Health Assessment of Engineered Structures has become one of the most active research areas and has attracted multi-disciplinary interest. Since available financial recourses are very limited, extending the lifespan of existing bridges, buildings and other infrastructures has become a major challenge to the engineering profession world-wide. Some of its related areas are only in their development phase. As the study of structural health assessment matures, more new areas are being identified to complement the concept.
This book covers some of the most recent developments (theoretical and experimental) and application potentials in structural health assessment. It is designed to present currently available information in an organised form to interested parties who are not experts in the subject.
Each chapter is authored by the most active scholar(s) in the area. After discussing the general concept, various currently available methods of structural health assessment (such as the use of smart sensors) are presented. Health Assessment discusses the following: sensor types, platforms and data conditioning for practical applications; wireless collection of sensor data, sensor power needs and on-site energy harvesting; and long term monitoring of structures. Uncertainty in collected data is also extensively addressed. A chapter discussing future directions in structural health assessment is also included.
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Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide - A Manual of Practice
Author: AASHTO | Size: 14 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) | Year: 2008 | pages: 220 | ISBN: 9781560514237, 9780080522043, 9780750647182
This manual provides the highway community with a state-of-the-practice analysis tool for evaluating pavement structures using mechanistic-empirical principles, using project specific traffic, climate, and materials data for estimating damage accumulation over a specified pavement service life. This manual is applicable to designs for new, reconstructed, and rehabilitated flexible, rigid, and semi-rigid pavements. Performance and distress predictions models are used to aid the pavement designer in determining the desired pavement section.
Front Matter
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Referenced Documents and Standards
3. Significance and Use of the MEPDG
4. Terminology and Definition of Terms
5. Performance Indicator Prediction Methodologies
6. Hierarchical Input Levels - Deciding on the Input Level
7. General Project Information
8. Selecting Design Criteria and Reliability Level
9. Determining Site Conditions and Factors
10. Pavement Evaluation for Rehabilitation Design
11. Determination of Material Properties for New Paving Materials
12. Pavement Design Strategies
13. Rehabilitation Design Strategies
14. Interpretation and Analysis of the Trial Design
Appendix: Getting Started with the MEPDG
Abbreviations and Terms
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The new edition of Principles of Pavement Engineering is a crucial guide for those involved in the science of pavement design. It provides an in-depth analysis of the principles underlying material behaviour, pavement design and maintenance, making it essential reading for pavement engineers and infrastructure experts who are faced with practical design issues for which transient standards are insufficient. The new edition explores different construction types and levels of cost efficiency around the world and concentrates on an understanding of the behaviour of pavement materials and of the real meaning of tests carried out on those materials. Covering soils, granular materials, hydraulically-bound materials (including concrete), and asphalt, Principles of Pavement Engineering, explains their various properties and the way in which they are affected by such matters as compaction, water content and binder content.
Principles of Pavement Engineering offers an up-to date expansion on the fundamental principles of pavement engineering, including new information on
• warm-mix and cold-mix asphalt
• design against potholes
• stress absorbing membrane interlayers
• updated information on asphalt recycling, surface treatments, pavement edge issues and parking areas and the difficult issue of maintenance, strengthening and rehabilitation design.
This second edition offers a broad and applicable coverage of the subject, making it a key reference for practising pavement engineers at all levels as well as students and graduates.
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Presents new information on sustainable pavements—materials, construction practices, and maintenance
Provides new coverage of environmental mitigation for transportation projects, including impact assessment, alternatives analysis, and enforcement
Expands coverage of techniques, such as forensic investigations for determination of type and cause of distress
Offers a chapter on standards to help students understand their importance and practicality
Includes numerous new photographs and schematics to further enhance students’ understanding of different topics
Contains links to online resources, wherever applicable, so students can build their own library for each topic
Pavements are engineered structures essential to transportation, commerce and trade, and everyday life. In order for them to perform as expected, they must be designed, constructed, maintained, and managed properly. Providing a comprehensive overview of the subject, Pavement Engineering: Principles and Practice, Second Edition covers a wide range of topics in asphalt and concrete pavements, from soil preparation to structural design and construction. This new edition includes updates in all chapters and two new chapters on emerging topics that are becoming universally important: engineering of sustainable pavements and environmental mitigation in transportation projects. It also contains new examples and new figures with more informative schematics as well as helpful photographs.
The text describes the significance of standards and examines traffic, drainage, concrete mixes, asphalt binders, distress and performance in concrete and asphalt pavements, and pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. It also contains a chapter on airport pavements and discusses nondestructive tests for pavement engineering using nuclear, deflection-based, electromagnetic, and seismic equipment. The authors explore key concepts and techniques for economic analysis and computing life-cycle cost, instrumentation for acquiring test data, and specialty applications of asphalt and concrete.
The Second Edition includes more relevant issues and recently developed techniques and guidelines for practical problems, such as selection of pavement type, effect of vehicle tires, and use of smart sensors in rollers and software for drainage analysis. This book presents in-depth, state-of-the-art knowledge in a range of relevant topics in pavement engineering, with numerous examples and figures and comprehensive references to online resources for literature and software. It provides a good understanding of construction practices essential for new engineers and materials processing and construction needed for solving numerous problems.
