Modelling and simulation aspects of performace-based wind engineering of tall buildings
Author(s)/Editor(s): GORDON HENRY CLANNACHAN | Size: 6,5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow | Year: 2012 | pages: 266
The study is concerned with developing an adequate Performance-Based Wind Engineering (PBWE) framework for tall building design. The focus is to introduce advanced modelling and simulation techniques to improve key analysis stages, namely by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM). The clearly defined five stage PBWE framework is realised and implemented using both existing and newly developed simulation components. The performance of the developed process is explored by comparative PBWE analyses to assess the wind-induced behaviour of two tall building designs with distinctly different cross sections; a regular rectangular cross section and an irregular „L‟-shaped cross section.
The performance of CFD was primarily dependent on the turbulence model. On the basis of an extensive validation study, the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model was able to adequately compute the mean pressure coefficients acting on the benchmark CAARC tall building. However, its inability to sustain the atmospheric turbulence resulted in a significant under-estimation of the top floor accelerations. Hence, it was concluded that the RANS model is not suitable for competent PBWE studies. The results showed that the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model offered the closest alternative to wind tunnel testing. However, full LES was too computationally expensive to be used for the PBWE framework, and hence a hybrid RANS-LES simulation strategy was formulated as a compromise. This was considered to offer an appropriate representation of the wind-induced pressure field without prohibitive complexities emanating from a full LES model.
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This thesis is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for
the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
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Navisworks® project review software products enable architecture, engineering, and construction professionals to holistically review integrated models and data with stakeholders to gain better control over project outcomes.
Used primarily in construction industries to complement 3D design packages (such as Autodesk Revit, AutoCAD, and MicroStation) Navisworks allows users to open and combine 3D models, navigate around them in real-time and review the model using a set of tools including comments, redlining, viewpoint, and measurements. A selection of plug-ins enhances the package adding interference detection, 4D time simulation, photorealistic rendering and PDF-like publishing.
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· explores a wide range of topics dealing with optimization in solid (structural) and fluid mechanics (including CFD)
· covers multidisciplinary optimization when one discipline deals with structures or fluids
· examines closely related fields that are relevant to structural or fluid optimization
· is the official journal of the International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO)
The journal’s scope ranges from mathematical foundations of the field to algorithm and software development, and from benchmark examples to case studies of practical applications in structural, aero-space, mechanical, civil, chemical, naval and bio-engineering.
Fields such as computer-aided design and manufacturing, reliability analysis, artificial intelligence, system identification and modeling, inverse processes, computer simulation, bio-mechanics, bio-medical applications, nano-technology, MEMS, optics, chemical processes, computational biology, meta-modeling, DOE and active control of structures are covered when the topic is closely related to the optimization of structures or fluids.
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I now uploaded for 1989-1991 year
Be patient for rest year publication
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Numerical simulation of the wind flow around a tall building and its dynamic response to wind excitation
Author(s)/Editor(s): Julia Revuz | Size: 23/33 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham | Year: 2011 | pages: 275
Wind action is particularly important for tall buildings, both in providing a significant
contribution to the dynamic overall loading on the structure and by affecting its
serviceability. Whereas low and medium-rise buildings are fairly rigid, tall structures
are characterized by a greater flexibility and a lower natural frequency, which is more
likely to be in the frequency range of wind gusts. In addition, wake effects, such as vortex
shedding, can become a significant problem for flexible structures when the vortex
shedding frequency is close to the natural frequency of the building.
The aim of the present thesis is to assess the validity of commercial CFD codes for
modelling the wind flow around a high-rise building, including the consideration of the
coupled dynamic response of the building to turbulent wind loading. Three intermediate
objectives are set.
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Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
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Autodesk® InfraWorks® 360 software is a planning and design solution that helps engineers to quickly and easily convey preliminary design intent in a real-world, contextual environment, increasing stakeholder buy-in and team decision-making. Efficiently access and integrate data from multiple sources into a highly accurate model. Automated, rich 3D model building capability combined with cloud technology and vertically-specialized functionality gives you a design tool to confidently envision the full potential of a project; create competitive distinction to win work. Teams are empowered to make decisions where and when needed – all while saving time and money through automated integration versus manual compilation.
