Allegorical Architecture. Living Myth and Architectonics in Southern China
Author: Xing Ruan | Size: 10.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: University of Hawaii Press | Year: 2007 | pages: 219 | ISBN: 0824821513
"This may seem a specialized study of a minority group in Southeast China--whose partially transcribed language he learnt while studying their buildings--yet Xing Ruan has used this marvelous miniature to illuminate the complex relation between many other societies, their daily life, their rituals and ceremonies, and their buildings. But the book is much more. Xing Ruan extrapolates from his miniature a timely and very important reminder of how building and behavior interweave and how essential some understanding of that complex and vital relation must be for the future of the built environment." --Joseph Rykwert, Paul Philippe Cret Professor of Architecture Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania
"Allegorical Architecture is a truly remarkable achievement in that it is both a detailed ethno-architectural study of a small minority group, the Dong, in China, and also a work of far broader scope, one that boldly and subtly addresses major issues in built form and life, such as the importance of architecture as conveyor of meaning in the absence of written texts, the impact of majority culture on minority culture, and vice versa, change within tradition, tradition as change, and the implication of these findings and concepts for modern architecture and the modern world." --Yi-Fu Tuan, Professor Emeritus of Geography, University of Wisconsin
Allegorical Architecture offers the first detailed architectural analysis of built forms and building types of the minority groups in southern China and of the Dong nationality in particular. It argues that Dong architecture symbolically resembles its inhabitants in many ways. The built world is an extension of their body and mind; their experience of architecture is figurative and their understanding of it allegorical. Unlike the symbolism of historical architecture, which must be decoded through a speculative reconstruction of the past, the Dong tell stories about inhabitants in their living state in the recurrent process of ritualistic making and inhabiting of their built world. This book thus offers architectural analysis of both spatial dispositions (building types) and social life (the workings of buildings).
Xing Ruan likens the built world to allegory to develop an alternative to textual understanding. The allegorical analogy enables him to decipher minority architecture less as a didactic "text" and more as a "shell," the inhabitation of which enables the Dong to renew and reinvent continually the myths and stories that provide them with an assurance of home and authenticity. Attention is focused less on the supposed meanings (symbolic, practical) of the architecture and more on how it is used, inhabited, and hence understood by people. Throughout, Ruan artfully avoids the temptation to textualize the built world and read from it all sorts of significance and symbolism that may or may not be shared by the inhabitants themselves. By likening architecture to allegory, he also subtlety avoids the well-worn path of accounting for rich traditions via a "salvage ethnography"; on the contrary, he argues that cultural reinvention is an ongoing process and architecture is one of the fundamental ingredients to understanding that process.
Ruan offers "thick description" of Dong architecture in an attempt to understand the workings of architecture in the social world. Paying attention to Dong architecture within a regional as well as a global context makes it possible to combine detailed formal analysis of settlement patterns and building types and their spatial dispositions with their effects in a social context. Architecture, in a broad sense, is assumed to be an art form in which the feelings and lives of its makers and inhabitants are embodied. The artifice of architecture--its physical laws--is therefore analyzed and contested in terms of its instrumental capacity.
Allegorical Architecture is a work of refreshing originality and compelling significance. It will provide timely lessons for those concerned with the meaning and social sustainability of the built world and will appeal to architects, planners, cultural geographers, anthropologists, historians, and students of these disciplines.
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Natural and Artificial Rockslide Dams (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences)
Author: Stephen G. Evans | Size: 37.9 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 2011 | pages: 662 | ISBN: 3642047637
In the last one hundred years, a number of catastrophic events associated with rockslide dam formation and failure have occurred in the mountain regions of the world. This book presents a global view of the formation, characteristics and behaviour of natural and artificial rockslide dams. Chapters include a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of our global understanding natural and artificial rockslide dams, overviews of approaches to rockslide dam risk mitigation, regional studies of rockslide dams in India, Nepal, China, Pakistan, New Zealand, and Argentina. Rockslide dams associated with large-scale instability of volcanoes are also examined. Detailed case histories of well-known historic and prehistoric rockslide dams provide examples of investigations of rockslide dam behaviour, stability, and characteristics. The formation and behaviour of rockslide-dammed lakes ("Quake Lakes") formed during the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China are also comprehensively summarised. The formation, sedimentology and stability of rockslide dams is examined in several analytical papers. An analysis of break-out floods from volcanogenic lakes and hydrological methods of estimating break-out flood magnitude and behavior are reviewed. The use of remote sensing data in rockslide-dammed lake characterisation is explored and a new approach to the classification of rockslide dams is introduced. Finally, a unique section of the book summarises Russian and Kyrgyz experience with blast-fill dam construction in two papers by leading authorities on the technology. The volume contains 24 papers by 50 authors from 16 countries including most of the recognised world authorities on the subject.
