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Book: Design and Construction of Steel Bridges
Author: Utpal K. Ghosh
ISBN: 0415418364
ISBN-13: 9780415418362, 978-0415418362
Publishing Date: Sep 2006
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Number of Pages: 458
Language: English
highly thank you in anticipation
Author: Andrew Whittaker, Gary Hart, and Christopher Rojahn, Members, ASCE | Size: 128 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 125, No. 4, April 1999, pp. 438-444 | Year: 1999 | pages: 7
The response modification factor plays a key role in the seismic design of new buildings in the United States. To date, the values assigned to this factor are based on engineering judgment and have little sound technical basis. Any improvement in the reliability of modern earthquake-resistant buildings in the United States will require the systematic evaluation of the building response characteristics that most affect the values assigned to the factor. To this end, a draft formulation that represents the response modification factor as the product of factors related to reserve strength, ductility, and redundancy is presented in the paper. Pertinent data from various analytical and experimental studies on reserve strength and ductility are also presented.
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Design of one way joist (ribbed) slab according to ACI code
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The art of foundation engineering practice
By Mohamad H. Hussein, J. Brian Anderson, William M. Camp,
American Society of Civil Engineers.
In this, its second corrected printing, Zohdi and Wriggers’ illuminating text presents a comprehensive introduction to the subject. The authors include in their scope basic homogenization theory, microstructural optimization and multifield analysis of heterogeneous materials. This volume is ideal for researchers and engineers, and can be used in a first-year course for graduate students with an interest in the computational micromechanical analysis of new materials.
The recent dramatic increase in computational power available for mathematical modeling and simulation promotes the significant role of modern numerical methods in the analysis of heterogeneous microstructures. In its second corrected printing, this book presents a comprehensive introduction to computational micromechanics, including basic homogenization theory, microstructural optimization and multifield analysis of heterogeneous materials. "An Introduction to Computational Micromechanics" is valuable for researchers, engineers and for use in a first year graduate course for students in the applied sciences, mechanics and mathematics with an interest in the computational micromechanical analysis of new materials.
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RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ACADEMY: BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR CONSTRUCTION, 3E includes a full color design with new and updated photos and figures. Coverage of building codes and safe materials handling ensures that the reader will stay current with industry standards and trends. In addition, a new chapter on green building practices will introduce readers to jobsite practices while they plan and execute. This book is ideal for those beginning a career in the building trades industry and provides thorough, up-to-date coverage of the core academic areas that are necessary for success in the field. Topics include work ethic, math, communications, print reading, safety, and common tools.
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Whether you are studying to take the LEED® Accredited Professional (AP) Exam or you are a student in a construction related program, this book is for you! Thorough and complete coverage explains the “how” and the “why” of sustainable construction so you can be better prepared for the LEED® AP Exam and life in the field.
Sustainable Construction and Design provides a solid foundation in the underlying conceptual framework of sustainable construction. Part One focuses on the foundations of sustainability, including the origins of sustainable design, the ecological structure of matter and the physical laws that govern it.
Part Two provides a sustainable construction roadmap and how the concepts can be applied in the real world. It Addresses the LEED® prerequisites and credits and follows a commercial construction project through the certification process.
Sustainable Construction and Design also expands sustainable concepts beyond the LEED® Credit Template and ideas into the residential arena as it reviews the process of a collaborative project that students created with Habitat for Humanity. It explains in depth about the qualities and conditions needed to create a successful design charrette, as it is the critical vehicle that brings both collaboration and whole-systems thinking into the process. The DVD that is included with the textbook assists in creating the loose structure of a design charrette.
Don’t leave your success to chance. Get your copy of Sustainable Construction and Design today!
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Author: American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Size: 13.07 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Year: 2011 | pages: 47 | ISBN: 9780791833407
B30.2 applies to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance of hand-operated and power-driven overhead and gantry cranes that have a top-running single-girder or multiple-girder bridge, with one or more top-running trolley hoists used for vertical lifting and lowering of freely suspended, unguided loads consisting of equipment and materials. The requirements included in this Volume also apply to cranes having the same fundamental characteristics such as cantilever gantry cranes, semi-gantry cranes, and wall cranes. Requirements for a crane used for a special purpose such as, but not limited to, non-vertical lifting service, lifting a guided load, or lifting personnel are not included in this Volume.
B30.2 is to be used in conjunction with equipment described in other volumes of the ASME B30 series of safety standards.
Careful application of these B30 standards will help users to comply with pertinent regulations within their jurisdictions, while achieving the operational and safety benefits to be gained from the many industry best-practices detailed in these volumes.
Intended for manufacturers, owners, employers, users and others concerned with the specification, buying, maintenance, training and safe use of overhead and gantry cranes with B30 equipment, plus all potential governing entities.
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Nearly all solids are compised of grains. However most studies treat materials as a continious solid. The book applies analysis used on loose granular materials to dense grainular materials. This title’s main focus is devoted to static or dynamic loadings applied to dense materials, although rapid flows and widely dispersed media are also mentioned briefly. Three essential areas are covered: Local variable analysis: Contact forces, displacements and rotations, orientation of contacting particles and fabric tensors are all examples of local variables. Their statistical distributions, such as spatial distribution and possible localization, are analyzed, taking into account experimental results or numerical simulations. Change of scales procedures: Also known as “homogenization techniques”, these procedures make it possible to construct continuum laws to be used in a continuum mechanics approach or performing smaller scale analyses. Numerical modeling: Several methods designed to calculate approximate solutions of dynamical equations together with unilateral contact and frictional laws are presented, including molecular dynamics, the distinct element method and non-smooth contact dynamics. Numerical examples are given and the quality of numerical approximations is discussed.
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