Environmental Fluid Mechanics 1: Mixing and Transport Processes in the Environment
Author: Scott A. Socolofsky, Gerhard H. Jirka | Size: 1.4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Texas A&M University | Year: 2005 | pages: 184
In this book passive diffusion is treated by introducing the transport equation and its application in a range of unstratified water bodies. Passive diffusion refers to mixing processes that occur due to random motions and that have no direct feedback on the dynamics of the fluid motion.
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The mission of many public and private water resources organizations is to manage and conserve existing water supplies. These management efforts involve making sound technical and economic decisions concerning new and existing water needs, while respecting the environment by sustaining or restoring the aquatic ecosystems which may be affected.
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This wikibook aims to be a quality calculus textbook through which users may master the discipline. Standard topics such as limits, differentiation and integration are covered as well as sequences and series, multivariable and differential calculus.
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Author: Carmen Chicone, Richard Swanson | Size: 420 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: American Mathematical Society | Year: 2000 | pages: 64
The standard proof of the Grobman--Hartman linearization theorem for a flow at a hyperbolic rest point proceeds by first establishing the analogous result for hyperbolic fixed points of local diffeomorphisms. In this exposition we present a simple direct proof that avoids the discrete case altogether.
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Author: Augustus De Morgan | Size: 1.4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: The Open Court Publishing | Year: 1910 | pages: 318 | ISBN: 1241253889
In compiling the following pages, object has been to notice particularly several points in the principles of algebra and geometry, which have not obtained their due importance in our elementary works on these sciences.
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Author: Hyman Bass | Size: 670 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | Year: 1967 | pages: 138 | ISBN: B007FHCOYG
Topics: The exact sequence of algebraic K-theory; Categories of modules and their equivalences; The Brauer group of a commutative ring; The Brauer-Wall group of graded Azumaya algebras; The structure of the Clifford Functor.
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This European Standard is applicable to the planning, execution, testing and monitoring of ground treatment by deep vibration achieved by depth vibrators and compaction probes.
The following types of treatment are covered by this European Standard:
- deep vibratory compaction to densify the existing ground;
- vibrated stone columns to form a stiffened composite ground structure by the insertion of granular material which itself shall be densified. Generally, stone columns have a diameter greater than 0,6 m and lower than 1,2 m.
The following treatment methods are covered by this European Standard:
- methods in which depth vibrators, containing oscillating weights which cause horizontal vibrations, are inserted into the ground;
- methods in which compaction probes are inserted into the ground using a vibrator which remains at the ground surface and which in most cases oscillates in a vertical mode.
Treatment methods are outlined in Annexes A and B.
The following treatment methods, among others, are not included in this European Standard:
- methods in which sand or stone columns are installed by means of impact or top vibratory driven casing;
- methods in which very stiff columns are formed either by the addition of cement to granular material or by the use of concrete or any other binder;
- dynamic compaction and other methods in which some form of treatment is applied to the ground surface;
- explosive compaction.
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