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Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (9th Edition)
Author: Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers, Keying E. Ye | Size: 6.0 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Prentice Hall | Year: 2011 | pages: 816 | ISBN: 0321629116 & 9780321629111
Product Description:
This classic text provides a rigorous introduction to basic probability theory and statistical inference, with a unique balance of theory and methodology. Interesting, relevant applications use real data from actual studies, showing how the concepts and methods can be used to solve problems in the field. This revision focuses on improved clarity and deeper understanding.
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Author: T. T. Soong | Size: 2.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd | Year: 2004 | pages: 408 | ISBN: 0470868147
This textbook differs from others in the field in that it has been prepared very much with students and their needs in mind, having been classroom tested over many years. It is a true "learner's book" made for students who require a deeper understanding of probability and statistics. It presents the fundamentals of the subject along with concepts of probabilistic modeling, and the process of model selection, verification and analysis. Furthermore, the inclusion of more than 100 examples and 200 exercises (carefully selected from a wide range of topics), along with a solutions manual for instructors, means that this text is of real value to students and lecturers across a range of engineering disciplines.This book: presents the fundamentals in probability and statistics along with relevant applications; explains the concept of probabilistic modelling and the process of model selection, verification and analysis; states definitions and theorems carefully and treats topics rigorously; includes a chapter on regression analysis; covers design of experiments; demonstrates practical problem solving throughout the book with numerous examples and exercises purposely selected from a variety of engineering fields; and includes an accompanying online Solutions Manual for instructors containing complete step-by-step solutions to all problems.
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Author: Samuel J. Mantel, Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer and Margaret M. Sutton | Size: 8.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2007 | pages: 336 | ISBN: 0470121645
Project Management in Practice, 3rd Edition is a concise, hands-on guide that gives you just what you need to jump into a project and succeed. Leaving discussions of the historical development of the field, academic research, and theory to other texts, this book shows you how to do project management in a real-world situation.
With Project Management in Practice, you will learn practical and effective approaches to managing project teams, costs, resources, uncertainty, and deliverables of any type of project. And you will learn how to apply proven project management tools and techniques at each stage in a project’s life-cycle––from selecting and initiating projects, to scheduling and budgeting, to project monitoring and control, to termination.
Features in the new Third Edition include:
A practical, hands-on approach
Organization that follows the project management life cycle—mirroring the way a real-world project would be executed
Updated vignettes and cases, and the addition of caselettes that illustrate how to apply the concepts
New discussions of ethics, globalization, and the “whole brain approach” to planning
Trial versions of Microsoft Project 2007 and Crystal Ball risk analysis software, included with the book, that familiarize you with key project management software tools
With this no-nonsense, real-world oriented guide, you will develop solid project management skills that you can rely on wherever your career takes you.
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Mike Sullivan’s time-tested approach focuses students on the fundamental skills they need for the course: preparing for class, practicing with homework, and reviewing the concepts. In the Ninth Edition, Algebra and Trigonometry has evolved to meet today’s course needs, building on these hallmarks by integrating projects and other interactive learning tools for use in the classroom or online.
New Internet-based Chapter Projects apply skills to real-world problems and are accompanied by assignable MathXL exercises to make it easier to incorporate these projects into the course. In addition, a variety of new exercise types, Showcase Examples, and video tutorials for MathXL exercises give instructors even more flexibility, while helping students build their conceptual understanding.
Preparing for Class
Just-in-time review begins all sections to prepare students for the topics ahead.
Preparing for This Section lists previously learned concepts that will be useful in the section ahead. Page references are included for easy review.
