PD95 2002 Normativ privind proiectarea hidraulica a podurilor si podetelo
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Loading characteristics of a tertiary clay and implications for road pavement design
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Volume 37, Number 1, 137-141, DOI: 10.1007/BF02590380
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NPV-at-Risk Method in Infrastructure Project Investment Evaluation
Author: Sudong Ye and Robert L. K. Tiong | Size: - MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management | Year: 2000 | pages: 7
Strategic capital investment decisions are crucial to a business firm. The decision to invest in privately financed infrastructure projects requires careful consideration, because they are exposed to high levels of financial, political, and market risks. The project appraisal methods should incorporate analysis of these risks. A number of capital-investment decision methods can take risks into account, but each of them focuses on different factors and has its limitations. Thus, a more vigorous method is needed. A systematic classification of existing evaluation methods shows that it is possible to develop a new method—the net-present-value-at-risk (NPV-at-risk) method—by combining the weighted average cost of capital and dual risk-return methods. The evaluation of two hypothetical power projects shows that the NPV-at-risk method can provide a better decision for risk evaluation of, and investment in, privately financed infrastructure projects.
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Concrete admixtures, Concretes, Mortars, Grouting, Construction materials, Control samples, Test equipment, Composition, Concrete mixes, Mixing, Specimen preparation, Sand, Particle size distribution, Consistency (mechanical property)
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Concrete admixtures, Concretes, Mortars, Grouting, Construction materials, Concrete mixes, Cement and concrete technology, Control samples, Mixing, Specimen preparation, Performance testing, Aggregates, Physical properties of materials
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Roofing tiles, Tiles, Roof coverings, Construction systems parts, Concretes, Pitched roofs, Length measurement, Width measurement, Flatness measurement, Dimensional measurement, Mechanical testing, Strength of materials, Watertightness tests, Freeze-thaw tests, Interior cladding, Exterior cladding, Cladding (buildings), Walls, Mass
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