In order to carry on a Due Diligence on an existing building, i need the French code "règles parasismiques 92 ". It does not metter if written in French
As society becomes more aware of the significance of the environment, such issues become increasingly important. The book exemplifies the vital role of environmental geology and geological processes in understanding the physical environment and the influence and fundamental importance of engineering geology in our modern world, particularly the infrastructure, whether it be foundations, routeways or reservoirs. The influence of geohazards, the significance of soil and water resources, and the impact of mining, waste disposal and pollution/contamination on the environment are all examined in this book. The various aspects of construction that are involved in the development of the infrastructure are also discussed - land evaluation and geological construction materials are therefore taken account of in this context. The book provides a wealth of practical examples and a comprehensive suggested reading list is provided for each chapter.
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This significant new book by foremost experts in the field will be the first that truly covers the topic of engineering geomorphology as a distinct discipline and, as such, will be of paramount importance to both practitioners and students. Engineering geomorphology is concerned with the evaluation of landform changes, especially the effects of construction on the environment, notably on the operation of surface processes and the risks from surface processes, whether current processes or the legacies of past processes. Engineering geomorphology provides practical support for engineering decision-making (project planning, investigation, design and construction) and engineering geomorphologists form an integrate part of the engineering or environmental team. Engineering geomorphology has developed in the last few decades to support a number of distinct areas of engineering, including river engineering, coastal engineering, and geotechnical engineering, where engineering geomorphology has complemented engineering geology and has proven to be valuable, especially for rapid site reconnaissance and slope stability studies. Geomorphology provides a spatial context for developing site models and explaining the distribution and characteristics of particular ground-related problems (e.g. landslides, permafrost or the presence of aggressive soils) and resources (e.g. sand and gravel). Engineering geomorphology can also be applied to agricultural engineering, primarily in the investigation and management of soil erosion problems. This book includes basic concepts that underpin efforts to explain the causes, mechanisms and consequences of landform change. It then considers how the land surface works in the context of wetland, flatland, hills, mountains, rivers and coasts; and the techniques that are available to the engineering geomorphologist in the field, in the laboratory, in the office and in the various forms of remote sensing. Each succinct chapter is packed with vital information, well-illustrated with diagrams and tables and fully referenced so that the detail of subject matter can be followed up.
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This monograph deals with buckling and postbuckling behavior of thin plates and thin-walled structures with flat wall subjected to static and dynamic load. The investigations are carried out in elastic range.
The basic assumption here is the thin plate theory. This method is used to determination the buckling load and postbuckling analysis of thin-walled structures subjected to static and dynamic load. The book introduces two methods for static and dynamic buckling investigation which allow for a wider understanding of the phenomenon. Two different methods also can allow uncoupling of the phenomena occurring at the same time and attempt to estimate their impact on the final result.
A general mathematical model, adopted in proposed analytical-numerical method, enables the consideration of all types of stability loss i.e.local, global and interactive forms of buckling. The applied numerical-numerical method includes adjacent of walls, shear-lag phenomenon and a deplanation of cross-sections.
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Author: Geert De Schutter, Peter J. M. Bartos, Peter Domone and John Gibbs | Size: 6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Whittles Publishing | Year: 2008 | pages: 334 | ISBN: 9781904445302 , 9781420068337
The only book to offer a systematic and comprehensive source of information on SCC technology from its inception to latest developments
During the last decade, concrete technology has made an enormous advance through the introduction of self-compacting concrete. This application of nanotechnology in construction provides benefits from the perspective of materials technology and environmental protection and is presenting diverse opportunities to engineers and architects alike.
Good quality concrete is compacted, traditionally by vibration. This book defines the key properties that make fresh concrete self-compacting and outlines test methods for its assessment. It covers the basic principles and underlying scientific theory, practical advice for production of SCC and its use in construction practice, and is illustrated by practical case studies and applications. All stages of the self-compacting concrete construction process are reviewed, from selection of materials, mix design and mixing process to transport, placing and finishing. The range of benefits offered go beyond fundamental aspects of concrete quality and productivity; it includes a major improvement in the health and safety of workers. Reductions of noise levels on construction sites, together with utilisation of inorganic industrial wastes such as quarry dusts are additional benefits.
Information necessary for maximising the benefits offered by self-compacting concrete is provided, with an emphasis on an integrated approach, in which SCC is already selected in the design stage. Novel structural elements become feasible, in part due to the facility to pump under pressure, and management of the construction process can be adjusted to minimise costs. Significant completed projects are described which illustrate the potential benefits and key aspects of the new self-compacting concrete technology in practice.
