Revit is a design and documentation platform that supports the design, drawings, and schedules required for building information modeling (BIM). BIM delivers information about project design, scope, quantities, and phases when you need it.
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This project explored alternative structural solutions for a pedestrian bridge to connect the field atop of the new Parking Garage to the alleyway behind Harrington Auditorium at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Campus. Four basic bridge types, each consisting of steel or concrete, were initially considered. Two alternatives, a steel truss bridge and a steel arch bridge, were designed in detail. A Building Information Model was generated to visualize the two alternatives. The supporting bridge structure using cast-in-place reinforced concrete for both cases was also designed.
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Abstract: The industry-standard guide to designing well-performing buildings
"Architectural Detailing "systematically describes the principles by which good architectural details are designed. Principles are explained in brief, and backed by extensive illustrations that show you how to design details that will not leak water or air, will control the flow of heat and water vapor, will adjust to all kinds of movement, and will be easy to construct. This new third edition has been updated to conform to International Building Code 2012, and incorporates current knowledge about new material and construction technology. Sustainable design issues are integrated where relevant, and the discussion includes reviews of recent built works that extract underlying principles that can be the basis for new patterns or the alteration and addition to existing patterns. Regulatory topics are primarily focused on the US, but touch on other jurisdictions and geographic settings to give you a well-rounded perspective of the art and science of architectural detailing.
In guiding a design from idea to reality, architects design a set of details that show how a structure will be put together. Good details are correct, complete, and provide accurate information to a wide variety of users. By demonstrating the use of detail patterns, this book teaches you how to design a building that will perform as well as you intend. Integrate appropriate detailing into your designs Learn the latest in materials, assemblies, and construction methods Incorporate sustainable design principles and current building codes Design buildings that perform well, age gracefully, and look great
Architects understand that aesthetics are only a small fraction of good design, and that stability and functionality require a deep understanding of how things come together. "Architectural Detailing" helps you bring it all together with a well fleshed-out design that communicates accurately at all levels of the construction process.
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Abstract: Structure for Architects explains the fundamental structural concepts required for architects and architectural technologists using a highly illustrated approach and real–world examples. With an intuitive, easy–to–read and graphically–friendly format, Structure for Architects is meant for the visual thinker and those that think conceptually. The intuitive approach demystifies structural principles by showing them in the context of everyday situations. Eschewing complicated mathematics, just enough technical information is presented so the reader will not be intimidated by detailed engineering.
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Since its first publication in 1990, this book has become the leading choiceof educators for use in teaching an interior design business practices course. This book is also embraced by professionals who tell me they continually refer to the topics within this book as they work for others or start their own practices. This new edition adds a wealth of answers to practical questions about the practice itself for the already engaged professional.
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Circular Storage Tanks and Silos, Third Edition effectively explains and demonstrates the concepts needed in the analysis and design of circular tanks. Tanks have to sustain high-quality serviceability over a long lifespan. This text covers computing the stresses in service in several chapters. It considers thermal stresses and the time-dependent stresses produced by creep and shrinkage of concrete and relaxation of prestressed steel. It also examines the effects of cracking and the means for its control. This text is universally applicable; no specific system of units is used in most solved examples. However, it is advantageous to use actual dimensions and forces on the structure in a small number of examples. These problems are set in SI units and Imperial units; the answers and the graphs related to these examples are given in the two systems.
What’s New in This Edition:
Presents a new chapter on recommended practice for design and construction of concrete water tanks and liquefied natural gas tanks
Includes a companion Website providing computer programs CTW and SOR
Provides material on CTW (Cylindrical Tank Walls); with simple input, it performs analysis for load combinations anticipated in the design of cylindrical walls with or without prestressing
Contains the finite-element computer program SOR (Shells of Revolution); it performs analysis for design of axisymmetrical shells of general shapes
This guide is an authoritative resource for the analysis and design of circular storage tanks and silos.
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Article/eBook Full Name: Precast Concrete Handbook [NP : Pch-2009]
Author(s): Standards Australia
Edition: 2
Publish Date: 2009
ISBN: 9780957746732
Published By: National Precast Concrete Association Australia (NPCAA)
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Shells are basic structural elements of modern technology and everyday life. Examples are automobile bodies, water and oil tanks, pipelines, aircraft fuselages, nanotubes, graphene sheets or beer cans. Also nature is full of living shells such as leaves of trees, blooming flowers, seashells, cell membranes, the double helix of DNA or wings of insects. In the human body arteries, the shell of the eye, the diaphragm, the skin or the pericardium are all shells as well.
Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Volume 3 contains 137 contributions presented at the 10th Conference “Shell Structures: Theory and Applications” held October 16-18, 2013 in Gdansk, Poland. The papers cover a wide spectrum of scientific and engineering problems which are divided into seven broad groups: general lectures, theoretical modelling, stability, dynamics, bioshells, numerical analyses, and engineering design. The volume will be of interest to researchers and designers dealing with modelling and analyses of shell structures and thin-walled structural elements.
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Starting with the receipt of materials and continuing all the way through to the final completion of the construction phase, Concrete and Steel Construction: Quality Control and Assurance examines all the quality control and assurance methods involving reinforced concrete and steel structures. This book explores the proper ways to achieve high-quality construction projects, and also provides a strong theoretical and practical background. It introduces information on quality techniques and quality management, and covers the principles of quality control.
The book presents all of the quality control and assurance protocols and non-destructive test methods necessary for concrete and steel construction projects, including steel materials, welding and mixing, and testing. It covers welding terminology and procedures, and discusses welding standards and procedures during the fabrication process, as well as the welding codes. It also considers the total quality management system based on ISO 9001, and utilizes numerous international and industry building standards and codes.
Covers AISC, ACI, BS, and AWS codes
Examines methods for concrete quality control in hot and cold weather applications, as well as material properties
Illustrates methods for non-destructive testing of concrete and for steel welding―radiographic, ultrasonic, and penetration and other methods.
Addresses ISO 9001 standards―designed to provide organizations better quality control systems
Includes a checklist to be considered as a QA template
Developed as a handbook for industry professionals, this book also serves as a resource for anyone who is working in construction and on non-destructive inspection testing for concrete and steel structures.
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