Now Work "Are You Prepared?" problems support the Preparing for This Section feature, allowing students to check that they are ready to proceed to the section ahead or if they need to turn back for further review. These problems appear at the start of each exercise set.
Section-level guidance in each section helps students master the material and develop their problem-solving skills.
NEW! Showcase Examples provide how-to instruction by offering a guided, step-by-step approach to solving a problem. Students can immediately see how each of the steps in a problem is employed. The two-column format describes the steps on the left and displays the algebra, complete with annotations, on the right.
NEW! Model It examples are now highlighted, making it easy to identify which examples help students learn to build a mathematical model from verbal descriptions or from data. Model It exercises are also included so that instructors can assign these for homework or practice.
"Now Work" Problems follow most examples, and point to a related exercise for immediate reinforcement of the skill or concept.
Step-by-Step, Annotated Examples contain detailed intermediate steps with additional annotations to help students see specific nuances.
Calculus icons appear next to information essential for the study of calculus. When the icon appears next to a definition, the notation used is consistent with that used in calculus.
In Words provide alternative descriptions of select definitions and theorems, translating math into plain English.
Warnings point out common mistakes and help students avoid them.
Practicing Skills
Assess Your Understanding appears at the end of every section and contains a variety of problems for students to master the skills they need.
"Are You Prepared?" Problems appear at the start of every exercise set and help students determine exactly what they need to review and where to review it. This feature is referenced from the Preparing for This Section feature. Answers appear at the end of the section.
Concepts and Vocabulary questions are fill-in the-blank and true/false items that assess students’ understanding of key definitions and concepts. These have been written to serve as reading quizzes and are now assignable in MyMathLab® and MathXL®.
Skill Building problems provide straightforward practice, are organized by difficulty, and are correlated to section examples.
Graphical problems use graphs in a variety of ways, supplementing analytical understanding with graphical understanding.
Now Work problems, marked by a yellow icon in the exercise set, correspond to a related example within the section. If students get stuck while doing their homework, they can look for the closest Now Work problem and refer back to the related example.
NEW! Mixed Practice problems offer comprehensive assessment of the skills learned in the section by asking questions that relate to more than one concept or objective. These problems may also require students to utilize skills learned in previous sections, helping them to see how concepts are tied together.
ENHANCED! Applications and Extensions allow students to apply their skills to real-world problems and to extend concepts learned in the section. These exercises have been updated and many new problems have been added involving sourced information and data sets to bring relevance and timeliness to these exercises. Model It exercises and examples are now highlighted, making it easy to identify which exercises ask students to build a mathematical model from verbal descriptions or from data.
Explaining Concepts: Discussion and Writing problems are marked by red numbers. These support class discussion, verbalization of mathematical ideas, and writing and research projects.
Reviewing for Exams and Quizzes
Chapter Reviews at the end of each chapter offer a variety of convenient tools for reference and review.
"You Should be Able To…” is a list of every objective by section, with corresponding practice exercises. Doing the recommended exercises allows students to master the key concepts. If they get something wrong, they can easily review the examples and exposition and try again.
Review Exercises provide comprehensive review and practice of key skills, matched to the Learning Objectives for each section. These problems combine exercises from all sections, giving students comprehensive review in one place.
Chapter Tests contain about 15—20 problems that can help students prepare for in-class exams. For additional help, they can watch an instructor work out full solutions on the Chapter Test Prep Video on YouTube™, on DVD, or in MyMathLab.
Cumulative Review problem sets appear at the end of every chapter after Chapter 1. They combine problems from previous chapters, providing an ongoing cumulative review.
NEW! Internet-based Chapter Projects, with assignable exercises in MyMathLab, allow students the opportunity to experience mathematics firsthand in an active learning environment. By exploring and considering a variety of carefully guided “what-if” scenarios, they will develop a better understanding of the concepts presented in the section. Students will learn by doing and have fun in the process.
3.New To This Edition
Internet-based Chapter Projects, with assignable exercises in MyMathLab, allow students to experience mathematics first hand in an active learning environment. By exploring and considering a variety of carefully guided “what-if” scenarios, they will develop a better understanding of the concepts presented in the section. Students will learn by doing and have fun in the process.
Author Solves It MathXL Videos show Mike Sullivan III working by section through MathXL exercises typically requested by students for more explanation or tutoring. These videos are a result of Sullivan’s experiences in teaching online.
