This book exposes a number of mathematical models for fracture of growing difficulty. All models are treated in a unified way, based on incremental energy minimization. They differ from each other by the assumptions made on the inelastic part of the total energy, here called the "cohesive energy". Each model describes a specific aspect of material response, and particular care is devoted to underline the correspondence of each model to the experiments.
The content of the book is a re-elaboration of the lectures delivered at the First Sperlonga Summer School on Mechanics and Engineering Sciences in September 2011. In the year and a half elapsed after the course, the material has been revised and enriched with new and partially unpublished results. Significant additions have been introduced in the occasion of the course "The variational approach to fracture and other inelastic phenomena", delivered at SISSA, Trieste, in March 2013.
The Notes reflect a research line carried on by the writer over the years, addressed to a comprehensive description of the many aspects of the phenomenon of fracture, and to its relations with other phenomena, such as the formation of microstructure and the changes in the material’s strength induced by plasticity and damage.
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The NUMGE98 Conference brought together senior and young researchers, scientists and practicing engineers from European and overseas countries, to share their knowledge and experience on the various aspects of the analysis of Geotechnical Problems through Numerical Methods. The papers address a broad spectrum of geotechnical problems, including tunnels and underground openings, shallow and deep foundations, slope stability, seepage and consolidation, partially saturated soils, geothermal effects, constitutive modelling, etc.
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Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering Numge98 udine, Italy October 14–16, 1998
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The Bearing Capacity of Building Foundations describes the different ways of ultimate bearing capacity determination of building foundations. This four-chapter book considers the effect of a horizontal force acting on a foundation. It also examines a situation where, beneath the foundation level in the zone of influence of the foundation there are two layers of soil, including the case where the second, lower layer is formed by incompressible rock. A chapter explores the case where the subgrade consists of a number of heterogeneous strata of soil. The remaining chapters deal with the determination of the permissible load of a foundation and the safety factor, and also the contact stress in the foundation line, since this has a great influence on the dimensioning of foundation slabs. This book will prove useful to practicing civil engineers.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): RAYMOND N. YONG and BENNO P. WARKENTIN (Eds.) | Size: 27 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Academic Press, Elsevier | Year: 1975 | pages: 449 | ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0444569356
Soil Properties and Behavior defines the structure of the soil-water system. This book provides the background of the nature of mineral particles and the existing forces between the particles in the soil system. It also examines the structure and fabric of soil, as well as their relationship with water. Furthermore, the book explores water movement and soil performance, which are related to the physics of soil-water movement and volume changes.
This book illustrates the common clay minerals in soils and discusses the methods for their identification. It also reviews the theory of one-dimensional consolidation and discusses the soil structure in consolidation and compression. The book also presents the concepts of yield and failure in soils, yield criteria, and failure theories. It also focuses on granular and cohesive soil strength, including friction properties, the intrinsic friction angle, the volumetric strain, and pore-water pressure. The last part of the book discusses soil freezing and permafrost.
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Despite advances in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering, earthquakes continue to cause loss of life and property in one part of the world or another. The Third International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 22nd to 24th June 1987, provided an opportunity for participants from all over the world to share their expertise to enhance the role of mechanics and other disciplines as they relate to earthquake engineering. The edited proceedings of the conference are published in four volumes. This volume covers: Soil Structure Interaction under Dynamic Loads, Vibration of Machine Foundations, and Base Isolation in Earthquake Engineering. With its companion volumes, it is hoped that it will contribute to the further development of techniques, methods and innovative approaches in soil dynamics and earthquake engineering.
