On 12 July 2007 the Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA) will issue a
revised edition of the “Schedules of Dayworks Carried out Incidental to Contract
Work”. The new edition, replacing the previous Schedules issued in 2002, is the
publication referred to in the ICE Conditions of Contract to assist pricing of work
undertaken on a daywork basis where no other schedules are included with contract
documentation. Rates and prices included in the Schedules apply to work carried out
on a daywork basis on or after the date of publication. All plant rates have been recalculated to better reflect current costs which contractors expend in carrying out
additional work on a labour, plant and material basis.
The “bible” of the water quality industry – updated to reflect the latest trends, technologies, and regulations
Operations of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants— MOP 11 is the industry flagship book, focusing on the operation and maintenance of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Presented in three shrinkwrapped, hardcover volumes, this classic resource incorporates the experiences, best practices, and innovations from thousands of wastewater plants. Taken as a whole, these three volumes represent the most complete package of information available to the wastewater treatment industry.
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MACROSEISMIC INTENSITY SCALE Classifications used in the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS)
Size: 3.3 MB | Format:PDF | pages: 82
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In this volume scientists and researchers from industry discuss the new trends in simulation and computing shell-like structures. The focus is put on the following problems: new theories (based on two-dimensional field equations but describing non-classical effects), new constitutive equations (for materials like sandwiches, foams, etc. and which can be combined with the two-dimensional shell equations), complex structures (folded, branching and/or self intersecting shell structures, etc.) and shell-like structures on different scales (for example: nano-tubes) or very thin structures (similar to membranes, but having a compression stiffness). In addition, phase transitions in shells and refined shell thermodynamics are discussed. The chapters of this book are the most exciting contributions presented at the EUROMECH 527 Colloquium “Shell-like structures: Non-classical Theories and Applications” held in Wittenberg, Germany.
Related subjects » Characterization & Evaluation of Materials - Computational Science & Engineering - Mechanics
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Author: Andrew Stoddard, Jon B. Harcum, Jonathan T. Simpson, James R. Pagenkopf, Robert K. Bastia | Size: 6.5 Mb MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. | Year: Feb 19, 2010 | pages: 646 | ISBN: 0471243604
Complete with end-of-chapter summaries and conclusions, Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Evaluating Improvements in National Water Quality is an essential book for engineers, scientists, regulators, and consultants involved in water quality management and wastewater treatment, as well as students of environmental engineering, environmental science, and public policy
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I am currently looking for a book from knovel.com. For those that have access, please kindly help to share it with us. The details are:
Title:Stability and Safety of Ships - Risk of Capsizing (2nd Edition)
Publisher:Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)
Electronic ISBN:978-1-61583-303-0
No. Pages:459
Author/Editor:By: Belenky, Vadim; Sevastianov, Nikita B.
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Author: Ir. J.F. Denoël | Size: 3.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Federation of Belgian Cement Industry | Year: 2007 | pages: 90 | ISBN: 2960043030
The document:
- introduces the basic concepts used to discuss fire and fire safety;
- describes the notion of fire risk;
- demystifies terms such as active protection and Fire Safety Engineering;
- puts the regulations into context;
- describes the behaviour of concrete and steel materials during and after a fire;
- shows that concrete integrated into a structure in the form of reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete or masonry gives such structures remarkable fire resistance and good prospects for renovation after fire.
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The book investigates how, and which, forgiving road environments (FOR) and self-explaining road measures (SER) will contribute to increasing road safety and also increase network efficiency on the road.
It presents both the general approach and the methodology for generating the possible FOR and SER measures. The book further discusses the prioritization and the testing methodologies, as well as the designing VMS methodology.
The next parts of the book present a few important examples: lane departure warning systems; intelligent speed adaptation systems and perception enhancement studies; designs of European pictorial signs, e.g. for VMS but also examples of designs of European road wordings; and finally how personalization can take place of VMS signs and wordings for the individual driver.
