Admin and the forum staff decided to downgrade all users having less than 3 posts in forum and to move they in a new group named Need Activation. Don't forget, we don't count any post (as Happy New Year and alike).
All users in this group can subscribe to one of Yellow or Green Subscriptions (1 year or 2 years).
We decided to exclude from the free use of forum all users spending the time here and only leeching. Some users think if they login in forum every week they are active and this is enough for being a member of the forum (we received such messages from some disappointed users). As I told to one of users, it's a great honor for us if he login, download and exploit only the forum but it's not enough.
Every user must if he can't post a new thread in software or books sections at least to add a mirror to an existing link, can help users in Engineering Problems or Software Problems. An engineering forum is a place to share knowledge not only to take from others.
We know the posts count sometimes give more than the real number and every time we will see user having more than 2 posts but his posts are useless, only requests and noting else he will be downgraded even if the system doesn't move him automatically
in the Need Activation group.
We have here many users with dozens of requests and nothing else. You are in our sight and if you don't want to be downgraded this is the time to become active.
Active is not posting garbage (the only result will be warnings) but to contribute and share with others.
If you want to be inactive and only to exploit this forum you must pay because the forum costs money to Admin and we the active users don't like to wait and to receive errors because the forum is crowded by leechers increasing the load in server.
We, me and my colleagues, have an intent to extend the range of our laboratory including some test of soils. I have to find some standards describing the mentioned tests.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find all of them...So, I need your help again. It is not urgent. The missing standards which I need are:
1. BS ISO 10390:2005 Soil quality. Determination of pH
2. BS 7755-3.10:1995, ISO 10693:1995 Soil quality. Chemical methods. Determination of carbonate content. Volumetric method
3. BS 7755-3.8:1995, ISO 10694:1995 Soil quality. Chemical methods. Determination of organic and total carbon after dry combustion (elementary analysis)
4. BS 7755-3.11:1995, ISO 11048:1995 Soil quality. Chemical methods. Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate
5. BS 7755-3.7:1995, ISO 11261:1995 Soil quality. Chemical methods. Determination of total nitrogen. Modified Kjeldahl method
6. BS 7755-3.4:1995, ISO 11265:1994 Soil quality. Chemical methods. Determination of the specific electrical conductivity
and optionally (if it is possible):
7. BS ISO 11709:2011 Soil quality. Determination of selected coal-tar-derived phenolic compounds using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
dear alll
please can you provide me with the solution manual of Design of Reinforced Concrete (7th ed) By Jack C. McCormac & James K Nelson as i need it
many thanks
A high strength gypsum in combination with sand has been investigated extensively as a potential material for simulating concrete in small scale models of concrete structures. Similitude requirements for a material to be used in model studies are discussed briefly. Tests for determining the appropriate physical properties of a number of mixes are described. It is shown that the behavior of model gypsum mortar is very close to that of the prototype concrete and that it has several advantages over model cement mortars. Size effects as related to compressive and tensile strength are studied; a surface sealing technique is used to reduce size effects to a low level. Charts are presented to facilitate proportioning of different strength mixes, and references are given to a number of successful applications of the gypsum mortar in model studies.
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For long-span bridges, wind action is a dominant factor in their safety and serviceability. A large number of long-span bridges have been built in Japan over the past 30 years, and tremendous amounts of research and technical development have been accomplished in wind-resistant design. This book is a compilation of the results of active research and development. Wind-resistant design standards generated in Japan are described in the first few chapters. Then comes information such as design wind speed, structural damping, wind tunnel tests, and analyses, which provide the basis of the design standards. Wind-induced vibrations and their control of girders, towers, cables, and other features are explained with examples of field measurements. Comprehensive listings of Japanese experience in vibration control are also presented. Because achieving particularly dynamic safety against wind is still not an easy task, these data and information will be valuable assets for the wind-engineering and bridge-engineering communities.
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Since 1975, The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction has introduced legions of statistics students and researchers to the theory and practice of time series analysis. With each successive edition, best-selling author Chris Chatfield has honed and refined his presentation, updated the material to reflect advances in the field, and presented interesting new data sets.
The sixth edition is no exception. It provides an accessible, comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of time series analysis. The treatment covers a wide range of topics, including ARIMA probability models, forecasting methods, spectral analysis, linear systems, state-space models, and the Kalman filter. It also addresses nonlinear, multivariate, and long-memory models. The author has carefully updated each chapter, added new discussions, incorporated new datasets, and made those datasets available for download from
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Since 1975, The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction has introduced legions of statistics students and researchers to the theory and practice of time series analysis. With each successive edition, best-selling author Chris Chatfield has honed and refined his presentation, updated the material to reflect advances in the field, and presented interesting new data sets.
The sixth edition is no exception. It provides an accessible, comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of time series analysis. The treatment covers a wide range of topics, including ARIMA probability models, forecasting methods, spectral analysis, linear systems, state-space models, and the Kalman filter. It also addresses nonlinear, multivariate, and long-memory models. The author has carefully updated each chapter, added new discussions, incorporated new datasets, and made those datasets available for download from
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Hello to everyone,
I would like to see your opinion about quitting PhD studies. Momentarily I'm lacking good will, and I have feeling that on my department the rest of emploies could do their job without me as good as with me.
What to do after that? Where to go?
Thanks for the opinion.
Best regards
Recent developments in engineering and technology have brought about serious and enlarged demands for reliability, safety and economy in wide range of fields such as aeronautics, nuclear engineering, civil and structural engineering, automotive and production industry. This, in turn, has caused more interest in continuum damage mechanics and its engineering applications. This book aims to give a concise overview of the current state of damage mechanics, and then to show the fascinating possibility of this promising branch of mechanics, and to provide researchers, engineers and graduate students with an intelligible and self-contained textbook. The book consists of two parts and an appendix. Part I is concerned with the foundation of continuum damage mechanics. Basic concepts of material damage and the mechanical representation of damage state of various kinds are described in Chapters 1 and 2. In Chapters 3-5, irreversible thermodynamics, thermodynamic constitutive theory and its application to the modeling of the constitutive and the evolution equations of damaged materials are descried as a systematic basis for the subsequent development throughout the book. Part II describes the application of the fundamental theories developed in Part I to typical damage and fracture problems encountered in various fields of the current engineering. Important engineering aspects of elastic-plastic or ductile damage, their damage mechanics modeling and their further refinement are first discussed in Chapter 6. Chapters 7 and 8 are concerned with the modeling of fatigue, creep, creep-fatigue and their engineering application. Damage mechanics modeling of complicated crack closure behavior in elastic-brittle and composite materials are discussed in Chapters 9 and 10. In Chapter 11, applicability of the local approach to fracture by means of damage mechanics and finite element method, and the ensuing mathematical and numerical problems are briefly discussed. A proper understanding of the subject matter requires knowledge of tensor algebra and tensor calculus. At the end of this book, therefore, the foundations of tensor analysis are presented in the Appendix, especially for readers with insufficient mathematical background, but with keen interest in this exciting field of mechanics.
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