Bitumens, Bituminous products, Sheet materials, Flexible materials, Waterproof materials, Roof coverings, Construction materials, Reinforced materials, Flow rates, Flow measurement, Thermal testing, High-temperature testing, Type testing, Ageing tests, Testing conditions, Test specimens, Specimen preparation, Test equipment, Precision, Reproducibility
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BS ISO 11277 specifies a basic method of determining the particle size distribution applicable to a wide range of mineral soil materials, including the mineral fraction of organic soils. It also offers procedures to deal with the less common soils mentioned in the introduction.
BS ISO 11277 has been developed largely for use in the field of environmental science, and its use in geotechnical investigations is something for which professional advice might be required.
A major objective of BS ISO 11277 is the determination of enough size fractions to enable the construction of a reliable particle-size-distribution curve.
BS ISO 11277 does not apply to the determination of the particle size distribution of the organic components of soil, i.e. the more or less fragile, partially decomposed, remains of plants and animals. It is also realized that the chemical pretreatments and mechanical handling stages in BS ISO 11277 could cause disintegration of weakly cohesive particles that, from field inspection, might be regarded as primary particles, even though such primary particles could be better described as aggregates. If such disintegration is undesirable, then BS ISO 11277 is not used for the determination of the particle size distribution of such weakly cohesive materials.
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A generalized discourse with application energy principles of structural analysis including the effects of temperature and non-linear stress-strain relationships.
Originally published in a series of articles in AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING 1954-1955
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Posted by: Jackass - 03-14-2012, 12:44 AM - Forum: Concrete
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self compacting concrete exposed to fire
Author: Lars Bostrom, Robert Janson | Size: 10 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Sp Technical Research Institute sweden | Year: 2008 | pages: 740 | ISBN: 9789185829699
Sp Technical Research Institute sweden
Lars Bostrom, Robert Janson
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House and Home Magazines - March 2012
English | True PDF | 36 pages | 35.1 MB
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Houston House & Home - March 2012
True PDF | English | 68 Pages | 30.4 MB
Houston House & Home Magazine is a reference for interior design and remodeling ideas for landscaping as well as kitchen and bath design.
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Experimental Techniques in Materials and Mechanics provides a detailed yet easy-to-follow treatment of various techniques useful for characterizing the structure and mechanical properties of materials. With an emphasis on techniques most commonly used in laboratories, the book enables students to understand practical aspects of the methods and derive the maximum possible information from the experimental results obtained.
The text focuses on crystal structure determination, optical and scanning electron microscopy, phase diagrams and heat treatment, and different types of mechanical testing methods. Each chapter follows a similar format:
Discusses the importance of each technique
Presents the necessary theoretical and background details
Clarifies concepts with numerous worked-out examples
Provides a detailed description of the experiment to be conducted and how the data could be tabulated and interpreted
Includes a large number of illustrations, figures, and micrographs
Contains a wealth of exercises and references for further reading
Bridging the gap between lecture and lab, this text gives students hands-on experience using mechanical engineering and materials science/engineering techniques for determining the structure and properties of materials. After completing the book, students will be able to confidently perform experiments in the lab and extract valuable data from the experimental results.
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The essence of continuum mechanics — the internal response of materials to external loading — is often obscured by the complex mathematics of its formulation. By building gradually from one-dimensional to two- and three-dimensional formulations, this book provides an accessible introduction to the fundamentals of solid and fluid mechanics, covering stress and strain among other key topics. This undergraduate text presents several real-world case studies, such as the St. Francis Dam, to illustrate the mathematical connections between solid and fluid mechanics, with an emphasis on practical applications of these concepts to mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering structures and design.
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Written by an architect with many years' experience in practice and teaching, this book is a well-illustrated introduction to the great range of materials used in much of the world's building and construction. It is the only book of its type on the market, and suitable for anyone teaching or studying for building trades, architecture, building, landscape design, structural engineering, and allied disciplines. When first published, a reviewer commented, "This book has filled a large gap in publications available to both students and the building professions." The Fourth (2009) Edition is now available, incorporating many references to current standard codes, research, manufacturers, and other authoritative information on the internet, to expand content further if needed.
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The ability to understand the area of fluid mechanics is enhanced by using equations to mathematically model those phenomena encountered in everyday life. Helping those new to fluid mechanics make sense of its concepts and calculations, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Fourth Edition makes learning a visual experience by introducing the types of problems that students are likely to encounter in practice – and then presenting methods to solve them.
A time-tested book that has proven useful in various fluid mechanics and turbomachinery courses, this volume assumes knowledge of calculus and physics in its use of mathematics to model physical principles in fluid mechanics. Among its many useful features, this book:
Updates advances and relevant examples
Introduces concepts of fluid statics and control/volume approach of determining flow
Carefully explains topics using step-by-step examples
Emphasizes applications areas, with extensive resources for design problems
Uses both SI units and British gravitational units
Includes computer and design problems formulated for use with a spreadsheet in any of the traditional programming languages
The author includes open-ended chapter-end problems designed to systematically improve the students’ ability to understand and apply the equations of fluid mechanics to various practical problems associated with scenarios such as flow from a draining coffee pot or drag force exerted on a bicycle-rider combination. Problems are arranged so that the easier ones are presented first, to build students’ confidence and aid learning, and these problems are grouped by topic, making them easier to use for both instructors and students.
With an abundance of new material, this book is a thorough and comprehensible presentation of fluid mechanics from a practical viewpoint, rather than an encyclopedic and inaccessible volume.
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