Selecting and bringing together matter provided by specialists, this project offers comprehensive information on particular cases of heat exchangers. The selection was guided by actual and future demands of applied research and industry, mainly focusing on the efficient use and conversion energy in changing environment. Beside the questions of thermodynamic basics, the book addresses several important issues, such as conceptions, design, operations, fouling and cleaning of heat exchangers. It includes also storage of thermal energy and geothermal energy use, directly or by application of heat pumps. The contributions are thematically grouped in sections and the content of each section is introduced by summarising the main objectives of the encompassed chapters. The book is not necessarily intended to be an elementary source of the knowledge in the area it covers, but rather a mentor while pursuing detailed solutions of specific technical problems which face engineers and technicians engaged in research and development in the fields of heat transfer and heat exchangers.
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This text is a comprehensive, stand alone reference for project management scheduling. It features a unique combination of principles/fundamentals of scheduling and project management along with practical applications and tutorials of the 4 most common scheduling software programs–Microsoft Project, Primavera Project Planner (P3), SureTrak, P6 Project Manager and Contractor. Having scheduling information and software instructions in one book obviates the need for two texts, and the exercises and examples in the scheduling portion are tied to the same exercises in the software portions.
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Hi fellow CivilEAns,
I have not been so active for quite some time now. The problem is that I am down here in Africa and internet services are a big issue. Fortunately, we are catching up and hopefully I will be of help again to the forum, esp in the problems section. Thanks to the moderators, the donors, the Admin in particular and ALL for keeping the forum alive and on top! I miss the discussions and their fruits a lot.
eries/doc. No Publication Publication CS136
Year 2002
Abstract Outlines the principles underlying the successful use of concrete construction in the Arabian Peninsula. The extreme environment, and the geological and geomorphological conditions, are discussed in relation to these principles. Provides guidance on the materials available. Covers site operations and guidance on mix design. Also includes data on local climate and formwork pressures.
History Published in collaboration with CIRIA and is also known as CIRIA Publication C577. Edited by Mike Walker. Supersedes Special Publication 31, 'Guide to concrete construction in the Gulf region' (1984).
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Outlines the principles underlying the successful use of concrete construction in the Arabian Peninsula. The extreme environment, and the geological and geomorphological conditions, are discussed in relation to these principles. Provides guidance on the materials available. Covers site operations and guidance on mix design. Also includes data on local climate and formwork pressures.
History Published in collaboration with CIRIA and is also known as CIRIA Publication C577. Edited by Mike Walker. Supersedes Special Publication 31, 'Guide to concrete construction in the Gulf region' (1984).
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In any major heavy construction venture, overall planning, satisfactory maintenance of equipment, and efficient project management clearly play key roles. This third edition coherently sets out the considerations inherent in all aspects of these themes, and more. It contains sections on:
- project management
- construction equipment
- concrete production and placement
- drilling and blasting
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Structural Stability: Theory and Implementation is a practical work that provides engineers and students in structural engineering or structured mechanics with the background needed to make the transition from fundamental theory to practical design rules and computer implementation. Beginning with the basic principles of structural stability and basic governing equations,Structural Stability is a concise and comprehensive introduction that applies the principles and theory of structural stability (which are the basis for structural steel design) to the solution of practical building frame design problems. Special features include:
■modern theories of structural stability of members and frames, and a discussion of how these theories may be utilized to provide design rules and calculation techniques for design
■important governing equations and the classical solutions used in design processes
■examples of analytical and numerical methods selected as the most useful and practically applicable methods available
■detailed information on the stability design rules of the 1986 AISC/LRFD Specifications for the design, fabrication, and erection of structural steel for buildings
■dual units (SI and English) with most of the material presented in a non-dimensional format
■fully worked examples, end-of-chapter problems, answers to selected problems, and clear illustrations and tables
Am outstandingly practical resource, Structural Stability offers the reader an understanding of the fundamental principles and theory of structural stability not only in an idealized, perfectly elastic system, but also in an inelastic, imperfect system representative of the actual structural systems encountered in engineering practice.
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Specifications for highway bridges (Japan)
Part II. Steel bridges
Part III. Concrete bridges
Author: Japan comitee on bridges | Size: 20.7 MB | Format:DjVu, PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Japan road association | Year: 2002 | pages: 458 + 325
Written completely in English language, this seems to be an official engineering regulation code.
The Specifications for Highway Bridges Part I: Volume on Common Matters and Part II: Volume on
Steel Bridges were given by the Ministry of Construction in 1972 as an official notice under the title
"Technical Standards for Bridges and Skyways." These were a revision and unification of the
Design Specifications for Steel Highway Bridges, the Erection Specifications for Steel Highway
Bridges and the Specifications for Welded Steel Highway Bridges in 1964, the Design and Erection
Guideline for Composite Girders in 1965, the Design and Erection Guideline for Steel Highway
Bridges by Friction-type Connection with High Tensile Strength Bolts in 1966, and the Supplements
to Specifications for Welded Steel Highway Bridges in 1967 and 1968, and were compiled as part of
the systematization of specifications for highway bridges.
After that, a revision was made in 1993 mainly concerning the stipulations on live loads to keep up
with the enlarging trend of vehicle size and increase durability. Another revision was made in 1996
mainly concerning the stipulations on seismic design.
This revision aimed at performance-stipulating technical standards and employed a format in which
a requirement was described in principle together with existing stipulations that would satisfy the
requirement. In addition, Part I: Volume on Common Matters reflected the research and study
results and experience since the previous revision and reviewed the content based on such reflection,
and Part II: Volume on Steel Bridges reviewed the stipulations on fatigue to improve durability and
the stipulations on quality control in fabrication and erection.
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Author: Mariana R. Kruntcheva, Andrew C. Collop, and Nicholas H. Thom | Size: - MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: ASCE - Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | Year: 2006 | pages: 5 | ISBN: -
This note outlines the experimental investigation of the factors affecting bond development between pavement layers. The tests involved the use of an apparatus known as the Nottingham shear box. To establish a realistic stress distribution at the interface, which would facilitate the analysis of the test results, finite element models of bonded and weakly bonded specimens were developed. It was concluded that care must be taken when interpreting test results from the shear box experiments. Several materials and four interface conditions were investigated. Bond stiffness and strength were assessed under repeated dynamic and monotonic static test conditions. The analysis of the experimental results showed that the interface properties depend more seriously on the type of materials in contact, rather than on the amount of the applied tack coat and the interface condition. It was suggested that the interface bond should be described by introducing a vertical shear reaction modulus, as well as using the horizontal shear reaction modulus.
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