Proceedings of the First American Conference on Human Vibration
Author: Ren Dong, Ph.D. Kristine Krajnak, Ph.D. Oliver Wirth, Ph.D. John Wu, Ph.D. | Size: 7.2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Engineering and Control Technology Branch Health Effects Laboratory Division Morgantown, West Virginia, U.S.A. | Year: 2006 | pages: 177
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- Introduction to Seismic Design (73 slides)
- AISC Seismic Moment Frame Design (208 slides)
- AISC 358 Prequalified Connection for Seismic Applications (99 slides)
- Changes in the 2010 Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (83 slides)
- Performance-Based Seismic Design Today and Tomorrow (83)
- The AISC Seismic Design Provisions Past, Present and Future (71 slides)
- A First Look at the 14th Edition Manual & 2010 Specification (119)
- What's on the Horizon for AISC Standards in 2010 (125 slides)
- An Introduction to Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Codes (Part 1 Ductility) (88 slides)
- Stability Under Dynamic (Earthquake) Loads (86 slides)
- 50 Tips for Designing Constructable Steel Buildings (68 slides)
- Tips on Connection Design (176 slides)
- A Standards Approach to Connection Design (135 slides)
- A Guide to The Preliminary Design Process (52 slides)
- Design of Horizontal Diaphragms and Collector Beams for Seismic Lateral Load Resisting Systems (52 slides)
- Mechanism Analysis in the 2010 Seismic Provisions (58 slides)
- Steel Deck Diaphragm Design From Understanding Behavior to Efficient Field Installation (68 slides)
- A Special Report from New Zealand (102 slides)
- Welding Code Updates What's New in 2010 (237 slides)
- Seismic Filler Metals (45 slides)
- Better Base Plates by Design (83 slides)
- HSS Applications, Use, and Limitations of Chapter K of AISC 360-05 (75 slides)
- Behavior and Design of Composite Column Systems Recent Research and New Provisions (86 slides)
- Behavior and Design of Stability Bracing (105 slides)
- Stability and Design of Plate Girders (101 slides)
- A Story about the Principles of Constructability The John Hancock Building (52 slides)
- Uniform Force Method (53 slides)
- Unleash the Power of Mathcad (33 slides)
- Simplified Finite Element Method for Predicting Low Frequency Floor Vibration due to Walking (57 slides)
- Implementing BIM in Your Structural Engineering Firm (59 slides)
- Implement a Software Error Reduction Plan (SERP) (54 slides)
- AISC 2010 Specification Appendix 4 (Part 1) Structural Design for Fire Conditions (79 slides)
- AISC 2010 Specification Appendix 4 (Part 2) Structural Design for Fire Conditions (38 slides)
- Stability and Design of Beams (102 slides)
- Floor Vibrations Beyond Design Guide 11 (93 slides)
- Code Complexity (60 slides)
- So You Want to be A Structural Engineer (59 slides)
- Exposed Column Base Plates What Three Years of Testing Taught Us (71 slides)
- Quality Control and Assurance Are You Ready for Chapter N (93 slides)
- To Camber or Not to Camber (57 slides)
- MythBusters The Connection Edition (62 slides)
- Cellular and Corrugated Web Beams (90 slides)
- Expansion Joints (79 slides)
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Despite all the efforts being put into expanding renewable energy sources, large–scale power stations will be essential as part of a reliable energy supply strategy for a longer period. Given that they are low on CO2 emissions, many countries are moving into or expanding nuclear energy to cover their baseload supply. Building structures required for nuclear installations whose protective function means they are classified as safety–related, have to meet particular construction requirements more stringent than those involved in conventional construction. This book gives a comprehensive overview from approval aspects given by nuclear and construction law, with special attention to the interface between plant and construction engineering, to a building structure classification. All life cycle phases are considered, with the primary focus on execution. Accidental actions on structures, the safety concept and design and fastening systems are exposed to a particular treatment. Selected chapters of the German concrete yearbook "Beton–Kalender" are now available in English. The new English BetonKalender Series delivers internationally useful engineering expertise and industrial know–how from Germany. The Beton–Kalender was founded in 1906 in Berlin, and very soon after it has become a "bible" for construction engineers. Its founder Fritz von Emperger (1862–1942) thought that it should support the annual progress of the new building method with ferro–concrete structures "until its tempestuous development would be brought to the end". But, with exception 1945–50 it is published annually until today.
