This book will appeal to specialist engineers with enquiring minds and, in a broader sense, to all who live in buildings, especially those in a seismically active region. While the continual development of building codes permits the design of new construction to resist earthquake loads more effectively, a major problem is that buildings which may once have conformed to past seismic codes become structurally unacceptable according to today's codes and need upgrading or `retrofitting'. Poor construction methods also result in buildings that do not conform to any codes. Existing `vulnerable' buildings that require strengthening in earthquake-prone countries immensely outnumber all recent construction.
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Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering NUMGE 2014
Author: Michael A. Hicks, Ronald B.J. Brinkgreve and Alexander Rohe | Size: 44 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2014 | pages: 1368 | ISBN: 1138001465, 9781315751825, 1315751828, 9781138001466
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering contains the proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (NUMGE 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 June 2014).
It is the eighth in a series of conferences organised by the European Regional Technical Committee ERTC7 under the auspices of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). The first conference was held in 1986 in Stuttgart, Germany and the series has continued every four years (Santander, Spain 1990; Manchester, United Kingdom 1994; Udine, Italy 1998; Paris, France 2002; Graz, Austria 2006; Trondheim, Norway 2010).
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering presents the latest developments relating to the use of numerical methods in geotechnical engineering, including scientific achievements, innovations and engineering applications related to, or employing, numerical methods. Topics include: constitutive modelling, parameter determination in field and laboratory tests, finite element related numerical methods, other numerical methods, probabilistic methods and neural networks, ground improvement and reinforcement, dams, embankments and slopes, shallow and deep foundations, excavations and retaining walls, tunnels, infrastructure, groundwater flow, thermal and coupled analysis, dynamic applications, offshore applications and cyclic loading models. The book is aimed at academics, researchers and practitioners in geotechnical engineering and geomechanics.
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Highlighting new technologies, Remote Sensing of Natural Resources explores advanced remote sensing systems and algorithms for image processing, enhancement, feature extraction, data fusion, image classification, image-based modeling, image-based sampling design, map accuracy assessment and quality control. It also discusses their applications for evaluation of natural resources, including sampling design, land use and land cover classification, natural landscape and ecosystem assessment, forestry, agriculture, biomass and carbon-cycle modeling, wetland classification and dynamics monitoring, and soils and minerals mapping.
The book combines review articles with case studies that demonstrate recent advances and developments of methods, techniques, and applications of remote sensing, with each chapter on a specific area of natural resources. Through a comprehensive examination of the wide range of applications of remote sensing technologies to natural resources, the book provides insight into advanced remote sensing systems, technologies, and algorithms for researchers, scientists, engineers, and decision makers.
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The first comprehensive work on one of the most important underground mining methods worldwide, Geotechnical Design for Sublevel Open Stoping presents topics according to the conventional sublevel stoping process used by most mining houses, in which a sublevel stoping geometry is chosen for a particular mining method, equipment availability, and work force experience. Summarizing state-of-the-art practices encountered during his 25+ years of experience at industry-leading underground mines, the author:
Covers the design and operation of sublevel open stoping, including variants such as bench stoping
Discusses increases in sublevel spacing due to advances in the drilling of longer and accurate production holes, as well as advances in explosive types, charges, and initiation systems
Considers improvements in slot rising through vertical crater retreat, inverse drop rise, and raise boring
Devotes a chapter to rock mass characterization, since increases in sublevel spacing have meant that larger, unsupported stope walls must stand without collapsing
Describes methodologies to design optimum open spans and pillars, rock reinforcement of development access and stope walls, and fill masses to support the resulting stope voids
Reviews the sequencing of stoping blocks to minimize in situ stress concentrations
Examines dilution control action plans and techniques to back-analyze and optimize stope wall performance
Featuring numerous case studies from the world-renowned Mount Isa Mines and examples from underground mines in Western Australia, Geotechnical Design for Sublevel Open Stoping is both a practical reference for industry and a specialized textbook for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate mining studies.
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Worldwide there is a growing interest in efficient planning and the design, construction and maintenance of transportation facilities and infrastructure assets. The 3rd International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure ICTI 2014 (Pisa, April 22-25, 2014) contains contributions on sustainable development and preservation of transportation infrastructure assets, with a focus on eco-efficient and cost-effective measures. Sustainability, Eco-efficiency and Conservation in Transportation Infrastructure Asset Management includes a selection of peer reviewed papers on a wide variety of topics:
• Advanced modeling tools (LCA, LCC, BCA, performance prediction,design tools and systems)
• Data management (monitoring and evaluation)
• Emerging technologies and equipments
• Innovative strategies and practices
• Environmental sustainability issues
• Eco-friendly design and materials
• Re-use or recycling of resources
• Pavements, tracks, and structures
• Case studies
Sustainability, Eco-efficiency and Conservation in Transportation Infrastructure Asset Management will be particularly of interest to academics, researchers, and practitioners involved in sustainable development and maintenance of transportation infrastructure assets.
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Dams and Appurtenant Hydraulic Structures, now in its second edition, provides a comprehensive and complete overview of all kinds of dams and appurtenant hydraulic structures throughout the world.