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Although theoretical in character, this book provides a useful source of information for those dealing with practical problems relating to rock and soil mechanics - a discipline which, in the view of the authors, attempts to apply the theory of continuum to the mechanical investigation of rock and soil media. The book is in two separate parts. The first part, embodying the first three chapters, is devoted to a description of the media of interest. Chapter 1 introduces the main argument and discusses the essence of the discipline and its links with other branches of science which are concerned, on the one hand, with technical mechanics and, on the other, with the properties, origins, and formation of rock and soil strata under natural field conditions. Chapter 2 describes mechanical models of bodies useful for the purpose of the discourse and defines the concept of the limit shear resistance of soils and rocks. Chapter 3 gives the actual properties of soils and rocks determined from experiments in laboratories and in situ. Several tests used in geotechnical engineering are described and interconnections between the physical state of rocks and soils and their rheological parameters are considered. The second part of the book considers the applications of various theories which were either first developed for descriptive purposes in continuum mechanics and then adopted in soil and rock mechanics, or were specially developed for the latter discipline. Chapter 4 discusses the application of the theory of linear viscoelasticity in solving problems of stable behaviour of rocks and soils. Chapter 5 covers the use of the groundwater flow theory as applied to several problems connected with water movement in an undeformable soil or rock skeleton. Chapter 6 is a natural expansion of the arguments put forward in the previous chapter. Here the movement of water is regarded as the cause of deformation of the rock or soil skel
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Author(s)/Editor(s): JOSEF ALDORF and KAREL EXNER (Eds.) | Size: 9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Academic Press, Elsevier | Year: 1986 | pages: 397 | ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0444995254
In this book, the authors present a review of the methods used for the solution of problems of stability and support of mine workings, based on the study and analysis of the validity conditions of individual theoretical computing procedures. The classification of these methods, based on the analysis of factors determining the behaviour of a system of mine openings, should contribute to the greater objectivity of decisions connected with the management and control of mining operations and, from the educational point of view, enable the intricate problems of stability to be better understood. Chapters dealing with support structures and technologies of support review the present state of the art with special reference to problems prevailing in Europe where mining is carried out under continuously deteriorating and less favourable natural conditions. The authors have assembled the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for those to whom the book is addressed, namely, practising mining engineers and project managers, and students and graduates in mining colleges and schools.
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Methods of Foundation Engineering covers the theory, analysis, and practice of foundation engineering, as well as its soil mechanics and structural design aspects and principles. The book is divided into five parts encompassing 21 chapters. Part A is of an introductory character and presents a brief review of the various types of foundation structures used in civil engineering and their historical development. Part B provides the theoretical fundamentals of soil and rock mechanics, which are of importance for foundation design. Part C deals with the design of the footing area of spread footings and discusses the shallow foundation methods. Part D describes the methods of deep foundations, while Part E is devoted to special foundation methods. Each chapter in Parts C to E starts with an introduction containing a synopsis of the matter being discussed and giving suggestions as to the choice of a suitable method of foundation. This is followed by a description of the methods generally used in practice. Simple analyses of structures, presented at the conclusion of each chapter, can be carried out by a pocket calculator. This book will prove useful to practicing civil and design engineers.
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Abstract: Grouting is a construction process by means of which the highly erratic permeability and deformability of foundation rock and soil are homogenized. The main parameter governing the design and construction of grouting works is the permeability of the rock or soil, which is established by means of field permeability tests. This book assembles information on rock and soil grouting from various sources, together with the author's personal experience on several grouting projects. Some aspects of permeability testing of rock and soils are elaborated, and the use of theoretical ground water percolation studies for clarification of design options for grout curtains are presented. The results achieved by grouting are presented and analysed on examples of constructed grouting works (curtains, tunnels, foundations, lifting of structures). Particulars of the performance of the permeability tests and their evaluation are studied in some detail, since they can very much distort the results obtained, and thus lead to erroneous design assumptions. Systematic grouting and adjustment of the injection process to the development of grout consumption and pressure during injection is discussed in connection with the achievement of the required permeability standard. The application of grouting to reduce the permeability and the deformability of the foundation of dams and hydrotechnical structures is presented, together with a number of illustrative examples. Characteristics of contact and consolidation grouting of dam foundations and tunnel linings are described. The possibilities and examples of rock prestressing by means of grouting are reported, and the results from several applications are discussed. Examples of lifting and levelling leaning structures by means of grouting are also reviewed. The book is illustrated by 180 drawings and 20 photographs, and a list of symbols used in the formulae, plus a glossary of specific terms use
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The object of this book is to shed light on the most important design aspects encountered in foundation engineering and to present basic design principles representative of the developed part of the world. Modern geotechnical investigation methods and their interpretation are exemplified. The philosophy of the new European code for geotechnical design is presented. The most important and practical aspects of ground modification techniques are included. This book can be used as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students. It can also serve as a combined text- and handbook for professional engineers working in the field of geotechnical engineering. Line drawings and photographs accompany the text.
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