Dear friends ,
I am looking for this standard:
BS ISO 11277:2009 Soil quality. Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material. Method by sieving and sedimentation
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance.
Focusing exclusively on residential work, ESTIMATING FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2E provides a very visual, reader-friendly introduction to processes as it details the steps involved in accurately preparing a cost estimate. Packed with examples, the book clearly explains how to price excavation and site work, concrete, carpentry, masonry, plumbing, heating, and electrical work, as well as the general expenses and sub-trade work. It also covers the impact of green building practices and effective estimating "shortcuts".
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EERI Monograph Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis
by Robin K. McGuire
This monograph is intended as a general introduction to methods of seismic hazard and risk analysis. Over the past 35 years, great progress has been made in the acceptance and use of probability methods in earthquake problems. A well-informed, if approximate, analysis benefits the decision making process in determining what percentage of resources to put into reducing earthquake dangers, as compared with reducing other types of possible dangers. Potentially large losses justify the significant effort involved in a seismic risk assessment, and a formal assessment allows the disciplines of seismology, geology, strong-motion geophysics, and earthquake engineering to communicate through a common language of best estimates and uncertainties. This book is a compilation of how these disciplines contribute to the evaluation of seismic risk. McGuire fully describes the connection between probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and seismic risk in a quantitative format. He begins by defining key terms and presents an overview of probabilistic seismic hazard and risk computations to show how all the elements fit together. Then he examines the elements in more detail — how to describe earthquake source characteristics, estimate seismic ground shaking, perform seismic hazard analyses, and estimate seismic risk. While the probability theory in this monograph is not very complex, the reader should (1) know the elements of such theory, (2) be comfortable with probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions, and conditional distributions, and (3) be familiar with seismology, magnitude definitions, and representations of strong ground motion. 2004, 240 pages
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Seismic vulnerability assessment and retrofit recommendations for state highway bridges : case studies
Author: Abdollah Shafieezadeh, Wenying Hu, Emrah Erduran, Keri L. Ryan | Size: 3.13 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Utah Depa rtment of Transportation Research Division | Year: 2009 | pages: 221
Much of Utah’s population dwells in a seismically active region, and many of the bridges connecting transportation lifelines predate the rigorous seismic design standards that have been developed in the past 10-20 years. Other states in the west have instituted seismic retrofit programs in response to damage to transportation networks in past California earthquakes. In a parallel report, seismic retrofit guidelines were developed for Utah based on the Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Structures published by FHWA. In this report, representative case study bridges are evaluated in detail using the guidelines. The case study evaluations include the following for each bridge: (1) selection and presentation of analysis method, (2) development of numerical model in LARSA 4D and/or additional programs as needed, (3) evaluation of the seismic response of the unretrofitted bridge, (4) design of a possible retrofit scheme. The bridges evaluated include a four-span simply supported prestressed concrete girder bridge, a four-span continuous concrete T-beam, and an eight-span curved steel girder bridge with in-span pin and hanger joints. A variety of different evaluation methods are presented including linear response spectrum analysis for demand assessment, capacity spectrum method and pushover analysis for capacity assessment, and nonlinear response history analysis. A variety of retrofit techniques are presented including column jacketing, cable restrainers, selectively closing pin and hanger joints, and seismic isolation. The varied examples and techniques presented in this report are meant to be representative of assessment and applicable retrofit approaches for many of the bridges in the state inventory that may be seismically deficient.
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Numerical Evaluation of Nonlinear Response of Broad Cylindrical Steel Tanks under Multidimensional Earthquake Motion
Earthquake Spectra 28, pp. 217-238 (2012); doi:
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Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Methodology for Distributed Seismicity
Janez Lapajne, Barbara Šket Motnikar and Polona Zupančič
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Design, Analysis, and Seismic Performance of a Hypothetical Seismically Isolated Bridge on Legacy Highway
Author: Keri L. Ryan & Brian Richins | Size: 3.515 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Utah Department of Transportation Research Division | Year: 2011 | pages: 179
In this project, we examine the use of seismic isolation as an alternative to conventional approaches to achieve high seismic performance in typical highway bridges. A highway bridge designed and built in 2006 by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) was chosen as a case study. This three-span, pre-stressed concrete girder bridge is located on State Street in Farmington, Utah, and crosses Legacy Highway. In this report, we present 1) proposed configuration changes to incorporate seismic isolation into the Legacy Bridge; 2) proposed modified designs of the columns and foundation system that provide significant savings in materials and construction costs; and 3) example designs for three different types of isolation devices available in the United States.
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Plastics Materials and Processes: A Concise Encyclopedia
Author: Charles A. Harper | Size: 3.66 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Wiley-Interscience | Year: August 4, 2003 | pages: 1008 | ISBN: 0471456039
Plastics Materials and Processes: A Concise Encyclopedia is a resource for anyone with an interest in plastic materials and processes, from seasoned professionals to laypeople. Arranged in alphabetical order, it clearly explains all of the materials and processes as well as their major application areas and usages.
Plastics Materials and Processes: A Concise Encyclopedia:
* Discusses and describes applications and practical uses of the materials and processes.
* Clear definitions and sufficient depth to satisfy the information seekers needs
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Statistical Mechanics. Time-Dependent Processes by Bruce J. Berne
Author: Bruce J. Berne | Size: 3.28 MB | Format:DjVu | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Springer | Year: July 1, 1977 | pages: 362 | ISBN: 0306335069
Statistical mechanics brings together under one roof a broad spectrum of mathematical techniques. The aim of these volumes is to provide a didactic treatment of those techniques that are most useful for the study of problems of current interest to theoretical chemists. The emphasis throughout is on the techniques themselves and not on reviewing the enormous literature in statistical mechanics.
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Leading physical chemist David Chandler takes a new approach to statistical mechanics to provide the only introductory-level work on the modern topics of renormalization group theory, Monte Carlo simulations, time correlation functions, and liquid structure. The author provides compact summaries of the fundamentals of this branch of physics and discussions of many of its traditional elementary applications, interspersed with over 150 exercises and microcomputer programs.
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