Cost Optimization of Structures: Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms, and Parallel Computing
Author: Hojjat Adeli, Kamal C Sarma | Size: 2.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Jhon Wiley & Sons | Year: 2006 | pages: 222 | ISBN: 9780470867334
While the weight of a structure constitutes a significant part of the cost, a minimum weight design is not necessarily the minimum cost design. Little attention in structural optimization has been paid to the cost optimization problem, particularly of realistic three-dimensional structures. Cost optimization is becoming a priority in all civil engineering projects, and the concept of Life-Cycle Costing is penetrating design, manufacturing and construction organizations.
In this groundbreaking book the authors present novel computational models for cost optimization of large scale, realistic structures, subjected to the actual constraints of commonly used design codes.
As the first book on the subject this book:
> Contains detailed step-by-step algorithms
> Focuses on novel computing techniques such as genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, and parallel computing
> Covers both Allowable Stress Design (ASD) and Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) codes
> Includes realistic design examples covering large-scale, high-rise building structures
> Presents computational models that enable substantial cost savings in the design of structures
Fully automated structural design and cost optimization is where large-scale design technology is heading, thus Cost Optimization of Structures: Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms, and Parallel Computing will be of great interest to civil and structural engineers, mechanical engineers, structural design software developers, and architectural engineers involved in the design of structures and life-cycle cost optimisation. It is also a pioneering text for graduate students and researchers working in building design and structural optimization.
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The fields of architecture and engineering are undergoing dramatic change. New technologies and methodologies are transforming the way that projects are designed and delivered. These technologies enable the integration of complex systems in the design of more holistic, performative buildings. In order to achieve this synergy, practicing architects and engineers collaborate closely and often. Collaborations in Architecture and Engineering contains robust design exercises for architects and engineers focusing on team-building and problem solving to prepare you for working together in practice. It provides an overview and foundation for interdisciplinary collaboration so that you can create innovative proposals for optimization, performance, and aesthetic goals. It also shows you how to solve real-world problems and how to engage creatively with technological challenges so that you can be a productive member of any team.
The authors, an architect and an engineer, share guidelines learned from their experiences and observations on how to ensure productive communication, engage in interdisciplinary discussions, and establish common goals and values. In addition to exercises, scattered throughout are case study examples of architect and engineer collaborations--such as those between SANAA and Mutsuro Sasaki, Foster + Partners and Buro Happold, Steven Holl and Guy Nordenson, and SHoP Architects and ARUP. The book also includes a discussion about integrated project delivery (IDP) contracts and administration, and a bibliography so you'll be ready for better integration.
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Project Quality Management: Critical Success Factors for Buildings
Author: Sui Pheng Low & Joy Ong | Size: 11 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2014 | pages: 186 | ISBN: 9789812870742 , 9789812870735
> Presents the Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS), a quality performance measurement system that focuses on critical success factors for building best practices in the construction industry
> First book that illustrates project quality management in the construction industry, where 33 Critical Success Factors (CSFs) were identified, evaluated and quantified in details for implementation by building professionals as a checklist
> Written by leading experts in the field
The book presents the development of the Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS), Singapore’s de facto quality performance measurement system, explains the application of the Quality Management System (QMS) to manage CONQUAS and identifies 33 critical success factors (CSFs) for achieving high CONQUAS scores. Through CONQUAS, the reader benefits from understanding how the Singapore government developed and implemented the first objective system for measuring what many building professionals have perceived to be elusive quality standards in the construction industry. The book presents both the theoretical concepts as well as the practical aspects to achieving strategic Project Quality Management that is anchored on the CSFs to building best practices. To realistically reflect the practical aspects and challenging issues faced by stakeholders in the construction industry, questionnaire surveys were conducted with building professionals to distinguish the importance level and extent of adoption of the 33 CSFs (identified from a comprehensive review of the extant literature) in influencing and affecting the achievement of high CONQUAS scores. These were further anchored by in-depth interviews with quality experts in the Singapore construction industry to provide a better understanding of issues relating to strategic Project Quality Management. Collectively, the empirical findings collated from the building professionals suggest that while the CSFs identified are known tenets of quality, these were still not being followed in their totality. A further case study was conducted through a formal set of in-depth interviews with the quality assurance team of a construction company who has direct involvement before, during and after their tremendous improvements in the CONQUAS scores attained. The strength of this book therefore represents a true account and reflections of real-life practices and experiences in the construction industry for contractors, quality managers and policy-makers to learn from. Although the context of this book relates to the Singapore experience, the lessons and recommendations are equally relevant and applicable to the global construction industry in both the developing and developed countries whose stakeholders (in both the public and private sectors) wish to understand how CONQUAS works, and how the CSFs identified can likewise be implemented for strategic Project Quality Management to building best practices. The book is therefore of interests to researchers, academia and practitioners in the construction industry as well as in other sectors of the economy (in Singapore and other countries) where learning points may be used for enhancing project quality management for buildings.
