Designing optimal multiple tuned mass dampers using genetic algorithms (GAs) for mitigating the seismic response of structures
Mohtasham Mohebbi,
Kazem Shakeri,
Yavar Ghanbarpour,
and Hossein Majzoub
Journal of Vibration and Control
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Two of the objectives of 2001-2005 Technical Committee 1 “Offshore and Nearshore Geotechnical Engineering” of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) were:
− Provide support to ISSMGE member countries requesting dissemination of offshore/nearshore geotechnical expertise from other countries.
− Prepare documentation that gives practical information on executing nearshore and/or offshore geotechnical projects.
In view of these objectives, Technical Committee 1 (TC1) members agreed that industry would be served with a handbook giving an inventory of geotechnical and geophysical data acquisition techniques for characterising offshore and nearshore soil conditions. This should include recommended planning schedules for offshore and nearshore projects. Thus, TC1 members supported by numerous other colleagues prepared this handbook and made this available to attendees of the two September 2005 Geotechnical Conferences:
− 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE) in Osaka,
− International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG) in Perth, Australia.
This handbook was also published on the web site of the ISSMGE at about the same time.
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Author: Mark Randolph and Susan Gourvenec | Size: 30.359 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Year: April 20, 2011 | pages: 528 | ISBN: 9780415477444
Design practice in offshore geotechnical engineering has grown out of onshore practice, but the two application areas have tended to diverge over the last thirty years, driven partly by the scale of the foundation and anchoring elements used offshore, and partly by fundamental differences in construction and installation techniques. As a consequence offshore geotechnical engineering has grown as a speciality.
The structure of Offshore Geotechnical Engineering follows a pattern that mimics the flow of a typical offshore project. In the early chapters it provides a brief overview of the marine environment, offshore site investigation techniques and interpretation of soil behaviour. It proceeds to cover geotechnical design of piled foundations, shallow foundations and anchoring systems. Three topics are then covered which require a more multi-disciplinary approach: the design of mobile drilling rigs, pipelines and geohazards.
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Strong support for reading comprehension makes earth science accessible to all students.
Development of strong inquiry skills allows students to really think like scientists!
An abundance of differentiated resources addresses diverse classroom needs.
Integrated technology saves time and increases teacher productivity.
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Geological Sciences (Geology: Landforms, Minerals, and Rocks)
Author: John P. | Size: 11.2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: R.sen Education Service | Year: 2011 | pages: 206 | ISBN: 1615304959
Described as craggy, rocky, or glacial, among a host of other descriptors, the Earth's geosphere-that is, its solid foundation-is subject to incredible variation. It is these permutations that inform the study of the geological sciences. This field involves not only the study of rocks, minerals, and landforms, but also that of glaciers, fossils, volcanoes, and other aspects of the Earth's surface. This sweeping volume examines the various branches of the geological sciences, as well as the methods and instruments used by geologists to obtain accurate records of the planet's geological history. Profiles of seminal earth scientists are also included.
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Despite mining's multidimensional role in the history of Utah since Euro-american settlement, there has never been a book that surveyed and contextualized its impact. From the Ground Up fill that gap with a collection of essays by leading Utah historians and geologists. Essays here address the geology of the state, the economic history of mining in Utah, and the lore of mines and miners. Additionally, the book reviews a handul of particularly significant mineral industries---saline, coal, uranium, and beryllium---and surveys important hard-rock mining regions of the state.
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Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Environmental Planning and Design
Author: John Ormsbee Simonds, Barry Starke | Size: 46.9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional | Year: 396 | pages: 2006 | ISBN: 0071461205
With more than 30 percent new material, the fourth edition of this classic is an indispensable resource for practicing landscape architecture professionals as well as students. The most comprehensive overview of landscape architecture available, this reference covers every aspect of planning, design, installation, implementation, and maintenance.
Landscape architects, architects, and everyone else involved with the shaping of our living environment will find in this colorful book a systematic approach to the creation of more usable, efficient, and attractive outdoor places. Simply put--it is the best one-volume course ever written on landscape planning and landscape design.
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IABSE-fib Conference Dubrovnik-2010
Joint IABSE-fib Conference on
CODES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Developments and Needs for International Practice
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Petroleum extraction, Natural gas extraction, Underwater extraction, Wells, Oilwell cement, Cements, Physical testing, Laboratory testing, Petroleum technology, Gas technology, Cement and concrete technology, Testing
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