In this volume, soil creep is analysed within the framework of other soil-rheological phenomena, such as stress relaxation and long-term resistance, to present an in-depth discussion of the effect of time on soil behaviour. As time is the only state parameter which cannot be entirely modelled in the laboratory, the presented extrapolation is based upon a combination of appropriate theoretical analysis, and the principles of the physical behaviour of soils affected by state parameters such as porosity, water content, stress, strain, time and temperature. Principal macro- and microrheological theories are analysed, and a comprehensive picture of the soil structure and of the effect of state parameters is presented, documented by the author's experiments and illustrated by many examples. The theory of hereditary creep was selected as the best theory serving the author's purpose to propose simple constitutive relations governing creep of soils. The proposed constitutive relations have been implemented into FEM programs and the effect of the time factor has been demonstrated by the solution of such boundary value problems as a dams and underground tunnels. This volume should be of interest to civil engineers, scientists, research and postgraduate students, and advanced undergraduates.
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Dams and Earthquakes deals with the association of earthquakes and large artificial lakes, particularly on the part that pore pressure plays in inducing earthquakes. The book also contains methods for recording seismic activity, before, during, and after the filling of reservoir dams through the installation of a network of portable seismographs. The text assesses the parameters and macroseismic effects of the Koyna earthquake in India in December 1967, as well as the instrumental and macroseismic data showing that the Koyna earthquake is a multiple seismic event. The book investigates the geology, hydrology, and seismicity of seismic reservoir sites, including three cases of induced seismicity after fluid injections in deep wells. A possible correlation between the reservoir level or volume of the injected fluid and the tremor frequency exists. The characteristic seismic features of reservoir associated earthquakes can reflect changes in the mechanical properties of rock masses near the reservoirs. The book also investigates the part played by increased pore-fluid pressures in triggering the earthquakes at Denver, Rangely, Kariba, Kremasta and Koyna. The UNESCO Working Group on "Seismic Phenomena Associated with Large Reservoirs" recommends the adoption of a two-phase planning in instrumental studies and surveys at sites to be used for large reservoirs. The book can be beneficial for meteorologists, environmentalists, geologists, civil engineers, structural engineers, or for officers of river and lake authorities.
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Sorry, I cannot find any description on elsevier and amazon website,
but I supose it is about anchoring and can be valuable for all
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Hello Does anyone have copies of any of the Nash Publications/handbooks. I am mostly interested in:
NASH Standard for Residential and Low-rise Steel Framing, Part 1: Design
NASH Handbook: Design of Residential and Low-rise Steel Framing
NASH Standard for Residential and Low-rise Steel Framing,
Part 2: Design Solutions + Non cyclonic Span Tables
But if you have anything else everything helps.
NASH WEBSITE standards description:
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Full title: CRC Pavement Design Manual.
Author: McCullough, B. F., and G. E. Elkins.
Publisher: Austin Research Engineers, Austin, Texas (1979).
Language: English
I'm writing this post because I'm currently facing a problem with choosing a new Laptop/Mobile Workstation. I've been using my current laptop since 2011, which is a Dell Inspiron N5110 (CPU Intel Core i7-2670QM, 8GB RAM, 256gb SSD and GPU Nvidia Geforce GT525m). I use it for running ETABS v15, SAFE, SAP2000, AutoCAD 2D, TEKLA Structures (currently learning) and sometimes to open and check REVIT Models.
The point is that I don't really know whether choose a gaming laptop with a Nvidia Geforce GTX 960/970 M or a Mobile Workstation with a Nvidia Quadro M1000M (maybe an ATI FirePro w5170), since there's not much information about the performance of previously mentioned workstation GPU. To make things worse, I'm not able to spend more than 900-1100 dollars right now.
The question is, which one of these GPU-CPU combinations would you recommend me for my next laptop upgrade?
This monograph describes the numerical analysis of non-linearities in structural mechanics, i.e. large rotations, large strain (geometric non-linearities), non-linear material behaviour, in particular elasto-plasticity as well as time-dependent behaviour, and contact. Based on that, the book treats stability problems and limit-load analyses, as well as non-linear equations of a large number of variables. Moreover, the author presents a wide range of problem sets and their solutions. The target audience primarily comprises advanced undergraduate and graduate students of mechanical and civil engineering, but the book may also be beneficial for practising engineers in industry.
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This monograph presents the results of the theoretical analyses of stresses and displacements for shallow foundations subjected to various types of loads. In these analyses not only the classical models but more complex models of soils have been used, such as two-layer half-space, homogenous compressible layer of finite thickness, two-layer compressible layer of finite thickness, anisotropic compressible layer. Contact stresses, settlements, vertical stress distribution, bending moments and shear forces have been determined for foundations of any rigidity. Numerous values of the dimensionless coefficients "I" are tabulated, which can be of use in the solution of practical engineering problems.
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Stress in Subsoil and Methods of Final Settlement Calculation
Author(s): JAROSLAV FEDA (Eds.)
Published By:Academic Press, Elsevier
Published Year:1978
Size: 4 MB
Abstract: Developments in Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 18: Stress in Subsoil and Methods of Final Settlement Calculation reviews the method of settlement calculations based on stresses in the subsoil. This book is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 deals with in situ stresses in the subsoil, while Chapter 2 focuses on the state of stress produced in the subsoil by external loads. The last chapter discusses the methods of calculating the final settlement, including remarks on the selection of deformation parameters. This publication also discusses the horizontal geostatic stress, surface loading of a half-space, method of oedometric compression, and finite element and allied methods. This volume is recommended for researchers and specialists of disciplines related to geotechnical engineering.
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Abstract: The papers in this volume provide a unified approach to the design of underground structures in stratified coal and mineral deposits. They include examples of underground structure design in coal and evaporite mines, and case histories of performance of underground structures.
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