A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying and Civil Engineering
Author: Christopher Gorse, David Johnston & Martin Pritchard | Size: 6.9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Oxford University Press | Year: 2012 | pages: 503 | ISBN: 9780199534463
> Covers all core areas of construction from materials and tools to health and safety and contracts
> The most up-to-date dictionary of construction, surveying, and civil engineering available
> Written by an experienced team of experts
> Contains illustrations for key entries and a bibliography
> Provides entry-level web links, which are listed and regularly updated on a companion website
This A to Z is the most up-to-date dictionary of building, surveying, and civil engineering terms and definitions available.
Written by an experienced team of experts in the respective fields, it covers in over 7,500 entries the key areas of construction technology and practice, civil and construction engineering, construction management techniques and processes, and legal aspects such as contracts and procurement. Illustrations complement entries where necessary and other extra features include entry-level web links, which are listed and regularly updated on a companion website.
Its wide coverage makes it the ideal reference for students of construction and related areas, as well as for professionals in the field.
Readership: Students of construction, civil engineering, surveying, and ancillary subjects; professionals in these respective areas
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Author: Jim Coulson | Size: 9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Year: 2014 | pages: 214 | ISBN: 978111853966-8
There is a great deal of innovation in the use of wood in construction, from impressive modern buildings to new construction products that reduce build times and improve building performance. As a renewable resource with proven low embodied energy, wood is both an environmentally responsible and a highly practical choice as a construction material. However, forest management practices vary throughout the world: some are highly effective in delivering a sustainable, long term supply of timber; whereas others are less so, and could result in forest depletion and significant environmental degradation. Against this background, a number of certification schemes have been developed that seek to ensure that all timber is harvested from sources that are at least legally-sourced, and at best, sustainably managed.
Sustainable Use of Wood in Construction explains how and why wood may be grown sustainably, and how this versatile material can be specified and - most importantly - sourced, for use in the construction industry. It explains the modern regulatory framework within Europe that seeks to eliminate the use of illegally-harvested wood, and it shows how to ensure that everyone who sells or uses wood for construction is following the rules. Finally, the book explains how, at the end of its first use in construction, wood can be recycled, by reprocessing into another wood-based construction material, or by using it as biomass.
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This book is the first book of its kind to collectively identify, catalog, and assess the exploration and recovery potential of the Earth's unconventional hydrocarbons. Advances in hydrocarbon technology and petroleum development systems have recently made the exploration of unconventional hydrocarbons, such as shale gas, tight sandstone oil and gas, heavy oil, tar sand, and coalbed methane, the hottest trend in the petroleum industry. Detailed case studies act as real-world application templates, making the book's concepts immediately practical and useful by exploration geologists. The logical and intuitive three-part approach of systematically identifying an unconventional hydrocarbon, cataloguing its accumulation features, and assessing its exploration and recovery potential can be immediately implemented in the field anywhere in the world.
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"Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability Mechanics (CONCREEP-9), held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 22-25, 2013.
This collection contains 59 invited and peer-reviewed papers on the deformation under load of concrete and concrete structures. These papers dissect the physical origin of creep and shrinkage of concrete and propel this knowledge from the scale of a few atoms to full-scale engineering applications.
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Prepared by the Special Project Committee on Advanced Analysis of the Technical Committee on Structural Members of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE. This report presents formal guidelines for the use of second-order inelastic analysis in the design and assessment of steel framing systems. This advanced analysis methodology focuses on the strength of the structural system as a whole, rather than the design load levels producing the first member failure. The report includes design rules, background and commentary regarding the rules, and benchmarks for columns and frames. It provides specific recommendations regarding the rigor of analysis, minimum modeling requirements, consideration of limit states, serviceability, and live load reduction, yet allows latitude for the judgment of the design engineer. The recommendations presented in this report will be particularly valuable to structural engineers, specification developers, and developers of structural analysis software.