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Author: Christoph HEINEMEYER Doctor Engineer RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germany ,Markus FELDMANN Professor RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germa | Size: 531 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Year: 2008 | pages: 14
Increasing vibration problems encountered in the last few years show that footbridges should no longer be designed for static loads only but also for the dynamic actions and vibration behaviour of the footbridge due to pedestrian loading.
For this reason European research has been performed to come up with a design concept for footbridges that takes into account different traffic situations and individual demands on vibration comfort. So the elaborated guideline considers different types of pedestrian traffic and the traffic density which can greatly influence comfort requirements of the bridge and the dynamic behaviour. It is important to predict the effect of pedestrian traffic on footbridges at the design stage and in the later verification of serviceability in order to guarantee a comfort level for the user. This guide gives recommendations for designer and client to find relevant design situations as well as methods how to prove if vibration requirements are fulfilled
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A Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation Modeling 3rd ed
Author: Randall E. Schumacker & Richard G. Lomax | Size: 7.8 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Routledge | Year: 2010 | pages: 531 | ISBN: 1841698911
This best-seller introduces readers to structural equation modeling (SEM) so they can conduct their own analysis and critique related research. Noted for its accessible, applied approach, chapters cover basic concepts and practices and computer input/output from the free student version of Lisrel 8.8 in the examples.
Each chapter features an outline, key concepts, a summary, numerous examples from a variety of disciplines, tables, and figures, including path diagrams, to assist with conceptual understanding.
The book first reviews the basics of SEM, data entry/editing, and correlation. Next the authors highlight the basic steps of SEM: model specification, identification, estimation, testing, and modification, followed by issues related to model fit and power and sample size. Chapters 6 through 10 follow the steps of modeling using regression, path, confirmatory factor, and structural equation models. Next readers find a chapter on reporting SEM research including a checklist to guide decision-making, followed by one on model validation. Chapters 13 through 16 provide examples of various SEM model applications. The book concludes with the matrix approach to SEM using examples from previous chapters.
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The advantages of composite materials include a high specific strength and stiffness, formability, and a comparative resistance to fatigue cracking and corrosion. However, not forsaking these advantages, composite materials are prone to a wide range of defects and damage that can significantly reduce the residual strength and stiffness of a structure or result in unfavorable load paths.
Emphasizing defect identification and restitution, Defects and Damage in Composite Materials and Structures explains how defects and damage in composite materials and structures impact composite component performance. Providing ready access to an extensive, descriptive list of defects and damage types, this must-have reference:
• Examines defect criticality in composite structures
• Recommends repair actions to restore structural integrity
• Discusses failure modes and mechanisms of composites due to defects
• Reviews NDI processes for finding and identifying defects in composite materials
Relating defect detection methods to defect type, the author merges his experience in the field of in-service activities for composite airframe maintenance and repair with indispensable reports and articles on defects and damage in advanced composite materials from the last 50 years.
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An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Vibrations of Elastic Plates
Author: R. D. Mindlin, Jiashi Yang | Size: 5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Kingdwarf | Year: 2007 | pages: 212 | ISBN: 9812703810
This book by the late R D Mindlin is destined to become a classic introduction to the mathematical aspects of two-dimensional theories of elastic plates. It systematically derives the two-dimensional theories of anisotropic elastic plates from the variational formulation of the three-dimensional theory of elasticity by power series expansions. The uniqueness of two-dimensional problems is also examined from the variational viewpoint. The accuracy of the two-dimensional equations is judged by comparing the dispersion relations of the waves that the two-dimensional theories can describe with prediction from the three-dimensional theory. Discussing mainly high-frequency dynamic problems, it is also useful in traditional applications in structural engineering as well as provides the theoretical foundation for acoustic wave devic
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