Bridge girders exposed to aggressive environmental conditions are subject to time-variant changes in resistance. There is therefore a need for evaluation procedures that produce accurate predictions of the load-carrying capacity and reliability of bridge structures to allow rational decisions to be made about repair, rehabilitation and expected life-cycle costs. This study deals with the stability of damaged steel I-beams with web opening subjected to bending loads. A three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) model using ABAQUS for the elastic flexural torsional analysis of I-beams has been used to assess the effect of web opening on the lateral buckling moment capacity. Artificial neural network (ANN) approach has been also employed to derive empirical formulae for predicting the lateral-torsional buckling moment capacity of deteriorated steel I-beams with different sizes of rectangular web opening using obtained FE results. It is found out that the proposed formulae can accurately predict residual lateral buckling capacities of doubly-symmetric steel I-beams with rectangular web opening. Hence, the results of this study can be used for better prediction of buckling life of web opening of steel beams by practice engineers.
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Author: by Richard A. Davis, Jr., Robert W. Dalrymple | Size: 50 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Sрringеr SсiBus | Year: 2012 | pages: 638 | ISBN: 9400701225 9789400701229 9789400701236
This book presents a comprehensive, contemporary review of tidal environments and deposits, overview of tidal sedimentology. The approach is comprehensive with state-of-the-art reviews of the full spectrum of tidal depositional environments, from supratidal salt marshes, through the full range of coastal environments and continental shelves, to the deep sea.
Examples from modern environments and ancient deposits are provided, and both siliciclastic and carbonate environments are discussed.
The book is organized in the following four parts.
1) Chapters 1 – 4 provide overviews of the fundamentals of: the generation of tides, the nature of sediment transport by tidal currents, the criteria by which tidal deposits can be recognized, and the ichnology of tidal deposits.
2) Chapters 5 – 14 review the charac teristics of the full range of siliciclastic tidal environments, including both tide-dominated estuaries and deltas, as well as the various tidal components of barrier-lagoon systems. These chapters cover all aspects of the sedimentology of these environments, from the details of the physical processes operating in them, through the morphodynamics and facies, and the stratigraphic organization of the deposits.
3) Chapters 15 – 18 provide syntheses of particular times and places in earth history where tidal deposits are particularly notable.
4) Chapters 19 – 21 discuss tidal sedimentation in modern and ancient carbonate environments.
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Author: Clement A. Ogaja | Size: 13.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers | Year: 2011 | pages: 207 | ISBN: 9780784411506
Applied GPS for Engineers and Project Managers introduces civil engineers—especially those who are not already licensed surveyors—to the fundamental principles of global positioning technology (GPS). This book covers GPS basics, including positioning and measuring principles, techniques to improve accuracy, and an analysis of low-cost versus high-precision systems. Subsequent chapters explain the considerations for selecting and implementing a GPS system and then demonstrate specific applications of GPS in a variety of engineering situations, including monitoring the health of structures, robotics and machine control, maritime operations, material tracking in large construction sites, site control and design, and monitoring geohazards.
This book will be valuable for all civil engineers interested in benefiting from the use of GPS technologies.
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Intraplate earthquakes occur away from tectonic plate boundaries: their locations are difficult to predict, risking huge damage and loss of life. The 2001 Bhuj earthquake (featured in this book) was the largest intraplate earthquake for three decades and has provided unique insight into these events. This cutting-edge book brings together research from international leading experts in the field. Each chapter provides a comprehensive review of these earthquakes in a different global location, ranging from Australia, China, India and the Sea of Japan, to Western Europe, Brazil, New Madrid (Central USA), and Eastern Canada. They explore similarities and differences between regional features and the mechanical models required to explain them, as well as assessing geophysical techniques used to investigate them. Providing the first global overview of intraplate earthquakes, this is an essential book for academic researchers and professionals in seismology, tectonics, tectonophysics, geodesy, structural geology, earthquake dynamics, geophysics, and structural engineering.
