Footbridge Vibration Design presents new approaches, numerical tools and experimental tools for assessing and controlling pedestrian effects. Moreover, it includes a number of reference cases dealing with design and control. Focussed on the translation of these findings into practical recommendations, guidelines, codes and design tools for the design of new footbridges, it aims to set a standard for footbridge design. This book is intended for civil and mechanical engineers working on footbridges or related infrastructural projects.
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"The Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture" provides an introduction to the key elements of this broad field. It serves as a guide to the many specialisations complimentary to landscape architecture, such as landscape management and planning, and urban design. This book explains the process of designing for sites, including historical precedent, evolving philosophies, and how a project moves from concept to design to realisation.
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This text covers the basic techniques and applications of engineering economy for all disciplines in the engineering profession.
The writing style emphasizes brief, crisp coverage of the principle or technique discussed in order to reduce the time taken to present and grasp the essentials.
The objective of the text is to explain and demonstrate the principles and techniques of engineering economic analysis as applied in different fields of engineering. This brief text includes coverage of multiple attribute evaluation for instructors who want to include non-economic dimensions in alternative evaluation and the discussion of risk considerations in the appendix, compared to Blanks comprehensive text, where these topics are discussed in two unique chapters.
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I would like to request for the Australian standard AS/NZS 4600 (1996 or latest) and AS/NZS 4600 Supplement 1 (1998), for the design of cold formed steel structures...If anyone has a soft copy kindly share.
This International Standard specifies the requirements for water that is suitable for making concrete in accordance with ISO 22965 (all parts) and describes methods for assessing its suitability.
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Mike Sullivan’s time-tested approach focuses students on the fundamental skills they need for the course: preparing for class, practicing with homework, and reviewing the concepts. In the Ninth Edition, Trigonometry: A Unit Circle Approach has evolved to meet today’s course needs, building on these hallmarks by integrating projects and other interactive learning tools for use in the classroom or online.
New Internet-based Chapter Projects apply skills to real-world problems and are accompanied by assignable MathXL exercises to make it easier to incorporate these projects into the course. In addition, a variety of new exercise types, Showcase Examples, and video tutorials for MathXL exercises give instructors even more flexibility, while helping students build their conceptual understanding.
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Author: R. Bassi, S. K. Roy | Size: 13.15 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Whittles Pub | Year: September 2002 | pages: 253 | ISBN: 978-1870325820
In the field of construction, the maintenance and repair of concrete structures has become a core activity and the protection of concrete is thus of primary concern. Coatings for concrete should protect against corrosion of the reinforcement and against surface attack. This book addresses the whole subject in a practical way looking at the chemistry, applications and use of the major categories of coatings.
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AutoCAD 2011: A Problem-Solving Approach is the ideal book for a progression from the rudiments of AutoCAD to the advanced concepts of 3D modeling and customization. This is a comprehensive resource with problems in each chapter that will challenge you, whether you are a student or already a professional, to think beyond step-by-step approaches and will teach you the "whys" and "hows" behind using AutoCAD to solve drafting and design problems. Catering to the basic needs of beginners as well as to the advanced requirements of industry professionals, detailed explanations of AutoCAD 2011 commands and enhancements will enable you to take maximum advantage of Autodesk's newest and most essential software features.
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Excel spread sheets used in Design of Highways.
List of files:
1. Calculation Sheet for Ts, Es etc.
2. MX Input for Super Elevation (IRC & AASHTO).
3. MX Input for Super Elevation (IRC).
4. Set Back Distance calculation.
To be frank, this is my first post. Sorry if there is any violation of rules. Please let me know if any.
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