> Natural wood is considered as a natural composite material and it fire behavior and fire resistance depends simultaneously both on physical structure (morphology) and specificity of chemical structure of various wood species and age .The main experimental data on fire behavior and engineering recommendations on fire resistance of building constructions summarize the authors’ results developed at State Fire Academy, Moscow, Russia
> Another unique point on the book is its practical content, one of the most important practical developments of authors’ approach is ability to predict the behavior and longevity of real building structures and constructions at fire
> For the first time data has been presented on how the age of natural wood of various species (both very old and fresh wood) affects fire behavior
> The very novel industrial technology has been developed to considerably improve fire safety of building constructions based on natural wood using the intumescing (self-foaming) organic coatings which do not contain common fire retardant elements
> Wide range of readers and users: students, researchers, engineers, constructors, architects and restorers
> The book is divided on purpose in three parts and each group of readers can find useful information according to their specific interests
> In many aspects the proposed book can be characterized as a short but condensed encyclopedia on fire behavior and fire resistant of natural wood
This volume describes the modern data on fire behavior and fire protection of timber in outdoors and indoors application mainly in construction industry. The book discusses the most important topics of that area of science and engineering such as: Specificity of structure and properties of different timber species; Pyrolisis and oxidative decomposition of timber; The ignition of timber; Heat release characteristics and combustion heat of timber; Flame propagation on timber surface; Generation of smoke and toxic products at fire of timber surface; Generation of smoke and toxic products at fire of timber; Fire safety and fire resistance of timber building structures and constructions; Fire protection of timber building structures and constructions; Effect of natural aging of timber building structures on fire behavior and fire safety; The changes in fire behavior timber based on different of wood species after accelerated artificial aging.
The Authors’ novel approach discovered the relationship between various species and age of timbers and its fire behavior at different thermal and fire loads. Quantitative data on ignition speed and flame propagation and generation of heat, smoke and toxic products are discussed for most types of timbers applicable in engineering practice. Analysis of fire resistance of various types of timber building materials and very new data on the effect of natural and accelerated aging of timber fire behavior are discussed. The main practical methods of fire protection of new and ancient timber structures using novel coatings (without regular fire retardants) are considered.
Most of the data contained in the book are based on the authors’ research and practical experience accumulated during many years of their activity in the area. The book should be useful for a wide range of readers: chemists, physicists, material scientists, architects, engineers, constructors and restorers involved in study and practice of fire behavior and fire protection of timber.
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Dynamic Stiffness and Substructures models a complex dynamic system and offers a solution to the advanced dynamical problem associated with the effects of wind and earthquakes on structures. Since the system matrices are inevitably frequency dependant, those are exclusively considered in this publication. The relation between the frequency matrices by the Leung's theorem is most important in the development of efficient algorithms for the natural modes. This new approach was developed by the author over the past 15 years. It offers practising engineers and researchers a wide choice for structural modelling and analysis. Abundant numerical examples enable the reader to understand the theorem and to apply the methods.
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Mechanics of Optimal Structural Design: Minimum Weight Structures
Author: David W. A. Rees | Size: 5.86 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: John Wiley and Sons | Year: 2009 | pages: 565 | ISBN: 9780470746233
In a global climate where engineers are increasingly under pressure to make the most of limited resources, there are huge potential financial and environmental benefits to be gained by designing for minimum weight. With Mechanics of Optimal Structural Design, David Rees brings the original approach of weight optimization to the existing structural design literature, providing a methodology for attaining minimum weight of a range of structures under their working loads. He addresses the current gap in education between formal structural design teaching at undergraduate level and the practical application of this knowledge in industry, describing the analytical techniques that students need to understand before applying computational techniques that can be easy to misuse without this grounding.
> Shows engineers how to approach structural design for minimum weight in clear, concise terms
> Contains many new least-weight design techniques, taking into consideration different manners of loading and including new topics that have not previously been considered within the least-weight theme
> Considers the demands for least-weight road, air and space vehicles for the future
> Enhanced by illustrative worked examples to enlighten the theory, exercises at the end of each chapter that enable application of the theory covered, and an accompanying website with worked examples and solutions housed at www.wiley.com/go/rees
The least-weight analyses of basic structural elements ensure a spread of interest with many applications in mechanical, civil, aircraft and automobile engineering. Consequently, this book fills the gap between the basic material taught at undergraduate level and other approaches to optimum design, for example computer simulations and the finite element method.
