The boundary element method (BEM) is a powerful computational technique, pro-
viding numerical solutions to a range of scientific and engineering problems. To the
user, the main characteristic of the method is that only a mesh of the boundary of
the domain is required. Hence, at the very least, the method is easier to apply than
the more traditional finite element method.
The subject of this text is the development of boundary element methods for the
solution of problems in linear acoustics. Three classes of problem are considered:
Chapter 4 - interior acoustic problems, Chapter 5 - exterior acoustic problems and
Chapter 6 - the modal analysis of an enclosed fluid. Each class of problem is considered
in three domain settings: two-dimensions, three-dimensions and axisymmetry.
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Dear friends,
if some one has "Special Deep Foundation: Compendium Methods and Equipment";
Volume II: Drilling machines and hydraulic crawler cranes; Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH (Editor); ISBN: 978-3-433-02932-9; September 2009,
please, send it to Civilea forum and at once help PhD student
Architectural details and non structural Precast Concrete Drawing
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Precast concrete Drawings
Here is very good precast concrete Drawings with pdf format
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Structural Connections for Lightweight Metallic Structures (Advanced Structured Materials) >> By Pedro M.G.P. Moreira (Editor), Lucas F. M. da Silva (Editor), Paulo M.S.T. de Castro (Editor)
Increasing concern with fuel consumption leads to widespread interest in lightweight structures for transportation vehicles. Several competing technologies are available for the structural connections of these structures, namely welding, mechanical fastening / riveting, and adhesive technologies. Arranged in a single volume, this work is to present state-of-the-art discussions of those aspects and processes presenting greater novelty whilst simultaneously keeping wide applicability potential and interest. The topics chosen have the common feature of being of currently applied in lightweight structures, and one of the characteristics of this work is bringing together relevant state-of-the-art information usually presented in separate publications specializing in a single technology. The book provides discussions and examples of concrete applications, so that it appeals to researchers and designers and engineers involved in the design and fabrication of lightweight structures.
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Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 10e continues to evolve to fulfill the needs of a changing market by providing flexible solutions to teaching and learning needs of all kinds. Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 10e excels in increasing student comprehension and conceptual understanding of the mathematics. The new edition retains the strengths of earlier editions: e.g., Anton's trademark clarity of exposition; sound mathematics; excellent exercises and examples; and appropriate level, while incorporating more skill and drill problems within WileyPLUS.
The seamless integration of Howard Anton’s Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 10e with WileyPLUS, a research-based, online environment for effective teaching and learning, continues Anton’s vision of building student confidence in mathematics because it takes the guesswork out of studying by providing them with a clear roadmap: what to do, how to do it, and whether they did it right.
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Dear All,
I am looking for this article and would really appreciate if you could share it with us. The paper details are as follows:
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Numerical Evaluation of Nonlinear Response of Broad Cylindrical Steel Tanks under Multidimensional Earthquake Motion
Earthquake Spectra 28, pp. 217-238 (2012); doi:
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If anybody has access, I would appreciate it a lot if she/he can upload:
Deodatis, G. (1996), Simulation of Ergodic Multivariate Stochastic Processes, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 122, No. 8, August 1996, pp. 778-787
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