Geological Storage of CO2: Modeling Approaches for Large-Scale Simulation
Author: Jan Martin Nordbotten, Michael A. Celia | Size: 2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2012 | pages: 243 | ISBN: 0470889462
Despite the large research effort in both public and commercial companies, no textbook has yet been written on this subject. This book aims to provide an overview to the topic of Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS), while at the same time focusing on the dominant processes and the mathematical and numerical methods that need to be employed in order to analyze the relevant systems. The book clearly states the carbon problem and the role of CCS and carbon storage. Thereafter, it provides an introduction to single phase and multi-phase flow in porous media, including some of the most common mathematical analysis and an overview of numerical methods for the equations. A considerable part of the book discusses the appropriate scales of modeling, and how to formulate consistent governing equations at these scales. The book also illustrates real world data sets and how the ideas in the book can be exploited through combinations of analytical and numerical approaches.
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Urban Design in the Real Estate Development Process
Author: Steve Tiesdell and David Adams | Size: 23.8 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell | Year: 2011 | pages: 344 | ISBN: 1405192194
Urban design enables better places to be created for people and is thus seen in Urban Design in the Real Estate Development Process as a place-making activity, rather than the application of architectural aesthetics. Urban design policy can change the ‘decision environment’ of developers, financiers, designers and other actors in the real estate development process to make them take place-making more seriously.
This book reports diverse international experience from Europe and North America on the role and significance of urban design in the real estate development process and explores how higher quality development and better places can be achieved through public policy.
The book is focused on four types of policy tool or instrument that have been deployed to promote better urban design: those that seek to shape, to regulate or to provide stimulus to real estate markets, along with those that aim to build
capacity. Urban design is therefore seen as a form of public policy that seeks to steer real estate development towards policy-shaped rather than market-led outcomes. The editors set the examples, case studies and evidence from
international contributors within a substantive discussion of the impact of urban design policy tools and actions in specific development contexts.
Contributions from leading urban design theorists and practitioners explore how:
Masterplanning and infrastructure provision encourage high quality design
Design codes reconcile developers’ needs for certainty and flexibility
Clear policy combined with firm regulation can transform developer behaviour
Intelligent parcelisation can craft the character of successful new urban districts
Powerful real estates’ interests can capture regulatory initiatives
Stimulus instruments can encourage good design
Development competitions need careful management
Design review can foster developer commitment to design excellence
• Speculative housebuilders respond in varied ways to the brownfield design challenge
Physical-financial models could help in assessing the benefits of design investment
Urban design can add value to the benefit of developers and cities as a whole
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Despite our growing awareness of the vital role they play in the global environment, wetlands remain among the most endangered ecosystems on Earth and are still being destroyed and degraded at an alarming rate. This much-needed publication, which includes contributions from leading researchers and practitioners, presents a holistic perspective on the restoration of wetland ecosystems such as shallow lakes, streams, floodplains and bogs. Through the use of carefully chosen case studies, the authors examine European wetland restoration projects from Scandinavia to Bulgaria and from Ireland to Belarus, focusing on the lessons they can teach to a new generation of conservationists. As well as reviewing the sum of current knowledge on the subject, the text is a store of practical know-how, covering a wide range of conservation approaches and techniques. It analyzes the major problems in the field and identifies key principles for achieving sustainability in wetland restoration.
The topics covered include:
the role of wetlands in landscape functioning
human interference with natural processes such as water and matter cycles and energy dissipation
the impact of land use on global problems such as climate change, floods and droughts
the role played by diversity in wetland functioning
The work shows that without sustainable land use over the totality of their catchment areas, and without cohesive inter-agency cooperation, individual restoration projects will have a short life span. The balance between scientific background and practical restoration makes this book a valuable resource for scientists as well as wetland managers, decision makers and land use planners, as well as students of ecology, nature conservation and environmental protection.
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Author: Rubin Shmulsky, P. David Jones | Size: 18.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell | Year: 2011 | pages: 496 | ISBN: 081382074X
Forest Products and Wood Science: An Introduction, Sixth Edition is a streamlined and updated version of this venerable wood science text. The sixth edition maintains key areas of coverage within the wood science discipline including characteristics and structure of wood, applications and performance capabilities of forest products, and the environmental implications of the use of wood-based materials. The material has been revised to maximize its use for students and wood science professionals.
The sixth edition builds on the strengths of earlier editions by providing readers with a comprehensive overview of the anatomical and physical nature of wood and the relationship of these characteristics to its use as an industrial raw material. Also the text includes expanded coverage of environmental issues, biomass, and bioenergy. New online offerings, in-depth tables and review aids, have been added to make the text even more user-friendly.
Forest Products and Wood Science: An Introduction, Sixth Edition will be a valuable resource for training the next generation of foresters, architects, timber engineers, environmental professionals, biopolymer and bioenergy scientists, as well as forest products and wood science professionals while also serving as timely reference for those currently working in the field.
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Do you want to perform earthquake analyses according to design codes or just in order to verify your structure? The current article describes in great detail two different approaches; the static (response specter) and the transient approach
Earthquake analyses can be performed by applying different procedures. The most popular procedure is the Response Spectrum analysis (RS-analysis). The RS-analysis is cheap to use in terms of numerical costs as it is based on modal results. However, the spectrum solution can only show positive results, i.e. positive stresses and strains, as it only records the maximum amplitudes for each mode and the superposition of these results in turn will give the positive results.
Another procedure is to perform a full transient analysis of the earthquake. Such analyses are computational expensive. However, they will give results based on the dynamic equation of equilibrium and hence both positive (tensile) and negative (compressive) stress results will be reported for the full length of the earthquake. In this tutorial a shell structure will be used to show how such analysis can be run in ANSYS Workbench.
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The primary objective of this project was to develop a manual, for consideration and adoption by AASHTO, that provides step-by-step procedures for the following:
1. Assessing the condition of reinforced concrete bridge superstructure elements subjected to corrosion-induced deterioration.
2. Predicting the remaining service life of such elements.
3. Quantifying the service life extension for such elements expected from alternative maintenance and repair options.
The scope of work for this project was limited to bridge superstructure elements reinforced with black reinforcing steel and, to some extent, epoxy-coated reinforcing steel. It did not include prestressed concrete elements and other modified steels.
This manual is targeted toward engineers and maintenance personnel charged with maintaining the bridge structures.
This manual can be used by state and other highway agencies and adopted with or without modifications as guidelines for use within the organization.
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This major textbook provides comprehensive coverage of the analytical tools required to determine the dynamic response of structures. The topics covered include: formulation of the equations of motion for single- as well as multi-degree-of-freedom discrete systems using the principles of both vector mechanics and analytical mechanics; free vibration response; determination of frequencies and mode shapes; forced vibration response to harmonic and general forcing functions; dynamic analysis of continuous systems;and wave propagation analysis.
The key assets of the book include comprehensive coverage of both the traditional and state-of-the-art numerical techniques of response analysis, such as the analysis by numerical integration of the equations of motion and analysis through frequency domain. The large number of illustrative examples and exercise problems are of great assistance in improving clarity and enhancing reader comprehension.
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Various approaches to good construction practices that could improve the installation of transmission line structure foundations are presented. Spread foundations, drilled shaft foundations, pile foundations, and anchors are treated. This guide is intended to be used as a reference source for those involved in the ownership, design, and construction of transmission structures.
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Hardcover: 295 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc (1980)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470268395
ISBN-13: 978-0470268391 i thank you all in anticipation