Chemical admixtures, which are primarily water-soluble substances, are discussed in detail and, in this report, are classified into 13 groups: airentraining; accelerating; water-reducing and set-retarding; admixtures for flowing concrete; admixtures for self-consolidating concrete; cold weather admixture systems; admixtures for very high-early-strength concrete; extended set control; shrinkage-reducing; corrosion-inhibiting; lithium; permeability-reducing; and miscellaneous. Chemical admixtures are used on a daily basis in the cast-in-place and precast concrete industries. Twelve categories of admixtures are described in detail as to type, current usage, and their effect on concrete in the plastic and hardened state. Their benefits and common usage are outlined.
Each category of admixture addresses the benefits obtainable with their use in a properly proportioned concrete mixture, types of batching systems, control measures, and test placements for mixture design verification. Mixture designs using multiple chemical admixtures have become more common. Their successful usage requires proper compatibility and, often, setting times and early strengths that are proper for the placing environment. The potential benefits are highlighted to all members of the concrete team, concrete contractor, concrete producer, admixture supplier, and testing personnel.
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This second edition of this book, Nonlinear Random Vibration: Analytical Techniques and Applications, expands on the original edition with additional detailed steps in various places in the text. It is a first systematic presentation on the subject. It covers Markovian and non-Markovian solutions of nonlinear stochastic differential equations, exact solutions of Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations, methods of statistical linearization, statistical nonlinearization techniques, methods of stochastic averaging, truncated hierarchy techniques, and an appendix on probability theory.
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- Extensive collection of revised papers by experts on various aspects of bridge maintenance, safety, management and life-cycle performance.
- This volume collates all the very best work that has been done in the field of bridge maintenance, safety and management and related topics during the last few years
- Stimulates and promotes research into this field and bridges the gap between theory and practice
Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability contains the lectures and papers presented at The Sixth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2012), held in Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy, 8-12 July, 2012. This volume consists of a book of extended abstracts (800 pp) and a DVD (4057 pp) containing the full papers of 555 contributions presented at IABMAS 2012, including the T.Y. Lin Lecture, nine Keynote Lectures, and 545 technical papers from 40 countries.
The contributions deal with the state-of-the-art as well as emerging concepts and innovative applications related to all main aspects of bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability. Major topics covered include: advanced materials, ageing of bridges, assessment and evaluation, bridge codes, bridge diagnostics, bridge management systems, composites, damage identification, design for durability, deterioration modeling, earthquake and accidental loadings, emerging technologies, fatigue, field testing, financial planning, health monitoring, high performance materials, inspection, life-cycle performance and cost, load models, maintenance strategies, non-destructive testing, optimization strategies, prediction of future traffic demands, rehabilitation, reliability and risk management, repair, replacement, residual service life, resilience, robustness, safety and serviceability, service life prediction, strengthening, structural integrity, and sustainability.
This volume provides both an up-to-date overview of the field of bridge engineering as well as significant contributions to the process of making more rational decisions concerning bridge maintenance, safety, serviceability, resilience, sustainability, monitoring, risk-based management, and life-cycle performance using traditional and emerging technologies for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of society. It will serve as a valuable reference to all involved with bridge structure and infrastructure systems, including students, researchers and engineers from all areas of bridge engineering.
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From Materials to Structures: Advancement through Innovation
Author: Bijan Samali, Mario M. Attard, Chongmin Song | Size: 42 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2012 | pages: 1100 | ISBN: 9780415633185
From Materials to Structures: Advancement through Innovation is a collection of peer-reviewed papers presented at the 22nd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM22) held in Sydney Australia, from 11-14 December 2012 by academics, researchers and practising engineers mainly from Australasia and the Asia-Pacific region. The topics under discussion include:
• Biomechanics
• Composite structures and materials
• Computational mechanics
• Concrete, masonry, steel and timber structures
• Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics
• Fire engineering
• Geomechanics
• Foundation engineering
• Innovative and smart structures
• Pavement engineering
• Rehabilitation of structures
• Rock engineering
• Site investigation
• Soil improvement and reinforcement
• Structural health monitoring
• Structural optimisation
• Sustainable materials
From Materials to Structures: Advancement through Innovation will be a valuable reference for academics, researchers and practising engineers working in structural and material engineering and mechanics.
