This textbook presents a variety of applied mathematics topics in science and engineering with an emphasis on problem solving techniques using MATLAB. The authors provide a general overview of the MATLAB language and its graphics abilities before delving into problem solving, making the book useful for readers without prior MATLAB experience. They explain how to generate code suitable for various applications so that readers can apply the techniques to problems not covered in the book. Examples, figures, and MATLAB scripts enable readers with basic mathematics knowledge to solve various applied math problems in their fields while avoiding unnecessary technical details.
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Hi guys, i need the following articles from Geophysical Journal International:
1) The earthquake of 1980 November 23 in Campania–Basilicata (southern Italy), Vol.90 (2), pp.375-443
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2) Strong ground motion in normal-faulting earthquakes, Vol.96 (3), pp.529-559
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Product Description: Water and wastewater engineering is the worlds biggest industry with more professionals working in it than in any other single industry sector. This accessible student textbook introduces the reader to the key concepts of water technology by explaining the fundamentals of hydrobiology, aquatic ecosystems, water treatment and supply and wastewater treatment.
In 2000 the Water Framework Directive came into force - this is the most substantial piece of EC water legislation to date. It requires all inland and coastal waters to reach "good status" by 2015. Professor Gray includes the new framework throughout this new edition taking into account the implications of compliance and practice, as well as discussing the topical issue of sustainable principles in water management.
Covers water quality and regulation
Deals with water quality assessment, management and treatment
Includes a new chapter on sustainability within water technology
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A Brief Introduction To Fluid Mechanics, 5th edition
Author: Donald F. Young, Bruce R. Munson, Theodore H. Okiishi, Wade W. Huebsch | Size: 33,7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2010 | pages: 512 | ISBN: 0470596791
A Brief Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 5th Edition is designed to cover the standard topics in a basic fluid mechanics course in a streamlined manner that meets the learning needs of today?s student better than the dense, encyclopedic manner of traditional texts. This approach helps students connect the math and theory to the physical world and practical applications and apply these connections to solving problems. The text lucidly presents basic analysis techniques and addresses practical concerns and applications, such as pipe flow, open-channel flow, flow measurement, and drag and lift. It offers a strong visual approach with photos, illustrations, and videos included in the text, examples and homework problems to emphasize the practical application of fluid mechanics principles
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Mapping Geomorphological Environments is a highly descriptive textbook providing an excellent introduction to the latest methodologies for mapping geomorphological formations in a variety of different environments.
Its holistic approach seeks to provide a meaningful linkage between state of the art techniques for geomorphological mapping, including the latest innovations in geospatial applications, and advances in the understanding of the formation of geomorphological phenomena in a variety of settings and environments.
The book includes: - An introduction to the processes which form geomorphological formations and how to map them. - Case studies from a variety of environments with many examples of geomorphological maps. - In-depth descriptions of the latest tools and methodologies such as field sampling, GPS usage, 3–4D mapping, GIS analysis, digital image analysis, etc. - A list of the geomorphological characteristics per environment (e.g. coastal, fluvial, etc.) in the format of a geomorphological encyclopaedia, with pictures, maps and symbols.
It covers the entire workflow ranging from data collection, analysis, interpretation, and mapping.
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That is annual transportation statistic report of The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). The report presents and analyzes data on safety, the state of good repair of the U.S. transportation system, economic competitiveness, livable communities, passenger expenditures, and environmental sustainability, and explores how to improve transportation statistics.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: Annual Highlights.
Survey of State Funding for Public Transportation
Livable Communities and Environmental Sustainability
Commodity Flow Survey/Hazardous Materials
Commercial Aviation and Airline Industry Highlights
CHAPTER 2: U.S. Transportation System.
State of Good Repair
Extent and Condition of Transportation Systems
Vehicle Age
Transportation Expenditures
Economic Competitiveness
Domestic Productivity and Output
International Freight and Passenger Movement
Livable Communities
Availability and Usage
Congestion and Travel Times
Passenger Expenditures
Expenditures on Motor Vehicle Related Transportation
Prices Paid to Motor Vehicle Related Transportation
Costs of Owning and Operating Motor Vehicles
Average Airfare
Highest and Lowest Average Domestic Airfare by Origin Airport
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Impacts of Transportation
Energy Consumption and Prices
CHAPTER 3: Improving Transportation Statistics
Improving Transportation Statistics
Ensuring Information Quality
Improving Data Quality
Commodity Flow Survey
Freight Analysis Framework
Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey
Airline Information
Maritime Data
Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database
Distracted Driving
National Household Travel Survey
Geospatial Information Services
Transportation Services Index
National Transportation Library
International Data Exchanges
Transportation Research Board
Key Transportation Indicators
A. U.S. Social and Economic Characteristics
B. Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms
C. Glossary
D. Legislative Responsibilities, including Cross Reference
E. National Transportation Statistics List
F. Key Transportation Indicators List
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Professionals, faculty, and students are aware of the pressing need to integrate ecological principles into environmental design and planning education, but few materials exist to facilitate that development.
Ecology and Design addresses that shortcoming by articulating priorities and approaches for incorporating ecological principles in the teaching of landscape design and planning. The book explains why landscape architecture and design and planning faculty should include ecology as a standard part of their courses and curricula, provides insights on how that can be done, and offers models from successful programs. The book:
* examines the need for change in the education and practice of landscape architecture and in the physical planning and design professions as a whole
* asks what designers and physical planners need to know about ecology and what applied ecologists can learn from design and planning
* develops conceptual frameworks needed to realize an ecologically based approach to design and planning
* offers recommendations for the integration of ecology within a landscape architecture curriculum, as an example for other design fields such as civil engineering and architecture
* considers the implications for professional practice
* explores innovative approaches to collaboration among designers and ecologists
In addition to the editors, contributors include Carolyn Adams, Jack Ahern, Richard T. T. Forman, Michael Hough, James Karr, Joan Iverson Nassauer, David Orr, Kathy Poole, H. Ronald Pulliam, Anne Whiston Spirn, Sandra Steingraber, Carl Steinitz, Ken Tamminga, and William Wenk. Ecology and Design represents an important guidepost and source of ideas for faculty, students, and professionals in landscape architecture, urban design, planning and architecture, landscape ecology, conservation biology and restoration ecology, civil and environmental engineering, and related fields.
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