GeoRisk 2011
Geotechnical Risk Assessment and Management
Edited by C. Hsein Juang; Kok Kwang Phoon; Anand J. Puppala; Russell A. Green; Gordon A. Fenton
Geotechnical Special Publications (GSP) 224
Very important...
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i need this paper, please share to me
In situ shear wave velocity from multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) tests at eight Norwegian research sites,
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2007, 44:(5) 533-544, 10.1139/t07-013
This book provides a sound basis for analysing water supply schemes from the point of view of water quality. A systematic approach to decision making in water resources planning is presented with particular reference to wastewater re-use. Methods for deciding between recycling, purification or use of river water are given. The problems of poor quality water are documented and alternatives suggested, including management in a way to achieve objectives in the most economic manner. Various methods of system simulation and optimization are applied in a number of case studies. Methods of analysis and numerical methods are described, as well as the basis of pollution and water quality. The economics of desalination are also discussed. The examples studied range from regional supplies to internal re-circulation. Groundwater and artificial recharge are considered, and stormwater quality and sewerage systems are also covered. Computer applications exist throughout and a number of simulation and optimization programs in BASIC are presented.
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Just out of curiosity, can you tell me what value of Young's module of elasticity (E, or less commonly Y) do you associate to reinforcement marked as RA400/500 and which to one marked as B500B?
What value of E do you put in your calculations a/o softwares?
(Maybe not all of you heard or used RA400/500, so I'll just say that's an old class of reinforcement used in Croatia (maybe someplace else, I don't know), now we use B500 (or now B500 should be used, as far as I know)
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements, 5th Edition
Author: Richard S. Figliola, Donald E. Beasley | Size: 4.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2011 | pages: 605 | ISBN: 0470547413
The fifth edition of this market leading book provides mechanical engineers with the most up to date coverage of mechanical measurements. Sound theory is highlighted by rich and current practical examples. New chapter opening learning objectives and outcomes explore the critical concepts that will be discussed. New and revised examples and problems clearly show how the information is applied in the field. Expanded discussions are included on measurements, equipment, and basic metrology. The DFT concept presentation is now simplified. More pictures have also been added to make the material easier to learn. Mechanical engineers will then better understand the elements for the design of measurement systems and measurement test plans.
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The field of corrosion science and engineering is on the threshold of important advances. Advances in lifetime prediction and technological solutions, as enabled by the convergence of experimental and computational length and timescales and powerful new modeling techniques, are allowing the development of rigorous, mechanistically based models from observations and physical laws.
Despite considerable progress in the integration of materials by design into engineering development of products, corrosion considerations are typically missing from such constructs. Similarly, condition monitoring and remaining life prediction (prognosis) do not at present incorporate corrosion factors. Great opportunities exist to use the framework of these materials design and engineering tools to stimulate corrosion research and development to achieve quantitative life prediction, to incorporate state-of-the-art sensing approaches into experimentation and materials architectures, and to introduce environmental degradation factors into these capabilities.
Research Opportunities in Corrosion Science and Engineering identifies grand challenges for the corrosion research community, highlights research opportunities in corrosion science and engineering, and posits a national strategy for corrosion research. It is a logical and necessary complement to the recently published book, Assessment of Corrosion Education, which emphasized that technical education must be supported by academic, industrial, and government research. Although the present report focuses on the government role, this emphasis does not diminish the role of industry or academia.
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