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Author: Peter C. Taylor | Size: 12.8 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2013 | pages: 214 | ISBN: 9780203866139
Explains the benefits of curing on concrete performance
Offers guidance on how to select and apply a curing method
Discusses how to specify and measure curing in a project
Includes examples evaluating the use of curing in real-world structures
Discusses U.S. and European Standard specifications, making the book applicable for international use
Contains more than 80 illustrations and photographs
Curing is one of those activities that every civil engineer and construction worker has heard of, but in reality does not worry about much. In practice, curing is often low on the list of priorities on the construction site, particularly when budgets and timelines are under pressure. Yet the increasing demands being placed on concrete mixtures also mean that they are less forgiving than in the past. Therefore, any activity that will help improve hydration and so performance, while reducing the risk of cracking, is becoming more important. Curing Concrete explains exactly why curing is so important and shows you how to best do it.
The book covers:
The fundamentals behind hydration
How curing affects the properties of concrete, improving its long-term performance
What curing technologies and techniques you can use for different applications
How to effectively specify, provide, and measure curing in a project
The author also gives numerous examples of how curing—or a lack of it—has affected concrete performance in real-world situations. These include examples from hot and cold climates, as well as examples related to high-performance concrete, performance parameters, and specifications and testing. Written for construction professionals who want to ensure the quality and longevity of their concrete structures, this book demonstrates that curing is well worth the effort and cost.
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ASCE - Preparation of Construction Specifications for Civil Projects
Author: Committee on Specifications of the Construction Institute of the ASCE | Size: 2.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers | Year: 2013 | pages: 70 | ISBN: 9780784413043, 9780784477946
Prepared by the Committee on Specifications of the Construction Institute of ASCE.
Preparation of Construction Specifications for Civil Projects provides a ready, convenient resource for the recommended principles and approaches used for specification production in civil-engineered projects. Poorly written and ambiguous specifications can result in construction claims, increased cost, and litigation. This guide includes step-by-step instructions, checklists, and sample documents for various specifications.
Topics include:
> purpose, goals, philosophy, and developmental planning for specifications
> formatting, writing, and review of specifications
> bidding and contract award documents
This guide is an update to Preparing Specifications for Design-Bid Build Projects and will be of interest to engineers, contractors, and construction professionals.
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Posted by: vangjo - 07-06-2014, 08:58 AM - Forum: Archive
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Article/eBook Full Name: Dampness in Buildings
Author(s): Alan Oliver, James Douglas, Stewart Stirling
Edition: Second edition
Publish Date: 1997
ISBN: 978-0632040858
Published By: Wiley-Blackwell
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Posted by: vangjo - 07-06-2014, 08:51 AM - Forum: Archive
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Article/eBook Full Name: Masonry Drying and Cellar Rehabilitation
Author(s): Frank Frossel
Publish Date: 2006
ISBN: 9783816762690
Published By: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
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> Proposes a new approach to the prediction of the long-term properties of concrete with recycled aggregate
> Compiles scattered data on the use of recycled aggregate in concrete production in a single volume
> Includes numerous illustrations
Concrete has become the most used man-made material in the world since its invention. The widespread use of this material has led to continuous developments such as ultra-high strength concrete and self-compacting concrete. Recycled Aggregate in Concrete: Use of Industrial, Construction and Demolition Waste focuses on the recent developments in which the use of various types of recycled waste materials as aggregate in the production of various types of concrete.
By drawing together information and data from various fields and sources, Recycled Aggregate in Concrete: Use of Industrial, Construction and Demolition Waste provides full coverage of this subject. Divided into two parts, a compilation of varied literature data related to the use of various types of industrial waste as aggregates in concrete is followed by a discussion of the use of construction and demolition waste as aggregate in concrete. The properties of the aggregates and their effect on various concrete properties are presented, and the quantitative procedure to estimate the properties of concrete containing construction and demolition waste as aggregates is explained. Current codes and practices developed in various countries to use construction and demolition waste as aggregates in concrete and issues related to the sustainability of cement and concrete production are also discussed.
The comprehensive information presented in Recycled Aggregate in Concrete: Use of Industrial, Construction and Demolition Waste will be helpful to graduate students, researchers and concrete technologists. The collected data will also be an essential reference for practicing engineers who face problems concerning the use of these materials in concrete production.
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Corrosion is generally described as "an attack on a metallic material by reaction with it’s environment". The corrosion of metallic materials causes large economic losses and is a high risk for accidents. The cost of corrosion is great but it is possible to reduce this cost by a better employment of existing knowledge. Providing a thorough contribution to knowledge distribution, Bardal combines a description of practical corrosion processes and problems with a theoretical explanation of the various types and forms of corrosion, with particular attention to the interaction between description and theory. A well thought-out introduction to corrosion science, with excellent examples and useful tables of data. Exremley well illustrated with 167 diagrams and photographs. Contains extensive reference material utilising the latest international standards. Vital emphasis is placed on the connections between practical problems and basic scientific principles. Corrosion and Protection is an essential guide for engineering students, particularly those with a limited background in chemistry, such as mechanical, marine and civil engineering students and also provides a valuable reference source for practicing engineers.
Content Level » Professional/practitioner
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