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In this timely guide, one of the world's leaders in advanced building technology implementation shows architects and engineers proven and practical methods for implementing these technologies in sustainably-designed buildings. Because of the very limited time architects are given from being awarded a project to concept design, this book offers clear and workable solutions for implementing solar energy, radiant heating and cooling floors, displacement ventilation, net zero, and more. It provides helpful tips and suggestions for architects and engineers to work together on implementing these technologies, along with many innovative possibilities for developing a truly integrated design. This book also explores and explains the many benefits of advanced technologies, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, lower operating costs, noise reduction, improved indoor air quality, and more. In addition, Advanced Building Technologies for Sustainability:
> Offers detailed coverage of solar energy systems, thermal energy storage, geothermal systems, high-performance envelopes, chilled beams, under-floor air distribution, displacement induction units, and much more
> Provides case studies of projects using advanced technologies and demonstrates their implementation in a variety of contexts and building types
> Covers the implementation of advanced technologies in office towers, large residential buildings, hospitals, schools, dormitories, theaters, colleges, and more
Complete with a clear and insightful explanation of the requirements for and benefits of acquiring the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED certification, Advanced Building Technologies for Sustainability is an important resource for architects, engineers, developers, and contractors involved in sustainable projects using advanced technologies.
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Structural Engineering of Transmission Lines provides practising engineers with a comprehensive guide to the structural behaviour of transmission lines and the successful management of transmission line projects.
The authors bring together technical knowledge and industry advice to offer extensive practical guidance on the design, construction and management of transmission lines. Taking an international approach, the book details the considerations, methods and outcomes of projects in different parts of the world where the constraints and opportunities of resources, climate and culture are unique.
An invaluable resource Structural Engineering of Transmission Lines:
> provides observations, calculations and technical solutions to problems facing structural engineers
> discusses variables in terrain and weather conditions when approaching each project
> considers the balance of components in each structure to ensure the longevity of the line
> outlines issues such as restricted access, jurisdictional constraints and natural hazards which may hinder a project and advises for cost-effective solutions
Structural Engineering of Transmission Lines combines technical details and practical examples into one essential resource to help structural engineers, contractors, consultants, facility owners, operators and managers understand, navigate and build upon the current methods in the transmission line industry.
A transmission line in an electrical network
The nature of wires in spans
A transmission line as a structural entity
Loads and strengths
Fun with cable structures
Lessons from failures
Sustainable development
Further information
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i have noticed lavteam has placed a tag on its effort producing meds "not to be posted in civil**.com".
this is true for the latest mstowerv62, or microstranv9, etc.. while other forums post their work regardless, ii hope it is not an issue with us given this is also posted in the software section. just thinking..
Article/eBook Full Name: Structural Condition Assessment
Author(s): Robert T. Ratay
Edition: 1
Publish Date: January 17, 2005
ISBN: 0471647195
Published By: Wiley
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In Structural Condition Assessment, editor-in-chief Robert T. Ratay gathers together the leading people in the field to produce the first unified resource on all aspects of structural condition assessment for strength, serviceability, restoration, adaptive reuse, code compliance, and vulnerability. Organized by the four main stages of a structural evaluation, this book provides an introduction to structural deterioration and its consequences, the business and legal aspects of conducting an evaluation, initial survey and evaluation techniques for various structures, and specific tests for five of the most common structural materials (concrete, steel, masonry, timber and fabric.)
The current AISC 360-10 steel design module in STAAD.Pro has been turbo charged by restructuring the design processes to use multi-threading which can deliver a major performance boost that results in designs being performed quicker and making designers more productive.
Canadian Concrete Design in Concrete Mode
A new beam and column design module, to the Canadian concrete design standard, has been added to the Concrete Mode giving designers a clear design with detailed supporting calculations.
SP 16.13330.2011 Steel Design
A new steel design module has been added to the main analysis and design engine to the current Russian steel design specification.
SP 20.13330.2011 Wind Loading
An additional new wind load pre-processing module has been added that can quickly create wind loading on frames to the current Russian specification.
SP 14.13330.2011 Seismic Loading
A new response spectra routine has been added to support the seismic definitions as defined in the current Russian design code.
User Reports
The popular method to create custom user reports has been updated so that it is now possible to include more detail of the analysis functions that have been introduced into STAAD.Pro over recent times such as Reference and Notional load cases.
Finite element Analysis
Improved analysis routines for models incorporating quad-plates means that the analysis can now be performed on models with slightly warped elements which previously would have not been possible.
Cloud Analysis
An updated UI improves project interoperability with Bentley CONNECT Scenario Services giving the opportunity to explore the effects of alternative scenarios and determine a best solution for given criteria.
Over 180 documented updates are listed in the Revision History document (view details here) with over 90 updates specifically in the analysis and design engine ranging from small enhancements in the output to corrections affecting a number of the design routines.
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Author: Philip Wilkinson, Dave King, Geoff Dann | Size: 18 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers | Year: 1995 | 1960 | 2000 | pages: 61 | ISBN: 679872566
Take an exciting tour of world architecture and discover how all kinds of structures are built--from the humblest African mud huts to the slender minarets of Turkish mosques to the earthquake-resistant skyscrapers of Tokyo.
1995 edition
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