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I make this post with the aim of know if you guys use some program to Photo report. Here I have done this way: shooting photos of works (constructions, ditches and reforms) and put the word (2013) and create the report. Would any of you have any idea to use a better program?
I found this site
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Author: John M. Stubbart, William C. Lauer, Timothy J. McCandless, Paul Olson | Size: 15.2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: American Water Works Association | Year: 2006 | pages: 452 | ISBN: 1583213864
This handy field reference contains all the information, charts, graphs, formulas, and definitions that are needed by wastewater system operators in performing their daily duties.
This guide compiles information from wastewater operations manuals, handbooks, standards, and many other information sources. Major sections include math, conversion factors, chemistry, safety, collection, pumps and motors, flow, wastewater treatment, biosolids, discharge, disinfection, abbreviations, and acronyms.
Information is grouped based on how it would be used by the operator. Thus, all the information you need relating to pumps will be found in its own chapter and all information on biosolids in another. The guide's small size (4-1/4 in. x 7-1/4 in.) and sturdy cover means you can throw it in your truck and go! Low price means every operator can have a personal copy.
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Basic Science Concepts and Applications for Wastewater
Author: Patrick L Antonelli, Bill Craigo | Size: 22 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: American Water Works Association (AWWA) | Year: 2003 | pages: 520 | ISBN: 1583212906, 9781583212905, 9781628703191
Science principles and operational calculations related to the wastewater treatment field are the subject of this textbook.
Chapters are organized into four main sections: mathematics, hydraulics, chemistry, and electricity. Each section covers basic principles of the topic, as well as information specific to wastewater operations. This approach allows students to study basic calculations and principles and then apply them to actual problems that are encountered in wastewater operations. It also makes the book a very useful on-the-job reference.
Chapters within a section need not be read in the order in which they are presented. This lets the student or instructor customize the learning sequence. Test problems directly follow each calculation, equation, and principle presented in a chapter.
With this setup, the student immediately applies a calculation or scientific principle to a relevant problem for quick understanding and a better learning experience. Where topics in other sections are related and considered helpful to the reader, a footnote reference is given to the related discussion.
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Author: T H Y Tebbutt | Size: 5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann | Year: 1990 | pages: 136 | ISBN: 9780408709378
This volume aims to combine the applications of simple programming in BASIC with an understanding of those aspects of water/wastewater treatment engineering which can be expressed by mathematical relationships or which require a decision-making sequence. Waste and wastewater treatment is an important area of engineering and the topics selected illustrate the multidisciplinary aspects of the subject. The programs have been written in BASIC on an Amtrad PC1640
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This accessible introduction and practical guide to water treatment focuses on the issues of most interest to practising engineers, summarising the key issues and criteria in short and accessible sections, with additional theory to explain and support the treatment processes considered. Basic Water Treatment is an essential resource for water engineers at all levels - a textbook for students, a handbook for young engineers or chemists, and an indispensable guide full of practical information for the established practitioner. Fully revised and extensively updated by two of the world's leading experts in the field, taking into account current UK, EU, and USA water-quality standards and treatment technologies. This fifth edition of a best-selling text provides comprehensive contemporary practical guidance and remains the definitive reference for all those involved in water-treatment systems.
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Sustainable Infrastructure: Principles into Practice
Author: Richard A Fenner, Charles Major Ainger | Size: 8 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: ICE Publishing | Year: 2013 | pages: 304 | ISBN: 0727757547, 9780727757548, 9781628704235
The Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure series is a new series of practical handbooks which provide engineers with an understanding of sustainability principles and solutions. Sustainability concepts are set within well-known engineering management processes of planning, designing and delivering infrastructure. The first book in the Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure series, Principles into Practice sets out a framework of fundamental principles, methodologies and approaches, with numerous practical examples from real civil engineering projects.
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Project Control: Integrating Cost and Schedule in Construction
Author: Wayne J. Del Pico | Size: 24 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Year: 2013 | pages: 240 | ISBN: 1118139232, 9781118139233, 1118419138, 9781118419137
The key to successful project control is the fusing of cost to schedule whereby the management of one helps to manage the other. Project Control: Integrating Cost and Schedule in Construction explores the reasons behind and the methodologies for proper planning, monitoring, and controlling both project costs and schedule. Filling a current void the topic of project control applied to the construction industry, it is essential reading for students and professionals alike.
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What is the shortest route between one point and another in a road network? Where is the incidence of disease the highest? How does rainfall correlate with altitude? How does the concentration of a pollutant vary in space, and where do high concentrations correlate with densely populated areas?
Geographical or spatial data play a vital role in many parts of daily life. We are dependent on information about where things are located and about the attributes of those things, either directly, as in the use of a map for navigating around a city, or indirectly, where we use resources like water or gas.
Spatial Data Analysis: An Introduction for GIS Users introduces students to key principles about spatial data, the methods used to explore such data, and the kinds of problems that can be tackled using widely available analytical tools. Taking a gradual, systematic approach, the text opens with coverage of core concepts; these ideas are illustrated and reinforced with careful explanations, numerous worked examples, and case studies throughout the book.
Accessible to students who are new to the field, Spatial Data Analysis focuses on education rather than simple training; it not only shows students how to apply data analysis tools but also demonstrates how those tools work. A Companion Website provides resources for both students and instructors.
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Surface excavations include benching, trenching, channelling, pitting, demolishing, road construction and constructions related to Civil and Construction Projects. Techniques to create a network of vertical, inclined and horizontal openings (Drifting, Raising and Sinking) that is required while constructing caverns for different purposes such as repository, oil storage, power generation and recreation facilities for general public have also been included.
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This book offers an in-depth presentation of the finite element method, aimed at engineers, students and researchers in applied sciences.
The description of the method is presented in such a way as to be usable in any domain of application. The level of mathematical expertise required is limited to differential and matrix calculus.
The various stages necessary for the implementation of the method are clearly identified, with a chapter given over to each one: approximation, construction of the integral forms, matrix organization, solution of the algebraic systems and architecture of programs. The final chapter lays the foundations for a general program, written in Matlab, which can be used to solve problems that are linear or otherwise, stationary or transient, presented in relation to applications stemming from the domains of structural mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
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