As downloaded some years ago from the official site.
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"Risk factors for driving into flooded roads"
Author: Sheldon D. Drobota, C. Benightbc & E. C. Gruntfestd
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This guide presents worked examples using the design provisions in ACI 318 Appendix D. Not all conditions are covered in these examples. The essentials of direct tension, direct shear, combined tension and shear, and the common situation of eccentric shear, as in a bracket or corbel, are presented.
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This standard prescribes testing and evaluation requirements for post-installed adhesive anchor systems intended for use in concrete under the provisions of ACI 318. Criteria are separately prescribed to determine the suitability of adhesive anchors used in uncracked concrete only, or in both cracked and uncracked concrete. Criteria are prescribed to determine the design parameters and performance category for adhesive anchors. Included are assessments of the adhesive anchor system for bond strength, reliability, service conditions, and quality control. Special inspection (13.3) is required during anchor installation as noted in 10.22.
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This text provides a comprehensive and concise treatment of the topic of traffic flow theory and includes several topics relevant to today’s highway transportation system. It provides the fundamental principles of traffic flow theory as well as applications of those principles for evaluating specific types of facilities (freeways, intersections, etc.). Newer concepts of Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and their potential impact on traffic flow are discussed. State-of-the-art in traffic flow research and microscopic traffic analysis and traffic simulation have significantly advanced and are also discussed in this text. Real world examples and useful problem sets complement each chapter.
This textbook is meant for use in advanced undergraduate/graduate level courses in traffic flow theory with prerequisites including two semesters of calculus, statistics, and an introductory course in transportation. The text would also be of interest to transportation professionals as a refresher in traffic flow theory, or as a reference. Students and engineers of diverse backgrounds will find this text accessible and applicable to today’s traffic issues.
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Posted by: kasiphonk - 07-20-2014, 11:13 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Anyone has a book below. Please kindly help to share.
Full title: Dynamics of Water Waves: Selected Papers of Michael Longuet-Higgins (Volumes 1-3)
Author(s): S G Sajjadi
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company (May 6, 2013)
Series: Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering (Book 35)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9814322512
ISBN-13: 978-9814322515
Hardcover: 2372 pages
Dear Admin,
Sorry about this post. I post on the wrong room and I try to delete it.
However, i cant.
Please kindly help to move this post to 'Books, Codes, Theses, Journals & Papers Request"
In November of 2013 Microstran software products (Limcon, MStower, Microstran) are now part of Bentley Systems
MStower is special purpose software for the analysis and design of steel transmission and communication towers to a range of international standards. A comprehensive library of panel types and ancillary equipment allow quick creation of the structure.
Used by authorities for the checking of transmission line structures and communications towers and masts
Generate geometry from commonly used panels
Wind and ice loads on members, antennas, and ancillaries are computed automatically
Application of gust factors
Analysis results and member check results may be displayed graphically and reports printed
Output to CAD format directly from analysis
Non-linear analysis is used for masts and catenary cable element is used for guys
Loading may be computed in accordance with:
BS 8100 Part 1 1986
BS 8100 Part 4 1995
AS 3995-1994
AS/NZS 1170.2:2002
Malaysian Electricity Supply Regulations 1990
Institution of Lighting Engineers Technical Report No. 7 – High Masts for Lighting and CCTV– 2000 Edition.
IS 875 (Part 3):1987
BNBC 93 – Bangladesh National Building Code
NSCP C101-01 – Philippines National Building Code
Member capacities may be checked against the requirements of:
BS 8100 Part 3
BS 449
AS 3995-1994
ASCE 10-90, ASCE 10-97
Institution of Lighting Engineers Technical Report No. 7 – High Masts for Lighting and CCTV– 2000 Edition.
BS 5950-1:2000 (for tubular poles)
IS 802 (Part 1 / Sec. 2):1992
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