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> Thorough analysis of whole structures and structural elements
> Fully compliant with EC8 and EC3
> Simple, clear approach to calculations
Steel Structures: Analysis and Design for Vibrations and Earthquakes analyses the behaviour of two steel framed structures and their structural elements subjected to complex dynamic forces under the actions of earthquake motions and vibrations due to dynamic forces created by the effects of an unbalanced rotating mass of machines. Both the complete structures and the structural elements are analysed in compliance with Eurocode 8 and Eurocode 3.
There are books available that consider the design of structural members and deal with isolated problems but in the main these emphasize the theory and do not consider the practical design and detailing which engineers face in the design office and within construction. This book considers the structure in its entirety providing a complete picture, guiding the engineer through the full process.
The general principles and practices, design concepts, evaluation of seismic design parameters, calculations of design base shear force in elastic analysis, and vibration analysis are all considered before presentation of the calculations. The author takes the reader through the process in a simple and lucid way with a step-by-step approach stating the design philosophy, design considerations and clarifying the referred clauses of the code of practice, all complemented by design sketches and tables.
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When finding another location, redesigning a structure, or removing troublesome ground at a project site are not practical options, prevailing ground conditions must be addressed. Improving the ground—modifying its existing physical properties to enable effective, economic, and safe construction—to achieve appropriate engineering performance is an increasingly successful approach. This third edition of Ground Improvement provides a comprehensive overview of the major ground improvement techniques in use worldwide today. Written by recognized experts who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to bear on their contributions, the chapters are fully updated with recent developments including advancements in equipment and methods since the last edition.
The text provides an overview of the processes and the key geotechnical and design considerations as well as equipment needed for successful execution. The methods described are well illustrated with relevant case histories and include the following approaches:
Densification using deep vibro techniques or dynamic compaction
Consolidation employing deep fabricated drains and associated methods
Injection techniques, such as permeation and jet grouting, soil fracture grouting, and compaction grouting
New in-situ soil mixing processes, including trench-mixing TRD and panel-mixing CSM approaches
The introductory chapter touches on the historical development, health and safety, greenhouse gas emissions, and two less common techniques: blasting and the only reversible process, ground freezing. This practical and established guide provides readers with a solid basis for understanding and further study of the most widely used processes for ground improvement. It is particularly relevant for civil and geotechnical engineers as well as contractors involved in piling and ground engineering of any kind. It would also be useful for advanced graduate and postgraduate civil engineering and geotechnical students.
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Structural Engineering Documents (SED) is a monograph series providing in-depth information on a specific topic to practicing structural engineers, they are reports of high scientific and technical standard. They are written by a single person or a small number of authors and deal with specific topics that may be the result of individual efforts or of a Working Group or Task Force.
SEDs are published in irregular intervals but mostly once a year. The readership includes practising structural engineers, teachers and students at a university level, as well as representatives of owners, operators and builders. The SED Editorial Board is responsible for the planning and selection of technical contributions for the Association's series 'Structural Engineering Document' (SED).
No 4. Ship Collision with Bridges - Interaction between Vessel Traffic and Bridge Structures - Larsen, Ole Damgaard
No 5. Introduction to Safety and Reliability of Structures - Jorg Schneider
No 8. Use and Application of High-Performance Steels for Steel Structures - Günther, Hans-Peter
No 12. Case Studies of Rehabilitation, Repair, Retrofitting, and Strengthening of Structures - Bakhoum, M.M. & Sobrino, Juan A.
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With major implications for applied physics, engineering, and the natural and social sciences, the rapidly growing area of environmental fluid dynamics focuses on the interactions of human activities, environment, and fluid motion.
A landmark for the field, the two-volume Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics presents the basic principles, fundamental flow processes, modeling techniques, and measurement methods used in the study of environmental motions. It also offers critical discussions of environmental sustainability related to engineering.
The handbook features 81 chapters written by 135 renowned researchers from around the world. Covering environmental, policy, biological, and chemical aspects, it tackles important cross-disciplinary topics such as sustainability, ecology, pollution, micrometeorology, and limnology.
Volume One: Overview and Fundamentals provides a comprehensive overview of the basic principles. It starts with general topics that emphasize the relevance of environmental fluid dynamics research in society, public policy, infrastructure, quality of life, security, and the law. It then discusses established and emerging focus areas. The volume also examines the sub-mesoscale flow processes and phenomena that form the building blocks of environmental motions, with emphasis on turbulent motions and their role in heat, momentum, and species transport.
As communities face existential challenges posed by climate change, rapid urbanization, and scarcity of water and energy, the study of environmental fluid dynamics becomes increasingly relevant. This volume is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and policymakers working to better understand the fundamentals of environmental motions and how they affect and are influenced by anthropogenic activities.
Volume One:
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