The reader is guided through different aspects of dams and appurtenant hydraulic structures in 35 chapters, which are subdivided in five themes:
I. Dams and appurtenant hydraulic structures – General;
II. Embankment dams;
III. Concrete dams;
IV. Hydromechanical equipment and appurtenant hydraulic structures;
V. Hydraulic schemes.
Subjects treated are general questions, design, construction, surveillance, maintenance and reconstruction of various embankment and concrete dams, hydromechanical equipment, spillway structures, bottom outlets, special hydraulic structures, composition of structures in river hydraulic schemes, reservoirs, environmental effects of river hydraulic schemes and reservoirs and environmental protection. Special attention is paid to advanced methods of static and dynamic analysis of embankment dams.
The wealth of experience gained by the author over the course of 35 years of research and practice is incorporated in this richly-illustrated, fully revised, updated and expanded edition. For the original Macedonian edition of Dams and Appurtenant Hydraulic Structures, Ljubomir Tanchev was awarded the Goce Delchev Prize, the highest state prize for achievements in science in the Republic of Macedonia.
This work is intended for senior students, researchers and professionals in civil, hydraulic and environmental engineering and dam construction and exploitation.
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Bearing in mind that reinforced concrete is a key component in a majority of built environment structures, Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions combines the scientific knowledge of earthquake engineering with a focus on the design of reinforced concrete buildings in seismic regions. This book addresses practical design issues, providing an integrated, comprehensible, and clear presentation that is suitable for design practice.
It combines current approaches to seismic analysis and design, with a particular focus on reinforced concrete structures, and includes:
• an overview of structural dynamics
• analysis and design of new R/C buildings in seismic regions
• post-earthquake damage evaluation, pre earthquake assessment of buildings and retrofitting procedures
• seismic risk management of R/C buildings within urban nuclei
• extended numerical example applications
Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions determines guidelines for the proper structural system for many types of buildings, explores recent developments, and covers the last two decades of analysis, design, and earthquake engineering. Divided into three parts, the book specifically addresses seismic demand issues and the basic issues of structural dynamics, considers the "capacity" of structural systems to withstand seismic effects in terms of strength and deformation, and highlights existing R/C buildings under seismic action. All of the book material has been adjusted to fit a modern seismic code and offers in-depth knowledge of the background upon which the code rules are based. It complies with the last edition of European Codes of Practice for R/C buildings in seismic regions, and includes references to the American Standards in effect for seismic design.
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> Examines the limitations of conventional solutions used in solving geotechnical problems pertaining to beams, piles, footings, dams, retainign walls, tunnels, anchors, seepage, consolodation, and earthquake analysis
> Presents the developments in numerical modeling techniques and tools such as finite element and finite difference methods, analytical procedures, and their applications for solving geotechnical problems in an easily understood manner
> Includes conventional and advanced developments in constitutive modeling for geologic materials, interfaces and joints
> Explains the influence of interactions between structures and soils/rocks, effects of nonlinearity, and material models on the behavior of structures
> Details the software used in solving examples throughout the book
> Offers a wide range of challenging problems that benefits a broad range of readers (upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, faculty, and practicing engineers)
Soil-structure interaction is an area of major importance in geotechnical engineering and geomechanics Advanced Geotechnical Engineering: Soil-Structure Interaction using Computer and Material Models covers computer and analytical methods for a number of geotechnical problems. It introduces the main factors important to the application of computer methods and constitutive models with emphasis on the behavior of soils, rocks, interfaces, and joints, vital for reliable and accurate solutions.
This book presents finite element (FE), finite difference (FD), and analytical methods and their applications by using computers, in conjunction with the use of appropriate constitutive models; they can provide realistic solutions for soil–structure problems. A part of this book is devoted to solving practical problems using hand calculations in addition to the use of computer methods. The book also introduces commercial computer codes as well as computer codes developed by the authors.
> Uses simplified constitutive models such as linear and nonlinear elastic for resistance-displacement response in 1-D problems
> Uses advanced constitutive models such as elasticplastic, continued yield plasticity and DSC for microstructural changes leading to microcracking, failure and liquefaction
> Delves into the FE and FD methods for problems that are idealized as two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D)
> Covers the application for 3-D FE methods and an approximate procedure called multicomponent methods
> Includes the application to a number of problems such as dams , slopes, piles, retaining (reinforced earth) structures, tunnels, pavements, seepage, consolidation, involving field measurements, shake table, and centrifuge tests
> Discusses the effect of interface response on the behavior of geotechnical systems and liquefaction (considered as a microstructural instability)
This text is useful to practitioners, students, teachers, and researchers who have backgrounds in geotechnical, structural engineering, and basic mechanics courses.
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Structural Fire Engineering provides comprehensive and practical design guidance on the application of structural fire engineering to specialist structural engineers.
The chapters provide an insight into the explanation of the structural fire engineering design process, its position within the regulatory system and guidance on the selection of appropriate partial factors for the fire limit state for variations in material properties and loading.
The book places structural fire engineering design procedures within a context and framework which will be familiar to many readers. The information on standard methods of test and assessment and their function within the regulatory framework provides a broader perspective to the design standards.
Structural Fire Engineering:
> provides a unique approach to practical design guidance
> highlights the Eurocode standards in the context of fire engineering design and conformity to the requirements of the regulations
> demonstrates the options for design through several worked examples
> incorporates over 80 illustrations to complement the text
> provides guidance on the UK National Annexes for Eurocodes
Structural Fire Engineering is invaluable reading for practising structural engineers, fire safety engineers, structural fire engineers, students and those who teach advanced fire design.
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this CD contains the following :-
1- UBC Code part 2 (PDF)
2-Chick list for design reviewing and inputs
3-Seismic design manual + Examples
4- Miscellaneous References
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