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France has become the principal destination for people interested in contemporary architecture. Unashamedly modern buildings have evolved, particularly in historic areas, and have been accepted as contributions to the continuing evolution of city areas. No other European country has achieved such successful integration of the modern and historic.
Modern Architecture in Historic Cities explores the factors which contribute to the presence of contemporary architecture in historic areas. The author focuses on central topics, including: the crucial involvement of professional bodies, such as the Architectes des Bâtiments de France, and their relationship with elected representatives; the resources available in historic areas; mechanisms for design control; the ideological role of heritage and contemporary architecture as symbols of culture and progressiveness; and the public sector’s input in decisionmaking and its commitment to both conservation and the promotion of new architecture.
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The portfolio is the single most important part of every architectural student's education. This book is a complete guide to preparing, compiling and presenting this crucial element of the architecture course.The experienced author team gives practical advice for the creation of the portfolio covering issues including size, storage, layout and order. They go on to guide the student through the various forms a portfolio can take: the Electronic Portfolio, the Academy Portfolio and the Professional Portfolio suggesting different approaches and different media to use in order to create the strongest portfolio possible. The team also presents the best examples from international student portfolios to show the reader their recommendations in practice.
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Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture-2nd edition
Author(s)/Editor(s): Robert Venturi | Size: 25 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner (OCR) | Publisher: The Museum of Modern Arts | pages: 133
First published in 1966, and since translated into 16 languages, this remarkable book has become an essential document in architectural literature. As Venturi's ''gentle manifesto for a nonstraightforward architecture,'' Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture expresses in the most compelling and original terms the postmodern rebellion against the purism of modernism. Three hundred and fifty architectural photographs serve as historical comparisons and illuminate the author's ideas on creating and experiencing architecture. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture was the winner of the Classic Book Award at the AIA's Seventh Annual International Architecture Book Awards.
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There's an ethereal magic to standing beneath a dome, neck craned, looking up at a vision of the heavens created by some long-ago figure of genius. From the Pantheon to the Hagia Sophia, the power of the dome seems transcendent. Photographer David Stephenson's magnificently kaleidoscopic images of dome interiors capture this evanescent drama, and make Visions of Heaven one of the most spectacularly beautiful books we've ever produced. Traveling from Italy to Spain, Turkey, England, Germany, and Russia, among other countries, and photographing churches, palaces, mosques, and synagogues from the second to the early twentieth century, Stephenson's work amounts to a veritable typology of the cupola. His images present complex geometrical structures, rich stucco decorations, and elaborate paintings as they have never been seen before. Brilliantly calibrated exposures reveal details and colors that would otherwise remain hidden in these dimly lit spaces. Visions of Heaven shows more than 120 images, including the Roman Pantheon, the Byzantine churches of Turkey, the great domes of the Renaissance, the decorative cupolas of the Baroque and the Rococo ages, and a nineteenth-century synagogue in Hungary.
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The effect of temperature on the compressive strength of concrete
H. L. Malhotra
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Compressive strength of concrete at high temperatures: a reassessment
G.A Khoury
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Author(s)/Editor(s): UIC | Size: 650 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: UIC | Year: Several | ISBN: Several
More than 315 hard to find UIC leaflets (English/French/German) in UIC website. I think they are not shared in our forum.
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It has been a while since I posted something. This is a little treasure. Enjoy!
If someone has the spare time, this post can be complemented with the list of all leaflets presented there (they are in the pdfs presented at the root). This way it would be easier to organize and to search.
# Title: A stress-strain theory for cohesion less soil with applications to earth pressures at rest and moving wall
# Author(s): P. W. Rowe
# Publisher: Géotechnique - Volume 4 Issue 2, March 1954, pp. 70-88
# ISSN: 0016-8505
# E-ISSN: 1751-7656
# Title: The single pile subject to horizontal force
# Author(s): P. W. Rowe
# Publisher: Géotechnique - Volume 6 Issue 2, March 1956, pp. 70-85
# ISSN: 016-8505
# E-ISSN:1751-7656