Showcase Examples are used to present examples in a guided, step-by-step format. Students can immediately see how each of the steps in a problem is employed. The “How To” examples have a two-column format in which the left column describes the step in solving the problem and the right column displays the algebra, complete with annotations.
Exercise sets have been updated and expanded to integrate new question types that give instructors more flexibility and help students build their conceptual understanding.
Mixed Practice problems offer comprehensive assessment of the skills learned in the section by asking questions that relate to more than one concept or objective. These problems may also require students to utilize skills learned in previous sections, helping them to see how concepts are tied together.
Concepts and Vocabulary exercises have been written to serve as reading quizzes and are now assignable in MyMathLab® and MathXL®.
Model It exercises and examples are now highlighted, making it easy to identify which exercises ask students to build a mathematical model from verbal descriptions or from data.
Enhanced! Applications and Extensions have been updated and many new problems have been added involving sourced information and data sets to bring relevance and timeliness to these exercises.
Annotated Instructor’s Edition now provides the answers to all problems right on the page where they appear, with longer answers in the back of the book. Sample homework assignments are pre-selected by the author for each section–these are indicated by a blue underline within the exercise set, and are assignable in MyMathLab.
1. Equations and Inequalities
1.1 Linear Equations
1.2 Quadratic Equations
1.3 Complex Numbers; Quadratic Equations in the Complex Number System
1.4 Radical Equations; Equations Quadratic in Form; Factorable Equations
1.5 Solving Inequalities
1.6 Equations and Inequalities Involving Absolute Value
1.7 Problem Solving: Interest, Mixture, Uniform Motion, and Constant Rate Jobs Applications
2. Graphs
2.1 The Distance and Midpoint Formulas
2.2 Graphs of Equations in Two Variables; Intercepts; Symmetry
2.3 Lines
2.4 Circles
2.5 Variation
3. Functions and Their Graphs
3.1 Functions
3.2 The Graph of a Function
3.3 Properties of Functions
3.4 Library of Functions; Piecewise-defined Functions
3.5 Graphing Techniques: Transformations
3.6 Mathematical Models: Building Functions
4. Linear and Quadratic Functions
4.1 Linear Functions and Their Properties
4.2 Linear Models: Building Linear Functions from Data
4.3 Quadratic Functions and Their Properties
4.4 Building Quadratic Models from Data
4.5 Inequalities Involving Quadratic Functions
5. Polynomial and Rational Functions
5.1 Polynomial Functions and Models
5.2 Properties of Rational Functions
5.3 The Graph of a Rational Function
5.4 Polynomial and Rational Inequalities
5.5 The Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function
5.6 Complex Zeros: Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
6. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
6.1 Composite Functions
6.2 One-to-One Functions; Inverse Functions
6.3 Exponential Functions
6.4 Logarithmic Functions
6.5 Properties of Logarithms
6.6 Logarithmic and Exponential Equations
6.7 Financial Models
6.8 Exponential Growth and Decay Models; Newton’s Law; Logistic Growth and Decay Models
6.9 Building Exponential, Logarithmic, and Logistic Models from Data
7. Trigonometric Functions
7.1 Angles and Their Measure
7.2 Right Triangle Trigonometry
7.3 Computing the Values of Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles
7.4 Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle
7.5 Unit Circle Approach; Properties of the Trigonometric Functions
7.6 Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions
7.7 Graphs of the Tangent, Cotangent, Cosecant, and Secant Functions
7.8 Phase Shift; Sinusoidal Curve Fitting
8. Analytic Trigonometry
8.1 The Inverse Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions
8.2 The Inverse Trigonometric Functions (continued)
8.3 Trigonometric Equations
8.4 Trigonometric Identities
8.5 Sum and Difference Formulas
8.6 Double-Angle and Half-Angle Formulas
8.7 Product-to-Sum and Sum-to-Product Formulas
9. Applications of Trigonometric Functions
9.1 Applications Involving Right Triangles
9.2 Law of Sines
9.3 Law of Cosines
9.4 Area of a Triangle
