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Autodesk Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2012 x32/x64
Size: 1.96 GB
Multilingual (US, FR, IT, RU, ES, PL, BR, CN, JP)
Autodesk Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional software provides structural engineers with advanced building analysis capabilities for large and complex structures. The structural analysis software offers a smoother workflow and interoperability with Autodesk® Revit® Structure software to extend the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process, enabling engineers to more quickly perform comprehensive analysis of a variety of structures.
NEW - The options available in the typical reinforcement dialog boxes are now the same in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2012 and the Autodesk Revit Extensions for Autodesk Revit Structure 2012 software.
Columns—Define new types of transversal reinforcement using typical arrangements of bars for a specified number of main bars.
Beams—Create lap splices for the main reinforcement of a beam. This ability allows for the correct generation of reinforcement, which takes into account commercial lengths of reinforcing bars and correct distribution of lap splices in the element.
Go to the Products page of Autodesk and Select Robot, register (you can use fake details), install and run Akamai's Download Manager (online) and download the trial version (the same as final). Extract the file (need a long time) and install Robot. Use 547D1 key with 666-69696969 or other known serial number. The x-force key generator will complete the activation. You can burn the expanded content and use the DVD for installing. Installed in Windows 7 x64 and Windows 7 x32 but in x64 exits after a few seconds (maybe a problem with my system). Doesn't includes Libraries for Spreadsheet Calculations (the free ones).
For Robot™ Extension Extensions Spreadsheet Calculator additionally Microsoft® Office Excel® 2003 or later, 32-bit.
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Go to the Products page of Autodesk and Select Robot, register (you can use fake details), install and run Akamai's Download Manager (online) and download the trial version (the same as final). Extract the file (need a long time) and install Robot. Use 547D1 keu with 666-69696969 or other known serial number. The x-force key generator will complete the activation.You can burn the expanded content and use the DVD for installing.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
During the past several decades, the manufacturing and service industries significantly increased their levels of productivity, quality, and profitability through the application of process improvement techniques and information technology. Unfortunately, the construction industry lags far behind in the application of performance improvement and optimization techniques, as well as its overall competitiveness. Written by Lincoln H. Forbes and Syed M. Ahmed, both highly regarded for leadership and innovation, Modern Construction: Lean Project Delivery and Integrated Practices offers cutting-edge lean tools and other productive strategies for the management of people and processes in the construction industry.
Drs. Forbes and Ahmed focus mainly on lean construction methodologies, such as The Last Planner® System, The Lean Project Delivery System , and Integrated Project Delivery. The tools and strategies offered draw on the success of the world-renowned Toyota Production System (TPS) adapted to the construction environment by construction professionals and researchers involved in developing and advocating lean construction methods. The book also discusses why true lean construction can best occur when all the construction stakeholders, owners, designers, constructors, and material suppliers are committed to the concept of optimizing the flow of activities holistically while de-emphasizing their self-interest.
The authors also reintroduce process improvement approaches such as TQM and Six Sigma as a foundation for the adoption of lean methodologies, and demonstrate how these methods can improve projects in a so-called traditional environment. The book integrates these methods with emerging interest in "green construction" and the use of information technology and Building Information Modeling (BIM), while recognizing the human element in relation to motivation, safety, and environmental stresses. Written specifically for professionals in an industry that desperately needs to play catch up, the book delineates cutting-edge approaches with the benefit of successful cases and explains how their deployment can improve construction performance and competitiveness.
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Do you own a TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92 Plus, or a Voyage 200 graphing calculator? If you do, or if you need to get one for school or your job, then you need to know how it works and how to make the most of its functions.
TI-89 For Dummies is the plain-English nuts-and-bolts guide that gets you up and running on all the things your TI-89 can do, quickly and easily. This hands-on reference guides you step by step through various tasks and even shows you how to add applications to your calculator. Soon you’ll have the tools you need to:
Solve equations and systems of equations
Factor polynomials
Evaluate derivatives and integrals
Graph functions, parametric equations, polar equations, and sequences
Create Stat Plots and analyze statistical data
Multiply matrices
Solve differential equations and systems of differential equations
Transfer files between two or more calculators
Save calculator files on your computer
Packed with exciting and valuable applications that you can download from the Internet and install through your computer, as well as common errors and messages with explanations and solutions, TI-89 For Dummies is the one-stop reference for all your graphing calculator questions!
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The prediction of earthquakes is becoming more and more important and for almost twenty years the earthquake prone area of South Iceland has been a major research target in the framework of an international project on earthquake risk mitigation.Geodynamically, Iceland is the most active region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), where earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are frequent and the boundary conditions related to plate tectonics are relatively simple. High quality monitoring networks were therefore installed there in the last few years and much data was collected before and after two big earthquakes in 2000. The main objective of the first large scale cooperation on the SIL project in 1988 was to construct an automatic seismic evaluation system to make use of information which is carried almost continuously by microearthquakes from the earthquake zone. Such small earthquakes, down to magnitude zero, provide the most detailed space-time information of active faults, stresses, fracture criticality and stability in the crust. More projects followed, with a broader observational basis, to study the physics of the tectonic processes.Professor Ragnar Stefánsson is preeminently qualified to write this book since he initiated and led the build up of geohazard monitoring systems in Iceland, providing hazard analysis, assessements and warnings. From 1966 to 2003 he was head of the Department of Geophysics of the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO), he was then head of IMO's Research Unit at the University of Akureyrifrom 2004 until 2005, and since January 2006, he has been Professor at the Universit of Akueryri. Between 1987 and 2005 he lead several mulitdisciplinary European projects in the field of earthquake prediction research.
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The objective of this book is to fill some of the gaps in the existing engineering codes and standards related to soil dynamics, concerning issues in earthquake engineering and ground vibrations, by using formulas and hand calculators. The usefulness and accuracy of the simple analyses are demonstrated by their implementation to the case histories available in the literature. Ideally, the users of the volume will be able to comment on the analyses as well as provide more case histories of simple considerations by publishing their results in a number of international journals and conferences. The ultimate aim is to extend the existing codes and standards by adding new widely accepted analyses in engineering practice. The following topics have been considered in this volume: main ground motion sources and properties typical ground motion recording and ground investigations soil properties used in simple analyses fast slope sliding in non-liquefied soil. Audience:This book is of interest to geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, earthquake engineers and students.
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