This book provides a systematic, modern introduction to solid mechanics that is carefully motivated by realistic Engineering applications. Based on 25 years of teaching experience, Raymond Parnes uses a wealth of examples and a rich set of problems to build the reader's understanding of the scientific principles, without requiring 'higher mathematics'.
Highlights of the book include
* The use of modern SI units throughout
* A thorough presentation of the subject stressing basic unifying concepts
* Comprehensive coverage, including topics such as the behaviour of materials on a phenomenological level.
* Over 600 problems, many of which are designed for solving with MATLAB, MAPLE or MATHEMATICA.
Solid Mechanics in Engineering is designed for 2-semester courses in Solid Mechanics or Strength of Materials taken by students in Mechanical, Civil or Aeronautical Engineering and Materials Science and may also be used for a first-year graduate program.
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Posted by: didie - 03-05-2012, 06:46 AM - Forum: Archive
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I'm looking for the folllowing handbook :
HB 28-1997 : The design of residential slabs and footings
Note this Handbook provides information and photographs to reliably identify the characteristics of a house or building site to enable a footing system to be designed. This Handbook is a self contained explanatory text though many references are made to AS 2870-1996, Residential slabs and footings Construction. The Handbook takes into account footings system alternatives, house loading; displacement sensitivity, design philosophy, soil structure interaction and house building practice.
If you have the above handbook please share it with us.
Seismic retrofitting of structures: Strategies and collection of examples in Switzerland
Author: N.A. | Size: 4.9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Federal Office for the Environment FOEN | Year: 2008 | pages: 84 | ISBN: N.A.
This publication provides a detailed insight in the problematic of the seismic retrofitting of existing structures. The presentation of 24 examples of seismic retrofitting projects in Switzerland illustrates the different possible strategies and gives suggestions and decision criteria on how to handle the complex problem of the seismic safety of existing structures. The publication is primarily aimed at structural engineers, but architects, building owners and homeowners will also find valuable information on the management of earthquake risk for existing structures.
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Author: Matthew L. Camilleri | Size: 3.8 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Nova Science Publishers | Year: 2010 | pages: 135 | ISBN: 1616689870
Structural analysis comprises the set of physical laws and mathematics required to study and predict the behaviour of structures. This book gathers and presents current research in the field of structural analysis across a broad spectrum of topics. Discussions in this compilation include: evaluating seismic safety using non-linear structural analysis; a structural analysis of how art is made; the structure and function of vegetal ecosystems in semiarid regions of North-eastern Mexico; using a covariance structural analysis as a method for supporting efforts to improve employee motivation; and, a method for solving linear algebraic equation sets in FE analysis software.
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Dear All,
I am looking for this article and would appreciate if you can share it with us. The article details are as follows:
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Following the same format as the highly successful Volume 1, Volume 2 applies the principles of deformation to the analysis of folds and fractures. There are 13 sessions, each providing 3 hours of practical work and problems. The problems are well-illustrated with photographs and drawings, and the solutions are discussed in detail. All the sessions are drawn from actual geological examples and are extensively illustrated with photographs taken in the field and with micrographs, giving students a feeling for what actually occurs in nature.
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Modern Structural Geology, Volume 3 gives a practical introduction to how mathematical tools (continuum mechanics) can be used to model geological structures (i.e., naturally deformed rocks).
It provides a strong emphasis on the application of mathematics to solving real geological problems.
This is the third volume of a highly successful textbook series. It sets out in detail many fundamental and modern research techniques, some for the first time.
It is richly illustrated with photographs and diagrams of naturally deformed rocks. Very few books in the field contain even a fraction of this illustrative material.
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Posted by: lisine - 03-03-2012, 11:27 AM - Forum: Drawings
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Multi Purpose Center Usce - Belgarde Serbia - Architectural drawing
» Introduction
The first regional shopping centre feature 130,000 square metres of gross buildable space in one of the best locations in the city, which could be labelled the very heart of the city. The intention of MPC Properties was to create a modern and sophisticated atmosphere where shopping, entertainment, and business can be combined.
Over 160 exclusive stores from famous domestic and foreign brands is located in the shopping centre. Many of these brands are making their first appearance on the Serbian market. Furthermore, the supermarket have over 4,000 square metres of space. At such a convenient location, this supermarket is attractive to shoppers from both sides of river.
Restaurants and bars occupy approximately 1,000 square metres of space and they offer a completely different concept from that is usually offered in large shopping centres. In addition, the Usce Shopping Centre have a multiplex cinema with 11 theatre halls. This combination makes the Usce Shopping Centre a unique destination that offers an amazing mix of shopping and entertainment.
» Investor
Investor of this project is MPC Properties", investing 150 million euro in this object.
» Location
The project is located in blok 16 in New Belgrade-Serbia, direct to Usce Tower. Tower building (in the background) is separate project made in 1970someting.
» Deadlines
Construction started in 2006, finished in 2009.
Google maps location
On following web page you can find pictures of construction process.
From empty piece of land (September 28th, 2006) to opening day (March 31th, 2009).
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30.6MB zip file / no pass / dwg drawings have marks and comments in Serbian language
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Posted by: hp_logger - 03-03-2012, 04:38 AM - Forum: Archive
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I would like to request for Rita's Mulcahy's PMP Exam Guide 6th ed.
If you also have Andy Crowe’s The PMP Exam: How to Pass on Your First Try Guide, please share it.