Plasticity of Metals: Experiments, Models, Computation
Author: E. Steck, R. Ritter, U. Peil, A. Ziegenbein | Size: 7.49 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley-VCH | Year: 2001 | pages: 380 | ISBN: 3527277285
This is the final report, drawing its conclusions and results from many individual papers and co–workers at the Institute for Structural Analysis of the Technical University of Braunschweig.
It shows the correlation between energetic and mechanical quantities of face–centred cubic metals, cold worked and softened to different states.
Constitutive models for the plastic of metals are developed and the application of these models is presented.
The improvements achieved by this contribution cover the material functions, the shape of yield surfaces, and the consideration of distributed experimental data within the numerical analysis
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The book provides an elementary tutorial presentation on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), emphasizing the fundamentals and surveying a variety of solution techniques whose applications range from low speed incompressible flow to hypersonic flow. It is aimed at persons who have little or no experience in this field, both recent graduates as well as professional engineers, and will provide an insight to the philosophy and power of CFD, an understanding of the mathematical nature of the fluid dynamics equations, and a familiarity with various solution techniques. For the third edition the text has been revised and updated.
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The study of fluid dynamics is a central theme in modern applied mathematics. It is used to model a vast range of physical phenomena and plays a vital role in science and engineering. This textbook provides a clear introduction to both the theory and application of fluid dynamics that is suitable for all undergraduates coming to the subject for the first time. Students need only a basic knowledge of vector calculus, complex analysis, and simple methods of solving differential equations. Numerous exercises (with hints and answers) illustrate the main ideas and serve to organize the reader's understanding. The wide range of topics discussed include inviscid and viscous flows, waves in fluids, boundary layer flow, and instability in flows, along with historical information and many references to important experiments. This is a comprehensive and absorbing introduction to the mathematical study of fluid behavior.
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The importance of an integrated approach in urban design is becoming increasingly apparent. This book explains how to overcome related challenges in environmental design of urban buildings and offers guidance on the use of new materials and techniques and the integration of new philosophies. Supported by the EC's SAVE 13 programme, Environmental Design of Urban Buildings includes contributions from experts at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, the Hellenic Open University, Greece, Cambridge Architectural Research, UK and REHVA/University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. A free CD-ROM containing multi-media software tools and climatic data accompanies the book.
CONTENTS Environmental Urban Design
* Architectural Design, Passive Environmental and Building Engineering Systems
* Environmental Issues of Building Design
* Sustainable Design, Construction and Operation
* Intelligent Controls and Advanced Building Management Systems
* Urban Building Climatology
* Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena in Urban Buildings
* Applied Lighting Technologies for Urban Buildings
* Case Studies
* Guidelines to Integrate Energy Conservation
* Indoor Air Quality
* Applied Energy and Resources Management in the Urban Environment
* Economic Methodologies
* Integrated Building Design
* Bibliography, Index Published with SAVE
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The Other Architecture: Tasks of Practice Beyond Design
Author: Ralph W. Liebing | Size: 9.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Springer-Verlag Wien | Year: 2011 | pages: 420 | ISBN: 3709102626
How does the architectural design become reality? After a successful presentation come the phase of tenders and that of their realization. Design must now be reformulated into working drawings. That s exactly what Liebing, a renowned expert for plan views and detailed views, calls the other architecture . Working drawings constitute the basis for the real construction itself. In the firms, mostly young architects are charged with these tasks. But during education, this topic is often addressed insufficiently. The correct transformation of a presentation design into working drawings for a bid and its realization is however essential for the quality of execution. The Other Architecture understands itself as a practical manual for young architects and as a complement in the field of building construction for students.
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marshall and plumb, i have the link if anyone needs this book. i do have to ask tho if anyone has the solutions for this course or access to the elsevier network to get it
Author: John W. Bull | Size: 5.82 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2003-05-30 | pages: 480 | ISBN: 0415243289, 9780415243285
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In the area of geomechanics, sophisticated sampling and analytical techniques can be used to provide accurate ground and soil information, but only within the limits of the initial assumptions and the modelling used. The accuracy of the model can be increased by the use of computer based numerical modelling and analysis, especially the finite element method.
In this volume, experts from all over the world describe how different methods of analysis and modelling are used to answer some of the questions associated with geomechanics, and give an insight into the future directions of those methods.
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Posted by: ssobhan - 09-20-2011, 06:39 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear Driends
I need The book
Introduction to Cable Roof Structures, 2nd edition, by H A Buchholdt
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Posted by: ssobhan - 09-20-2011, 06:16 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear Friends
I need the Standards ASCE/SEI 19-10: Structural Applications of Steel Cables for Buildings (19-10). if anybody have this code, please share.