9.5 Simple Harmonic Motion; Damped Motion; Combining Waves
10. Polar Coordinates; Vectors
10.1 Polar Coordinates
10.2 Polar Equations and Graphs
10.3 The Complex Plane; DeMoivre’s Theorem
10.4 Vectors
10.5 The Dot Product
11. Analytic Geometry
11.1 Conics
11.2 The Parabola
11.3 The Ellipse
11.4 The Hyperbola
11.5 Rotation of Axes; General Form of a Conic
11.6 Polar Equations of Conics
11.7 Plane Curves and Parametric Equations
12. Systems of Equations and Inequalities
12.1 Systems of Linear Equations: Substitution and Elimination
12.2 Systems of Linear Equations: Matrices
12.3 Systems of Linear Equations: Determinants
12.4 Matrix Algebra
12.5 Partial Fraction Decomposition
12.6 Systems of Nonlinear Equations
12.7 Systems of Inequalities
12.8 Linear Programming
13. Sequences; Induction; The Binomial Theorem
13.1 Sequences
13.2 Arithmetic Sequences
13.3 Geometric Sequences; Geometric Series
13.4 Mathematical Induction
13.5 The Binomial Theorem
14. Counting and Probability
14.1 Sets and Counting
14.2 Permutations and Combinations
14.3 Probability
Appendix: Graphing Utilities
1. The Viewing Rectangle
2. Using a Graphing Utility to Graph Equations
3. Using a Graphing Utility to Graph Equations Locating Intercepts and Checking for Symmetry
4. Using a Graphing Utility to Solve Equations
5. Square Screens
6. Using a Graphing Utility to Graph Inequalities
7. Using a Graphing Utility to Solve Systems of Linear Equations
8. Using a Graphing Utility to Graph a Polar Equation
9. Using a Graphing Utility to Graph Parametric Equations
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This updated and revised fourth edition covers all topics in mechanics from elementary Newtonian mechanics, canonical and rigid body mechanics to relativistic mechanics and nonlinear dynamics.
In particular, symmetries and invariance principles, geometrical structures and continuum mechanics play an important role. Scheck’s Mechanics enables the reader to develop understanding of the general principles from which equations of motions may be derived, to appreciate the importance of symmetries as a basis for quantum mechanics and to get practice in using theoretical tools and concepts that are essential for all branches of physics.
The book contains numerous problems with complete solutions, and some practical examples. This will be appreciated in particular by students using the text to accompany lectures on mechanics. The book ends with some historical remarks on important pioneers in mechanics.
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This highly successful textbook presents clear, to-the-point topical coverage of basic physics applied to industrial and technical fields. A wealth of real-world applications are presented, motivating students by teaching physics concepts in context.
Appropriate for courses in Technical Physics
This highly successful textbook presents clear, to-the-point topical coverage of basic physics applied to industrial and technical fields. A wealth of real-world applications are presented, motivating students by teaching physics concepts in context.
3.New To This Edition
NEW! Appendix C, Problem-Solving Strategy: Dimensional and Unit Analysis
NEW! Section on Alternative Energy Sources
NEW! “Physics Connections” features
More than 80 new color photos and 30 art illustrations enhance student learning
4.Table of Contents
An Introduction to Physics
Chapter 1 The Physics Tool Kit
Chapter 2 Problem Solving
Chapter 3 Vectors
Chapter 4 Motion
Chapter 5 Force
Chapter 6 Momentum
Chapter 7 Concurrent and Parallel Forces
Chapter 8 Work and Energy
Chapter 9 Rotational Motion
Chapter 10 Simple Machines
Chapter 11 Universal Gravitation and Satellite Motion
Chapter 12 Matter
Chapter 13 Fluids
Chapter 14 Temperature and Heat Transfer
Chapter 15 Properties of Gases
Chapter 16 Wave Motion and Sound
Chapter 17 Basic Electricity
Chapter 18 Magnetism
Chapter 19 Alternating Current Electricity
Chapter 20 Light
Chapter 21 Reflection and Refraction
Chapter 22 Color
Chapter 23 Survey of Modern Physics
Chapter 24 Special and General Relativity
Appendix A Mathematics Review
Appendix B Scientific Calculator
Appendix C Problem-Solving Strategy: Dimensional and Unit Analysis
Appendix D Tables
Appendix E Glossary
Appendix F Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems and to All Chapter Review Questions and Problems
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