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I would like to request the following ebook if possible. Thank You
Full title: Unified Design of Steel Structures 2nd Edition
Author(s): Louis Geschwindner
Publisher: Wiley & Sons (December 20, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470444037
ISBN-13: 978-0470444030
Early-age cracking is a challenge for the concrete industry. Materials selection, environmental conditions, and field practices all have considerable influence on the propensity for early-age cracking to occur. This document focuses on thermal- and moisture-related deformations; both are materials-related and contribute to early-age cracking. The document provides detailed reviews on the causes of deformation and cracking, test methods for assessing shrinkage and thermal deformation properties, and mitigation strategies for reducing early-age cracking.
Chapter 1—Introduction and scope
Chapter 2—Notation and definitions
Chapter 3—Causes of early-age deformation and cracking
3.1—Thermal deformation
3.2—Autogenous shrinkage
3.3—Drying shrinkage
3.4—Creep and stress relaxation from deformation restraint
3.5—Mitigation of shrinkage
Chapter 4—Test methods and assessment
4.2—Shrinkage measurements
4.3—Ring test
4.4—Rigid cracking frames
4.5—Coefficient of thermal expansion (αT) measurement
4.6—Analysis tools assessing stresses and cracking
Chapter 5—Shrinkage control
5.2—Expansive additives
5.3—Shrinkage-reducing admixtures
5.4—Internal curing
Chapter 6—References
6.1—Referenced standards and reports
6.2—Cited references
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Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Second Edition
Author: Robert W Day | Size: 19.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: McGrawhill | Year: 2012 | pages: 692 | ISBN: 9780071792387
The latest methods for designing seismically sound structures
Fully updated for the 2012 International Building Code, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook, Second Edition discusses basic earthquake principles, common earthquake effects, and typical structural damage caused by seismic shaking.
Earthquake computations for conditions commonly encountered by design engineers, such as liquefaction, settlement, bearing capacity, and slope stability, are included. Site improvement methods that can be used to mitigate the effects of earthquakes on structures are also described in this practical, comprehensive guide.
Coverage includes: Basic earthquake principles Common earthquake effects Earthquake structural damage Site investigation for geotechnical earthquake engineering Liquefaction Earthquake-induced settlement Bearing capacity analyses for earthquakes Slope stability analyses for earthquakes Retaining wall analyses for earthquakes Other geotechnical earthquake engineering analyses Grading and other soil improvement methods Foundation alternatives to mitigate earthquake effects Earthquake provisions in building codes
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Geotechnical instrumentation is used for installation, monitoring and assessment on any sizeable project, particularly in urban areas, and is used for recording, controlled remedial work, and safety.
This unique and up-to-date book deals with the conceptual philosophy behind the use of instruments, and then systematically covers their practical use. It is divided into displacement dominated systems and stress recording systems. The limitations are discussed and the theoretical background for data assessment and presentation are covered in some detail, with some relevant background material in theoretical soil mechanics. Relevant advanced electronic techniques such as laser scanning in surveying and fibre-optics are also included and communication and data recovery systems are discussed.
This book is written for senior designers, consulting engineers, and major contractors who need a major introduction to the general purpose, availability, and analysis of field instruments before details of their own project can be progressed, and it serves as a textbook to any specialist geotechnical MSc or professional seminar course in which instrumentation forms a major part.
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Posted by: ssobhan - 08-04-2014, 04:26 AM - Forum: Archive
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Article/eBook Full Name: Innovations in Structural Engineering and Construction, Two Volume Set: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural and Construction Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 26-28 September 2007
Author(s): Mike Xie, Indubhushan Patnaikuni
Publish Date: 2007
ISBN: 9780415457552
Published By: CRC Press
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