Content Level » Professional/practitioner
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This comprehensive handbook covers multiple aspects of hydrology and with a new approach. Other books on the subject deal mostly with classical aspects of hydrology--particularly surface and ground water--and physical and chemical pollution. This volume covers management topics including water scarcity, water security, water policy and governance, and more. It highlights the environmental aspects of hydrology such as environmental river flow, environmental nanotechnology, phyto-remediation, and constructed wetlands
1. Application of copulas in hydrology : geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph and intensity index of infiltration frequency / Emna Gargouri-Ellouze and Saeid Eslamian --
2. Artificial neural network-based modeling of hydrologic processes / Emery A. Coppola Jr., Anna Szidarovszky, and Ferenc Szidarovszky --
3. Bankfull frequency in rivers / Carmen Agouridis --
4. Climate change and hydrological hazards / Yang Hong, Lu Liu, Lei Qiao, and Pradeep Adhikari --
5. Climate change and hydrologic modeling / Rezaul K. Chowdhury and Saeid Eslamian --
6. Climate change and urban water systems / Ole Mark and Birgit Paludan --
7. Climate change impacts on hydrology and water resources / Never Mujere and Saeid Eslamian --
8. Climate change : uncertainty, impact, and adaptation / Mohammad Reza Farzaneh, Saeid Eslamian, and Seyed Jalal E. Mirnezami --
9. Dam risk and uncertainty / Ehsan Goodarzi and Saeid Eslamian --
10. Design rainfall estimation and changes / Khaled Haddad and Ataur Rahman --
11. Discretization in urban watersheds Ivǹ Rivas Acosta --
12. Drought indices for drought risk assessment in a changing climate / Brian A. Fuchs, Mark D. Svoboda, Donald A. Wilhite, and Michael J. Hayes --
13. Flow and sediment transport modeling in rivers / Masoomeh Fakhri, Hamze Dokohaki, Saeid Eslamian, Iman Fazeli Farsani, and Mohammad Reza Farzaneh --
14. Geostatistics applications in hydrology / Pejman Tahmasebi and Gregoire Mariethoz --
15. GIS applications in a changing climate / Mohammed Matouq, Hussam Al-Bilbisi, Tayel El-Hasan, and Saeid Eslamian --
16. GIS-based upland erosion mapping / Soo Huey Teh, Lariyah M. Sidek, Pierre Y. Julien, and Jansen Luis --
17. Hybrid hydrologic modeling / Pierre Y. Julien and James S. Halgren --
18. Hydrological changes in mangrove ecosystems / Shafi Noor Islam, Albrecht Gnauck, Hans-J¿rgen Voigt, and Saeid Eslamian --
19. Hydrologic modeling : stochastic processes / Rina Schumer --
20. Hydrologic prediction and uncertainty quantification / Caleb M. DeChant and Hamid Moradkhani --
21. Impact of the development of vegetation on flow conditions and flood hazards / Tomasz Ka?u?a and Saeid Eslamian --
22. Regional flood frequency analysis / Ataur Rahman, Khaled Haddad, and Saeid Eslamian --
23. Regionalization of hydrological variables / Mehdi Vafakhah and Saeid Eslamian --
24. Remote sensing data and information for hydrological monitoring and modeling / Reza Khanbilvardi, Tarendra Lakhankar, Nir Krakauer, Rouzbeh Nazari, and Al Powell --
25. Significance of statistical tests and persistence in hydrologic processes / Khaled H. Hamed --
26. Statistical parameters used for assessing hydrological regime / Rezaul K. Chowdhury and Saeid Eslamian --
27. Time series analysis of hydrologic data / ¿li Grťar Bln̲dal Sveinsson --
28. Uncertainty of the PMP and PMF / Jose D. Salas, Germǹ Gavilǹ, Fernando R. Salas, Pierre Y. Julien, and Jazuri Abdullah --
29. Impact of urbanization on runoff regime
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While most books examine only the classical aspects of hydrology, this three-volume set covers multiple aspects of hydrology, and includes contributions from experts from more than 30 countries. It examines new approaches, addresses growing concerns about hydrological and ecological connectivity, new quantitative and qualitative managing techniques and considers the worldwide impact of climate change.
It also provides updated material on hydrological science and engineering, discussing recent developments as well as classic approaches. Published in three books, Fundamentals and Applications; Modeling, Climate Change, and Variability; and Environmental Hydrology and Water Management, the entire set consists of 87 chapters, and contains 29 chapters in each book.
