This book explores the dynamics of the interaction between the development of creative industries and urban land use. It is based on the case city of Nanjing, a metropolis representing the second tier of cities in China's urban system in the Yangtz River delta. This research adopts an interdisciplinary approach which integrates GIS, ABM, Questionnaire investigation and Interview.
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Chinese Architecture and Metaphor: Song Culture in the Yingzao Fashi Building Manual
Author(s)/Editor(s): Jiren Feng | Size: 10 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: University of Hawaii Press | Year: 2012 | pages: 304 | ISBN: 0824833635
This book investigates the historical tradition of Chinese architectural writing from antiquity to the Song period, with a focus on a building manual titled Yingzao Fashi (Building Standards 1103). It explores the rich cultural connotations and architectural concepts reflected in the technical contend of the Yingzao Fashi. This is the first exploration in a Western language of this foundational text.
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This paper would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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This book has been written for the first fluid mechanics course for undergraduate engineering students. There is sufficient material for a two-course sequence, if desired. We assume that readers will have an adequate background in calculus, physics, engineering echanics, and thermodynamics.
The objectives of this text are
• To present the basic principles and equations of fluid mechanics.
• To show numerous and diverse real-world engineering examples to give the student the intuition necessary for correct application of fluid mechanics principles in engineering applications.
• To develop an intuitive understanding of fluid mechanics by emphasizing the physics, and reinforcing that understanding through illustrative figures and photographs.
The book contains enough material to allow considerable flexibility in teaching the course. Aeronautics and aerospace engineers might emphasize potential flow, drag and lift, compressible flow, turbomachinery, and CFD, while mechanical or civil engineering instructors might choose to emphasize pipe flows and open-channel flows, respectively.
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The purpose of this book is to present dynamical systems topics in a way that is relevant for practicing engineers. It is intended for engineers who need to understand both the background theory and how to apply it. As such, there is an attempt to create a bridge between the theory and the application.
Much mathematical detail is given that is missing from other texts on these topics. The reason for this level of detail is to help readers understand the complete application in real-world systems.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Institute of Transportation Engineers | Size: 27 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Year: 2016 | pages: 1104 | ISBN: 9781118762301
As the transportation profession continues to broaden in scope as issues emerge and technologies advance, the Institute of Transportation Engineers has sought to keep pace through the evolution of the Traffic Engineering Handbook (TEH). The content of this latest edition reflects updates to the most prominent sources of transportation practice, including the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (the Green Book), Highway Safety Manual (HSM), and many others.
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Autodesk Alias Design is part of the Autodesk solution for digital prototyping. Alias Design is the design basis for industrial engineers who want to control the creative process of product from the initial sketch to the final model complex surfaces G2. Alias Design provides both industrial designers and engineers the ability to collaborate through product development, from engineering to marketing from his sketches, modeling and visualization tools.
Conceptual design sketch
Create sketches using drawing tools through a digitizing tablet and start the design process at an early stage using the same design tool. This option provides the engineer / artist the opportunity to unleash their imagination through sketches of possible projects or products, such as the option to set annotate design modifications.
Surface Analysis
Autodesk Alias Design enables checking continuity, curvature, draft angle … through a series of integrated analysis system, which guarantee that the generated surfaces meet surface specifications required and provide extreme quality parts designed .
Design Options
Autodesk Alias Design lets you manage the options that derive from our design in order to offer our design variations that can be translated into new products. This process is essential in presentations to the end customer and making design decisions opted to launch manufacturing.
Rendering and animation
Autodesk Alias Design includes the ability to perform renderings within the program itself, as well as performing animations. In addition, other programs such as Autodesk Showcase for the creation of catalogs and presentation design options in a virtual environment and allow import Autodesk Maya to create photorealistic images and complex animations.
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Autodesk® Dynamo Studio software is a standalone programming environment that lets designers create visual logic to explore parametric conceptual designs and automate tasks. Help solve challenges faster by designing workflows that drive the geometry and behavior of design models. Extend your designs into interoperable workflows for documentation, fabrication, coordination, simulation, and analysis.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Karoly a. ZalKa | Size: 2.3 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group | Year: 2013 | pages: 278 | ISBN: 9780203840948
The book deals with the structural analysis of the bracing systems of multi-storey building structures and intends to offer useful tools to both researchers and practicing structural engineers.
As a consequence, the material is divided into two parts: Part I presents the theoretical background and Part II gives worked examples.
This book offers a unified treatment for the different structures (frameworks, coupled shear walls, shear walls and cores) and also for the different types of investigation (deflection, rotation, frequency, stability)
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