Isolated Buildings and the 1997 UBC Near‐Source Factors
Earthquake Spectra 16, pp. 393-411 (2000)
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Eurocode example:
Actions on a six storey building
18-20 February 2008
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
2. Characteristic permanent actions (G) ............................................................................. 4
3. Characteristic imposed loads (I)..................................................................................... 5
4. Characteristic wind actions (W) ..................................................................................... 8
5. Characteristic snow loads (S) ....................................................................................... 11
6. Combination of actions ................................................................................................ 12
7. Dimensioning combination of actions - STR............................................................... 14
8. Loss of static equilibrium - EQU ................................................................................. 15
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Building Construction: Principles, Materials, & Systems
Author: Medan Mehta, Walter Scarborough, Diane Armpriest | Size: 90.4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Prentice Hall | Year: 2012 | pages: 976 | ISBN: 0132148692
The science of building construction and design is evolving more quickly than ever before. The second edition of this outstanding text builds on the previous version. It incorporates the latest updates available, features hundreds of new pieces of artwork, and is now in FULL COLOR! Written by an author team with decades of experience in architecture, building construction, engineering, and teaching, Building Construction: Principles, Materials & Systems 2nd Edition is a comprehensive and fully illustrated introduction to construction methods and materials.
Continuing on with the books unique organization, Principles of Construction are covered in Part One and Materials and Systems of Construction are covered in Part Two. Emphasizing a visual approach to learning, it includes more than 1,400 original illustrations and an extra large trim size (9” x 12”) that provides an open and inviting layout that readers are sure to appreciate.
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Title: Stochastic characterization of earthquakes through their response spectrum
Author:Maharaj K. Kaul
Journal:Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
Vol. 6
Iss. 5
Date: Sep, 1978
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