The chapters in this book contain information on:
• The anthropocenic aquifer, groundwater vulnerability, and hydraulic fracturing, and environmental problems
• Disinfection of water, environmental engineering for water and sanitation systems, environmental nanotechnology, modeling of wetland systems, nonpoint source and water quality modeling, water pollution control using low-cost natural wastes, and water supply and public health and safety
• Environmental flows, river managed system for flood defense, stormwater modeling and management, tourism and river hydrology, and transboundary river basin management
• The historical development of wastewater management, sediment pollution, and sustainable wastewater treatment
• Water governance, scarcity, and security
• The formation of ecological risk on plain reservoirs, modification in hydrological cycle, sustainable development in integrated water resources management, transboundary water resource management, and more
Students, practitioners, policy makers, consultants and researchers can benefit from the use of this text.
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While most books only examine the classical aspects of hydrology, the three-volume set covers multiple aspects of hydrology, and includes contributions from experts from more than 30 countries. It examines new approaches, addresses growing concerns about hydrological and ecological connectivity, and considers the worldwide impact of climate change.
It also provides updated material on hydrological science and engineering, discussing recent developments as well as classic approaches. Published in three books, Fundamentals and Applications; Modeling, Climate Change, and Variability; and Environmental Hydrology and Water Management, the entire set consists of 87 chapters, and contains 29 chapters in each book.
The chapters in this book contain information on:
Long-term generation of scheduling of hydro plants, check dam selection procedures in rainwater harvesting, and stochastic reservoir analysis
Ecohydrology for engineering harmony in the changing world, concepts, and plant water use
Conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water
Hydrologic and hydraulic design in green infrastructure
Data processing in hydrology, optimum hydrometric site selection and quality control, and homogenization of climatological series
Cold region hydrology, evapotranspiration, and water consumption
Modern flood prediction and warning systems, and satellite-based systems for flood monitoring and warning
Catchment water yield estimation, hydrograph analysis and base flow separation, and low flow hydrology
Sustainability in urban water systems and urban hydrology
Students, practitioners, policy makers, consultants and researchers can benefit from the use of this text.
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Embankment construction projects on very soft soil often give rise to serious problems. This volume on geotechnics and soft soil engineering therefore treats all phases of the design and construction process exhaustively, from the first investigation step to the monitoring of constructed work. The book presents the development concepts necessary for the project stages and discusses in great detail construction methods, displacement estimations, stability analyses, monitoring, and various other aspects involved. Extensive attention is furthermore paid to the application of geosynthetics as a tool to improve the stability of soft soils and embankments. Including various tables and practical data for many geographical areas in the world, this reference volume is essential reading for engineers and researchers in geotechnical engineering, construction, and related disciplines.
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Good day to all
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Best Regards malc
The foundation of structures and the construction of underground railways in urban areas would be impossible without the use of diaphragm walls, grouting, anchors, micropiles, slender retaining walls, etc. Based on the author's own experience and taking into account the findings of various other authors, this book explains these methods in an intelligible manner, enabling the reader to judge for himself their suitability in construction practice.The aim of the book is to instruct experts in the correct application of grouting methods, and the correct choice of drilling systems and tools.
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The complexity of public-private partnership project procurement requires an effective process for pricing, managing and appropriate allocation of risks. The level at which risk is priced and the magnitude of risks transferred to the private sector will have a significant impact on the cost of the PPP deals as well as on the value for money analysis and on the section of the optimum investment options.
The construction industry tends to concentrate on the effectiveness of risk management strategies and to some extent ignores the price of risk and its impact on whole life cost of building assets. There is a pressing need for a universal framework for the determination of fair value of risks throughout the PPP procurement processes.
Risk Pricing Strategies for Public-Private Partnership Projects addresses the issues of risk pricing and demonstrates the use of a coherent strategy to arrive at a fair risk price. The focus of the book is on providing risk pricing strategies to maximise return on risk retention and allocation in the procurement of PPP projects. With its up-to-date coverage of the latest developments in risk pricing and comprehensive treatment of the methodologies involved in designing and building risk pricing strategies, the book offers a simple model for pricing risks.
The book follows a thematic structure: PPP processes map; Risk, uncertainty and bias; Risk pricing management strategies; Risk pricing measurement and modelling; Risk pricing at each of the project life cycle stages – and deals with all the important risk pricing issues, using relevant real-world situations through case study examples. It explains how the theory and strategies of risk pricing can be successfully applied to real PPP projects and reflects the broad understanding required by today’s project risk analysts, in their new and important role in PPP contract management.
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