Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows, 1st edition
Author: P. A. Durbin & B. A. Pettersson Reif | Size: 5.50 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition | Year: 2001 | pages: 302 | ISBN: 0471497444 & 9780471497448
Product Description:
Most natural and industrial flows are turbulent. The atmosphere and oceans, automobile and aircraft engines, all provide examples of this ubiquitous phenomenon. In recent years, turbulence has become a very lively area of scientific research and application, and this work offers a grounding in the subject of turbulence, developing both the physical insight and the mathematical framework needed to express the theory. Providing a solid foundation in the key topics in turbulence, this valuable reference resource enables the reader to become a knowledgeable developer of predictive tools.
This central and broad ranging topic would be of interest to graduate students in a broad range of subjects, including aeronautical and mechanical engineering, applied mathematics and the physical sciences. The accompanying solutions manual to the text also makes this a valuable teaching tool for lecturers and for practising engineers and scientists in computational and experimental and experimental fluid dynamics.
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Current compaction practice Future practice
Modulus and dry density
Intelligent compaction
Non cylindrical roller compaction
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These are articles which appeared in ACI's Concrete International Magazine
Bar Detailing at Wall Openings
Battered Concrete Retaining Walls
Closure Strips and Lapped Reinforcement
CRSI Detailing Corner: Alternating Bar Sizes
CRSI Detailing Corner: Avoiding Ambiguous Reinforcing Bar Callouts
CRSI Detailing Corner: Concrete Cover at Rustications, Drip Grooves, and Formliners
CRSI Detailing Corner: Corner Details for Wall Horizontal Bars
CRSI Detailing Corner: Grade Beam Depth and Dowel Embedment
CRSI Detailing Corner: Reinforcing Bars Exceeding stock lengths; and RFI on Grade 40 Steel.
CRSI Detailing Corner: Using Standees
CRSI Detailing Corner: Wide Beam Stirrup Configurations
Curved-Bar Nodes
Detailing Concrete Columns
Detailing Corner RFIs 09-3, 09-4, and 09-5
Detailing Corner: Layering Reinforcing Bars
Joint Reinforcement Strut-and-Tie Model
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This is the proceedings from the ENUMATH 2009 conference in Uppsala, Sweden, in June 29- July 3, 2009, with about 100 papers by the invited speakers and the speakers in the minisymposia and contributed sessions. The volume gives an overview of contemporary techniques, algorithms and results in numerical mathematics, scientific computing and their applications. Examples of methods are finite element methods, multiscale methods, numerical linear algebra, and high performance computing algorithms applied to problems in fluid flow, materials, electromagnetic, and chemistry.
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This book provides comprehensive coverage of stress, defect formation and surface evolution in thin films. With its balanced coverage of theory, experiment and simulation and many homework problems, the text will be essential reading in senior undergraduate and graduate courses on thin films.
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Dear friends,
I would be glad if someone could share the paper by P. Marti,
‘Design of Concrete Slabs for Transverse Shear’,
ACI Structural Journal
March-April 1990.