> The first global perspective on intraplate earthquakes, illustrating the similarities, differences and unique features of the subject in different parts of the world
> Every chapter is authored by an expert in the site area, providing perspectives from global leaders in the field
> Each chapter displays different features of its local site and different techniques applied to its study, demonstrating how varying conditions dictate approaches to the subject
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Public-private Partnerships: Case Studies on Infrastructure Development
Author: Sidney M. Levy | Size: 3.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers | Year: 2011 | pages: 436 | ISBN: 9780784410134
Public-Private Partnerships: Case Studies in Infrastructure Development demystifies this innovative solution to the challenges of designing, financing, building, and operating major infrastructure projects. In today's world, partnerships between public agencies-federal, state, and local-and private companies are an increasingly popular policy tool. At a time when infrastructure in the United States and elsewhere is aging and public budgets are shrinking, public-private partnerships (PPPs) permit planners to leverage limited funds, while private firms embrace these relationships as an unfolding and potentially profitable global market. But what separates a successful partnership from one that fails to deliver on its promise?
In this book, Sidney Levy brings a balanced perspective to the history and development of the PPP movement. He outlines different approaches to defining and planning a PPP, supplemented by a history of PPP toll roads in the United States. He describes the key players in a PPP deal and provides case studies of the projects in Virginia, Illinois, Florida, Canada, and Mexico.
This compendium of practical detail on public-private partnerships is essential reading for civil engineers, engineering managers, construction contractors, developers, and government officials involved in or contemplating a major infrastructure project.
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COuld you help me find the following book very kindly?
Railway management and engineering
Ashgate Publishing Limited; 4th New edition
V. A. Profillidis is a Transport Consultant and Professor at Democritus Thrace University, Xanthi, Greece. A consultant on many railway projects, with thirty years of research, teaching and professional experi-ence in Railway Management and Engineering, he has published 140 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings in this field. Previously he was visiting professor at the Department of Manage-ment of the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece and an advisor to the Greek Ministry of Transport, the Greek Railways and the Greek Ministry of Public Works. He has also been a research associate in the Research Department of the International Union of Railways (UIC) and at French Railways (SNCF). He gained the diplomas of Civil Engineering and of the Faculty of Law and Economics at the University of Thessaloniki, D.E.A. and Ph.D. from Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees of Paris.
This book explains the theory and methods of system optimization design for railway intelligent transportation systems (RITS), which optimizes RITS total performance by decreasing the difficulty and cost of system development and increasing the system efficiency. Readers will understand key concepts of RITS and the latest research relevant to China and other countries where RITSs have been developed. The book is suitable for university scholars in the field of railway transportation.
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> Addresses recent trends and future directions in cement and concrete composites
> Presents alternative solutions that allow for sustainable development of infrastructure systems
> Offers new analysis and design guidelines so that material models can be directly integrated within structural analysis software programs
> Examines new materials such as fabric and fiber reinforced concrete using novel reinforcing systems
> Provides closed-form solutions for analysis and design based on fracture mechanics and stress crack width approach to incorporate the contribution of fibers
Among all building materials, concrete is the most commonly used—and there is a staggering demand for it. However, as we strive to build taller structures with improved seismic resistance or durable pavement with an indefinite service life, we require materials with better performance than the conventional materials used today. Considering the enormous investment in public infrastructure and society’s need to sustain it, the need for new and innovative materials for the repair and rehabilitation of civil infrastructure becomes more evident. These improved properties may be defined in terms of carbon footprint, life-cycle cost, durability, corrosion resistance, strength, ductility, and stiffness.
Addressing recent trends and future directions, Mechanics of Fiber and Textile Reinforced Cement Composites presents new opportunities for developing innovative and cost-effective materials and techniques in cement and concrete composites manufacturing, testing, and design. The book offers mathematical models, experimental results, and computational algorithms for efficient designs with fiber and textile reinforced composite systems. It explores alternative solutions using blended cements, innovative reinforcing systems, natural fibers, experimental characterization of key parameters used for design, and optimized designs. Each chapter begins with a detailed introduction, supplies a thorough overview of the existing literature, and sets forth the reasoning behind the experimentation and theory.
Documenting the composite action of fibers and textiles, the book develops and explains methods for manufacturing and testing cement composites. Methods to design and analyze structures for reduced weight, increased durability, and minimization of cement use are also examined. The book demonstrates that using a higher volume fraction of fiber systems can result in composites that are quasi-elastic plastic. Speaking to the need to optimize structural performance and sustainability in construction, this comprehensive and cohesive reference requires readers to rethink the traditional design and manufacturing of reinforced concrete structures.
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