The last part shows the final evaluation of FOR and SER, and detailed Multiple Criterion Analysis and Cost Benefit Analyses are performed on a number of FOR and SER measures. This results in the development of a set of guidelines, conclusions and recommendations for the future.
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Origin is a software application with tools for data analysis, publication-quality graphing, and programming. OriginPro offers all of the features of Origin plus extended analysis tools.
About Company
OriginLab publishes graphing and data analysis software. Our products provide a comprehensive solution for scientists and engineers who need to analyze, graph, and professionally present data. We have two offices in Massachusetts; our corporate headquarters is located in Northampton and our development office is located in Wellesley Hills. OriginLab also has a subsidiary in Guangzhou China to offer support during business hours in Europe and Asia.
Our main product, Origin, has been growing in popularity among scientists and engineers since 1991. Origin is available in English, German and Japanese and is used in a wide array of corporations, government agencies, colleges and universities worldwide. Along with its easy-to-use graphical interface, Origin offers intuitive, yet powerful, tools for the daily needs of the researcher. Origin's point-and-click interfaces allow you to start using it right out of the box, yet its wide range of advanced features will provide for your growing needs.
About OriginPro 8.5
OriginPro offers all of the features of Origin plus extended analysis tools in the following areas:
- Peak Fitting
The Peak Analyzer tool in OriginPro provides the additional capability of finding and fitting multiple peaks in your spectra. Baseline anchor points can be customized and fit with a suitable fitting function, and the baseline fitting can be included as part of the final peak fitting process. A detailed Fit Control dialog is provided to control all aspects of peak fitting including mixed peak functions, peak centers and widths, sharing parameters, and imposing bounds and linear constraints on parameters. Graphical as well as tabular results are generated as part of the final fit report.
- Surface Fitting
OriginPro can fit a 3D surface to XYZ data points. The surface and data points can be displayed together, including droplines from the points to the surface.
- Statistics
OriginPro expands on the statistical analysis capabilities of Origin by providing additional tools in Descriptive Statistics, Discrete Frequency counting, normality tests, correlation analysis, one-way and two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA, many nonparametric tests such as Friedman ANOVA and Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and Mann-Whitney Test, Survival Analysis tools including Weibull Fit and Cox Proprotional Hazard Model, ROC Curves, and Power and Sample Size tests.
- Signal Processing
Advanced signal processing features in OriginPro include Short-Time FFT (STFT), Hilbert Transform, Coherence, 2D FFT and 2D FFT-based Filtering, 2D Correlation, and Wavelet analysis.
- Image Handling
OriginPro offers more ways to handle your image data, including alpha blending, pixel logic, morphological filtering, and interpolated background subtraction.
- Analytical Power
With so much analytical power, OriginPro is the software of choice for those who want a single data analysis and graphing solution.
If old version is installed on your system, uninstall the old version first
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How Structures Work:
Design and Behaviour from Bridges to Buildings
Author: David Yeomans
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, 2009
ISBN: 1405190175, 9781405190176
Length: 248 pages
Pdf: 14.4 mb Pdf Quality Condition: 8 points (over 10), scanned copy
The alliance between architecture and structural engineering is fundamental to the design of the buildings and bridges around us. Anyone who needs or wants to “understand” a building must have a good understanding of the structural concepts involved. Yet “structure” is often cloaked in mathematics – which many find difficult to get to grips with.
How Structures Work has been written to explain the behaviour of structures in a clear way without resorting to complex mathematics. Using the minimum of mathematics it explains the structural concepts clearly, illustrated by many historical and contemporary examples, allowing readers to build up a general understanding of structures. In this way they can easily comprehend the structural aspects of buildings for themselves.
Primarily aimed at students who require a good qualitative understanding of the behaviour of structures and their materials, it will be of particular interest to students of architecture and building surveying, plus architectural historians and conservationists. The straightforward, non-mathematical approach ensures it will also be suitable for a wider audience including building administrators, archaeologists and the interested layman.
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