InfraWorks software comes in different configurations that offer specific levels of functionality to fit your budget, workflow, and design needs. Compare InfraWorks 360 and InfraWorks in a Suite to determine which best suits your projects
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The Seismic Analysis of Statically Designed Tall Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Using The Finite Element Method
Author(s)/Editor(s): TAHER MOKHTAR AHMED EL-KHAWANKY | Size: 65/100 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: University Of Salford, Salford, UK | Year: 2003 | pages: 331
Earthquakes present one of the most devastating hazards on the planet. They threaten the safety of civilians in seismically active regions, and are of extreme concern in applications that demand a high level of safety, i. e. the nuclear industry. However in nearly all cases, the fatalities that occur are as a result of the collapse of man-made structures. Hence the problems facing Civil Engineers who are concerned with seismic mitigation is evident. The dynamic behaviour of their structures must now be accounted for in the design. As our knowledge broadens, structures can, and are being designed to be earthquake resistant. However there are many buildings still standing in seismically active regions which have been designed for static load cases only, or are now of substandard design.
Seismic engineering researcha nd application has progressed rapidly over the last few decades not least in part due to the evolution of computer technology and our ability to produce computer models which aid us in the design and analysis rocesses. Hence the research presented focuses on the global behaviour of a typical statically designed tall reinforced concrete building.
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A thesis Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
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Autodesk CFD software provides computational fluid dynamics and thermal simulation tools to help you make great products Pair the CFD Design Study Environment with a solver to predict product performance,optimize designs, and validate product behavior before manufacturing.
Autodesk® CFD 2017 contains several new features and functional updates designed to improve the modeling process, simulation fidelity, and the overall user experience.
Results Visualization
Custom Result Quantities
Particle Traces
Iso Volumes
Updated Results Workflows, including the Design Study Bar
Wall Layers
Heat Exchanger Humidity
Meshing for Surface Wrapped and Faceted (STL) Models
Model Assessment Toolkit
Surface Wrapping
Hydrostatic Pressure
New Solver Technology
Computers for your analysis.
Scalable Solver...
User Interface
Improvements to the Cloning Workflow
Customer Involvement
Image Resolution
and more...
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3ds Max software provides a comprehensive 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and compositing solution for games, film, and motion graphics artists. 3ds Max has tools for crowd generation, particle animation, and perspective matching, as well as support for DirectX 11 shaders.
Here are some of the Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 changes are:
– Viewport navigation: Orbit point of interest / Orbit sub object
– Viewport zoom is now infinite
– Local Aligned coordinate system for sub objects. Verts and edges have local coordinate systems.
– mirror tool now has geometry mode – adds geometry modifier
– UV editor; flatten by material id
– UV editor; flatten by smoothing groups
– A lot of new tools in curve editor + buffer curves
– Offset controllers
– Camera sequencer
– Physical material
– Slate material editor can now pick mats from legacy editor sample slots via RMB
– New render added – ART. Seems like it’s the same ray tracing engine used in 360, but with animation ability.
– Mental ray is now installed separately (as a sub-component).
– Scene converter – converts scenes to ART rendered.
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I.D. Hymas, S.G. Reid, P.J. Uno A.S. Beletich (Author)
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Cement and Concrete Services
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Role of Seismic Testing Facilities in Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering
Author(s)/Editor(s): Michael N. Fardis and Zoran T. Rakicevic | Size: 11 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2012 | pages: 391 | ISBN: ISBN: 9400719760, 940073719X
Nowadays research in earthquake engineering is mainly experimental and in large-scale; advanced computations are integrated with large-scale experiments, to complement them and extend their scope, even by coupling two different but simultaneous tests. Earthquake engineering cannot give answers by testing and qualifying few, small typical components or single large prototypes. Besides, the large diversity of Civil Engineering structures does not allow drawing conclusions from only a few tests; structures are large and their seismic response and performance cannot be meaningfully tested in an ordinary lab or in the field. So, seismic testing facilities should be much larger than in other scientific fields; their staff has to be resourceful, devising intelligent ways to carry out simultaneously different tests and advanced computations. To better serve such a mission European testing facilities and researchers in earthquake engineering have shared their resources and activities in the framework of the European project SERIES, combining their research and jointly developing advanced testing and instrumentation techniques that maximize testing capabilities and increase the value of the tests. This volume presents the first outcomes of the SERIES and its contribution towards Performance-based Earthquake Engineering, i.e., to the most important development in Earthquake Engineering of the past three decades. The concept and the methodologies for performance-based earthquake engineering have now matured. However, they are based mainly on analytical/numerical research; large-scale seismic testing has entered the stage recently. The SERIES Workshop in Ohrid (MK) in Sept. 2010 pooled together the largest European seismic testing facilities, Europe’s best experts in experimental earthquake engineering and select experts from the USA, to present recent research achievements and to address future developments.
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