration and diagnostics, experimental testing in vibration and structural acoustics, applications and case studies in structural acoustics and vibration. Each chapter presents and describes the state of the art, presents current research results and discusses the need for future developments in a particular aspect of vibration and structural acoustics analysis. The book is envisaged to be an appealing text for newcomers to the subject and a useful research study tool for advanced students and faculty members. Practitioners and researchers may also find this book a one-stop reference that addresses current and future challenges in this field. The variety of case studies is expected to stimulate a holistic view of sound and vibration and related fields and to appeal to a broad spectrum of engineers such as the ones in the mechanical, aeronautical, aerospace, civil and electrical communities.
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Author: Li Guo Hao | Size: 40.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: /Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K | Year: 1987 | pages: 150 | ISBN: 3540132821
This book reflects the practical experience the authors have gained in analyzing the box girder and the truss used in bridge engineering; the straight and curved box girder bridge, the truss bridge, and the arch-stiffened truss bridge are considered, whereby bending and torsional stresses, lateral buckling and vibrations are investigated. The authors have established a more accurate thin-walled beam theory of box girder, and, as an extension of the thin-walled beam theory, developed a theory of bending and torsion of the truss bridge. Many practical examples have been analyzed, and from these results, conclusions valuable to design practice have been deducted.
credit to: Raju
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With an emphasis on hazard analysis, this volume assesses critical preparedness issues that emergency personnel must face in the event of a disaster of any kind. The author discusses the nature and consequences of such hazards and examines strategies at the individual, organization, community, and regional levels. He presents a systematic process for hazards identification, vulnerability determination, and consequence assessment for natural, built, and human environments. Covering every step, from planning and preparedness to mitigation, response, and recovery, the book provides information on hazard identification, modeling, loss estimation, risk perception and definition, and sustainability.
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Practical design tools for unprotected steel columns submitted to ISO-Fire - Refao III
Size: 13.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES | Year: 1992 | pages: 342 | ISBN: 9282649385
The main parameters to be considered in this research programmer i.e. geometrical factors (shapes, buckling lengths), steel qualities and coefficients governing the heat exchanges are presented first. The temperature dependent stress-strain relationships of steel as initially existing in the program OEFIC0SS have been tested by simulation of bending tests described in the litterature. It has shown a necessity to improve these laws when pure steel elements have to be calculated. New improved stress-strain relationships of steel have been carried out and calibrated thanks to transient state beam tests performed on small simply supported steel beams, subjected to a concentrated constant load, and submitted to a controlled temperature increase. These new laws have been established as well for commonly used construction steels as for high strength steel FeE 460. The validity of these improved relationships has been next verified by simulating very well six full scale fire tests performed on unprotected steel columns in the laboratories of Braunschweig and Gent. The possibility to take into account a distribution of residual stresses has been introduced in CEFICOSS. The simulation of the six column tests showed that residual stresses have a quite small influence of the fire resistance time of columns. It has been decided, however, to consider systematically a distribution of residual stresses in the calculations. Practical design tools have been finally carried out and are proposed in form of tables as well as diagrams.
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Hazim Awbi's Ventilation of Buildings has become established as the main text on the subject. This revised edition builds on the basic principles and draws in the results of considerable new research in the field. A new chapter on natural ventilation is added. Recent developments in ventilation concepts and room air distribution are also included.
The text is intended for the practitioner in the building services industry or the architect, the postgraduate student undertaking courses or research in HVAC, building services engineering, or building environmental engineering, and the undergraduate studying building services as a major subject. The book is both a presentation of the practical issues that are needed for modern ventilation system design and a survey of recent developments in the subject.
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Acclaimed for its innovative use of visual material, this book is engaging, clear, and compelling—exactly how an effective map should be. Nearly every page is organized around maps and other figures (many in full color) that illustrate all aspects of map making, including instructive examples of both good and poor design choices. The book covers everything from locating and processing data to making decisions about layout, symbols, color, and type. Readers are invited to think critically about both the technical features and social significance of maps as they learn to create better maps of their own.
New to This Edition
*Extensively revised and expanded core chapters on map design.
*An annotated map design exemplar is used to show how the concepts in each chapter play out on an actual map.
*Updated to reflect current technological developments.
*Larger size and redesigned pages make the book even more user friendly.
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I'm searcing for AISC - SSRC 1998 (Structural Stability Research Council)
it's FREE for AISC members , can anybody please help :)
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Kingsoft Office Suite 2012 is a complete user-friendly office suite for Windows that offers a number of features for creating, viewing and editing personal and business documents. Kingsoft Office 2012 includes Kingsoft Writer, Kingsoft Presentation and Kingsoft Spreadsheet which are compatible with all the latest Microsoft Office formats. Furthermore, Microsoft Office can view and edit all documents created by Kingsoft Office as well. Previously, available only as a paid program, Kingsoft Office Suite 2012 is now a free product.
What's New in kingsoft office 2012?
New: Automatic spell checker. A built-in spell checker will automatically proofread the text you enter as you create your documents.
New: Activate and update the software online.
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Even if most of software posted here (for testing) is cracked software we don't accept Microsoft software but this suite is free, small and can replace Microsoft Office for the non professional user. Short installation and good compatibility.
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