Journal: Shock and Vibration
Publisher: IOS Press
ISSN: 1070-9622 (Print), 1875-9203 (Online)
Subject: Engineering and Technology, Civil and Structural Engineering and Electromagnetics and Mechanics
Issue: Volume 10, Number 1/2003
Pages: 1-13
Subject Group: Engineering and Technology
Online Date: Wednesday, January 01, 2003
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Dear All,
I am looking for this article and would be appreciated if you could share it with us. The article details are as follows:
Title:Iso-response Analysis of Blast Loaded Stiffened Plates
Author:J. Jiang, M. D. Olson
Journal:Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
page: 247-255
Date:May 1993
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The subject of 'drainage: draining the water off' is as important as 'irrigation: application of water', if not more. 'Drainage' has a deep impact on food security, agricultural activity, hygiene and sanitation, municipal usage, land reclamation and usage, flood and debris flow control, hydrological disaster management, ecological and environmental balance, and water resource management. 'Drainage Systems' provides the reader with a tri-dimensional expose of drainage in terms of sustainable systems, surface drainage and subsurface drainage. Ten eminent authors and their colleagues with varied technical backgrounds and experiences from around the world have dealt with extensive range of issues concerning the drainage phenomenon. Field engineers, hydrologists, academics and graduate students will find this book equally benefitting.
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Applied Groundwater Modeling: Simulation of Flow and Advective Transport
Author: Mary P. Anderson, William W. Woessner | Size: 185 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Academic Press, Inc., USA | Year: December 25, 1991 | pages: 381 | ISBN: 0120594854
Book Description:
Creating numerical groundwater models of field problems requires careful attention to describing the problem domain, selecting boundary conditions, assigning model parameters, and calibrating the model. This unique text describes the science and art of applying numerical models of groundwater flow and advective transport of solutes.
Key Features
* Explains how to formulate a conceptual model of a system and how to translate it into a numerical model
* Includes the application of modeling principles with special attention to the finite difference flow codes PLASM and MODFLOW, and the finite-element code AQUIFEM-1
* Covers model calibration, verification, and validation
* Discusses pathline analysis for tracking contaminants with reference to newly developed particle tracking codes
* Makes extensive use of case studies and problems
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This is a rare and very useful book for Civil Engineers who are working in groundwater modeling. This book is scanned from a photocopy book by me. Some pages in the end of book is in reverse direction and quality is not bad to read the book.
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Based on a numerical study by means of three-dimensional finite-element analysis, this paper discusses investigations of the bearing behavior of piled rafts in overconsolidated clay. It is shown that the interaction between piles and rafts is a major influence. The potential savings of an optimized foundation design are demonstrated for a simple example.
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If anybody has anything of this ones:
Poulos HG. Piled raft and compensated piled raft foundations for soft soil sites.
Advances on designing and testing deep foundations. Geotech Spec Publ
(ASCE) 2005;129:214–35.
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Reul O. Numerical study of the bearing behavior of piled rafts. Int J Geomech
(ASCE) 2004;4(2):59–68.
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Yamashita K, Yamada T, Kakurai M. Simplified method for analyzing piled raft
foundations. In: 3rd international geotechnical seminar on deep foundation on
bored and auger piles; 1998. p. 457–64.
Abstract : Presents information on a study which investigated the resistance of model pile groups to lateral loads in Chennai, India. Methodology; Results and discussion.
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This paper presents the results of a study on the effect of pile diameter on the initial modulus of subgrade reaction. A series of ambient and impact vibration tests were performed on four different diameters of cast-in-drilled-hole piles to determine the natural frequencies and damping of the soil-pile systems. The measured natural frequencies were then compared with those estimated from a numerical model. The soil springs in the numerical model were established by implementing two different concepts on initial modulus of subgrade reaction. One is based on Terzaghi’s concept in which the modulus of subgrade reaction is independent of pile diameter. The other was based on recent research suggesting that the initial modulus of subgrade reaction may be linearly proportional to pile diameter. It was found that the measured natural frequencies were in good agreement with the computed ones when the diameter-independent modulus of subgrade reaction was employed. In addition, the test results show that the damping ratio of the system varied with pile diameter from 3% for 0.4-m pile to 25% for 1.2-m pile.
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Several methods are available for predicting the ultimate lateral resistance to piles in cohesionless soils. However, these methods often produce significantly different ultimate resistance values. This makes it difficult for practicing engineers to effectively select the appropriate method when designing laterally loaded piles in cohesionless soils. By analyzing the lateral soil resistance distribution along the width of the pile and based on the test results of model rigid piles in cohesionless soils collected from the published literature, a simple method is proposed for calculating the ultimate lateral resistance (including frontal soil resistance and side shear resistance) to piles in cohesionless soils. The calculated ultimate lateral resistance from the proposed method agrees well with that obtained from centrifugal tests of flexible model piles. Predicting the lateral load capacity of laboratory and field rigid test piles in cohesionless soils using the proposed method also yields satisfactory results.
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