Good Day Everyone,
Does anyone know how to import ETABS/SAP model in StaadPro.
I tried but the Global Axes of these softwares doesn't match which causes some problems...
I used ACAD which ultimately have same problem...
I used the following commands:
1- Run ETABS model
2- File --> Export --> CIS/2 .stp File
( A window open
Click-- *Export Member Load Only
Click-- *Export Analysis Result) "OK"
3- Open StaadPro, goto File --> Import --> click* CIS/2 --> set path to "Etabs .stp File"
4- click* Import Model
File Imports but with "No Loadings" and "No Frame Sections"
Although half of the work is done by this method but still if anyone works further on it then kindly share how to Import complete model with loadings and section selection (specially STEEL Sections)
The course book Technical English for Geosciences is a real gold mine for all – most especially students and lecturers – who need to enhance their command of the English language with the terminology of geosciences. Subjects from all branches and disciplines of geosciences are discussed: Applied Geology, Geotechnology/Geoengineering, Mineralogy, Hydrology, Mining and Rehabilitation, Meteorology, and Water and Waste Management – subjects which are closely related to Bachelor’s or Master’s degree studies. Texts are taken from various authentic material including advertisement brochures, scientific monographs or internet sources. Terminology is practiced through multiple tasks and interesting exercises. The book is meant for learning in classes as well as for self-study. A glossary and proposals for solutions are provided at the end of the book.
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Finite Element study on Oil Tank foundation system
Author: BUI THI YEN | Size: 4.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: National University of Singapore | Year: 2005
The thesis focuses on Oil tank foundation system. The finite element code PLAXIS and PLAXIS 3D Foundation were used for the numerical simulation. The research work is aimed at pursuing the objectives: (1) Numerical analysis for single pile, pile raft analysis and compare to some other established methods to validate the FEM program (2) Back analysis of the centrifuge data of 37 end-bearing pile group underneath the sand pad supporting a model oil tank.
The research work done can be summarized as: (1) Single pile was modeled in both 2D Axisymmetry using Plaxis v8 and 3D using Plaxis 3D Foundation. The results from both analyses are compared in order to check the accuracy of Plaxis 3D Foundation program. Plaxis 3D Foundation also is validated in prediction behavior of a piled raft with 6 other established methods (2) numerical analyses to study the effect of pile cap area, thickness of overlying granular material, number of piles, and stiffness of bed layer of a pile foundation system supporting an oil tank over soft clay. The load distribution among piles, the load transfer characteristics, the maximum settlement, the differential settlement, the shape of settlement and the arching in soil are investigated in each case study. The results are compared to centrifuge data.
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If anyone has the book "Design for manufacture guidelines" published by CIMSteel, please share.
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Author: William W. Jenkinson, Manager, Airport Technology | Size: 1.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: BOEING | Year: 1998 | pages: 137
This document presents methods that can be used by an airport authority to determine Pavement Classification Numbers for both flexible and rigid pavements. The techniques that are recommended are based on the ICAO ACN/PCN method as published in Annex 14. This includes simplified procedures based on using aircraft, as well as a more complex technical analysis that embody pavement characteristics and the traffic mix. The comprehensive methods described in this document are presented in a step-by-step approach, and many examples are included to help explain the processes. Discussion of aircraft loading in excess of the published PCN is based on an extension of the basic ICAO ACN/PCN method of pavement overloading. These procedures will allow the airport authority to assess the impact of individual aircraft overloads, as well as continuous overloading by a fleet of aircraft. Methods are presented that can be used to convert common rating systems such as FAA, LCN, and LCG to a PCN. A complete description of the ACN/PCN procedure as presented in the ICAO Annex 14 is provided.
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Despite traffic circles, four-way stop signs, lights regulated by timers or sensors, and other methods, the management of urban intersections remains problematic. Consider that transportation systems have all the features of so-called complex systems: the great number of state and control variables, the presence of uncertainty and indeterminism, the complex interactions between subsystems, the necessity to optimize several optimization criteria, and active behavior of the controlled process, to name just a few. Therefore, a mathematical approach to these systems can resolve their complex issues more elegantly than other methods.
Addressing both efficiency and traffic safety issues, Optimal Traffic Control: Urban Intersections examines the traffic control optimization problem and presents a novel solution method. Using an approach based on control theory, graph theory, and combinatorial optimization, the authors derive a full mathematical description of the traffic control problem and enumerate all combinatorial aspects. The result is a set of algorithmic solutions to various problems along with computer implementation that you can incorporate into real traffic control systems for immediate results. The book concludes by evaluating how the choice of a complete set of signal groups influences intersection performance.
Although modern cities throughout the world have a unique character influenced by culture, geography, and population, most of them share one main feature: busy intersections and the issue of controlling the traffic traveling through them. The development of information technologies, especially computer and telecommunications techniques, has changed the complexity of the problem and influenced the development of new solutions. Clearly stating the issues and presenting a possible solution, this book shows you how to take full advantage of all the capabilities of microprocessor-based traffic signal controllers.
About the Author
Institute MIHAILO PUPIN, Belgrade, Serbia Institute MIHAILO PUPIN, Belgrade, Serbia Institute MIHAILO PUPIN, Belgrade, Serbia
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This report contains an evaluation of the effect of high-performance concrete on the cost and structural performance of bridges constructed with high-performance concrete bridge decks and high-strength concrete girders. Bridge designers and owners are the main audience.
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Fundamental Period of Vibration for reinforced concrete building
Author: Martha D Morales | Size: 2.67 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: University of Ottawa
Thesis from University of Ottawa
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