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This book reports from the leading edge of the world’s biggest infrastructure construction projects. Megaprojects, with costs of more than US $1 billion, are being surpassed by gigaprojects with price tags higher than US $10 billion. These enormous projects are critical to meeting the growing demands of global populations, yet they present daunting obstacles for effective planning, design, construction, and delivery. Not only do the challenges of a megaproject increase exponentially with its size, but these projects can span long time frames. Risk management alone poses unprecedented problems of scale and complexity. The editors have assembled a stellar group of financiers, owners, program managers, consultants, designers, contractors, and legal counsel, all of whom have frontline experience with megaprojects and gigaprojects. In the first part, these experts share lessons learned and best practices developed as they grappled with specific difficulties posed such large-scale projects. In the second part, construction professionals describe megaprojects undertaken in the Middle East, Brazil, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America with a view to highlighting strategies that lead to success. Engineers, construction managers, planners, and risk managers will find in this volume useful tools for the effective and efficient execution of megaprojects and gigaprojects. This book is also an indispensable guide for investors, senior executives, board members, and other participants involved in these large-scale projects.
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This book presents six case studies focused on the planning, engineering, and management of major construction projects at active airports. The construction or reconstruction of runways, aprons, ramps, or terminals while an airport is open for regular operations poses complex challenges, such as access to and from airport operating areas, logistics, staging, short-term lighting and signage, airline-airport communications, and staging and planning for short-term closures of taxiways and taxi lanes. Each case study describes the requirements, objectives, challenges, methodologies, and lessons learned from a recent project, offering unique insights into how complex projects can be managed successfully. These case studies are essential reading for those involved in planning, designing, and constructing capital improvements to airport facilities, including transportation and aviation engineers, construction engineers and project managers, and managers with airport authorities.
Front Matter
List of Abbreviations
Table of Contents
1. New Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport Runway Design and Construction
2. Reconstruction of Runway 16L-34R at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
3. Rehabilitation of Runway 09-27 at George Bush Intercontinental Airport
4. The Reconstruction of Runway 13R-31L at John F. Kennedy International Airport
5. Coordination and Logistics Management: Creating CALM at Los Angeles International Airport
6. Airfield Construction at Denver International Airport: Creating the Invisible Project
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> Latest research results in order to incorporate the lifetime of materials into the concept of buildings
> Emphasis on concrete and steel constructions
Safety and reliability are important for the whole expected service duration of an engineering structure. Therefore, prognostical solutions for different building types are needed and uncertainties have to be handled. Life-cycle strategies to control future structural degradations by concepts of appropriate design have to be developed, in case including means of inspection, maintenance, and repair. Aspects of costs and sustainability also matter.
The Cooperative Research Center for Lifetime-Oriented Design Concepts (SFB 398) at Ruhr University in Bochum combines the wide range of scientific topics between structural engineering, structural and soil mechanics and material sciences regarding structural lifetime management in this present extraordinary monolithic format.
The characterization and modeling of lifetime-related external actions of multiple origin are presented in this book as well as the physical description, the modeling and the validation of material degradation. Adaptive numerical methods and simulation techniques are provided for the lifetime-oriented design concepts to forecast material and structural degradation. Stochastic aspects, mathematical optimization methods and interactions between various influences are included. Thus, a solid basis is provided for future practical use and also for standardization of structural design with respect to lifetime-prediction.
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I'm searching for a textbook that will be beneficial for writing a Laboratory based undergraduate Thesis related to Pavement. Would appreciate any recommendations.
Author: Sidney Mindess, J. Francis Young, David Darwin | Size: 34.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Prentice Hall | Year: 2003 | pages: 657 | ISBN: 0130646326, 9780130646323
This book presents a unified view of concrete behavior in light of a body of chemical and physical principles. It provides the most up-to-date information available on new concrete materials. The most up-to-date information on new concrete materials. SI units used as primary system, keeping readers current to the unit system being adopted in the United States. Latest ASTM specifications are included. Exercises at the end of each chapter. An excellent resource for professionals in this industry.
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