This book will show you how to complete your projects at least 25% faster, without sacrificing scope or budget. Dozens of organizations that implemented the approach succeeded in doing exactly that .They were able to increase the number of projects executed with the same resources by 70%, and in the process generated over 50% more through put for their organizations. They represent some of the biggest, well-known names in the world—Boeing, Rio Tinto, ABB, Chrysler—organizations with dozens or hundreds of projects. The list also includes some very small organizations that were struggling to get a few projects completed per year.
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The present book provides a new method to estimate elastic plastic. It presents deformation via a series of a number of linear elastic analyses. For a life prediction of structures subjected to variable loads, frequently encountered in mechanical and civil engineering, the cyclically accumulated deformation and the elastic plastic strain ranges are required. The Simplified Theory of Plastic Zones (STPZ) is a direct method which provides the estimates of these and all other mechanical quantities in the state of elastic and plastic shakedown. The STPZ is described in detail, with emphasis on the fact that not only scientists but engineers working in applied fields and advanced students are able to get an idea of the possibilities and limitations of the STPZ. Numerous illustrations and examples are provided to support the reader's understanding.
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For many years, the terms value analysis (VA) and value engineering (VE) have been used alternately, and there is still disagreement on their exact meanings. Their understanding depends, for the most part, on the country or the national association using them. In this book, value management includes both value analysis and value engineering. The worldwide consensus today is to use value management to describe the integrated widespread application of value methodologies. It encompasses function analysis, value engineering, value analysis, value control (validation), and other value techniques. Value management also involves the skills and knowledge needed to manage the value process by applying the correct tools and techniques at the appropriate time, allowing the greatest benefit to the project or program.
It involves the formulation, organization, deployment, and mastery of the activity as well as team preparation
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Title: Neural network and genetic programming for modelling coastal algal blooms
Author: Nitin Muttil, Kwok-Wing Chau
Journal: Int. J. of Environment and Pollution, 2006 Vol.28, No.3/4, pp.223 - 238
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Fundamental coverage, analytic mathematics, and up-to-date software applications are hard to find in a single text on the finite element method (FEM). Dimitrios Pavlou’s Essentials of the Finite Element Method: For Structural and Mechanical Engineers makes the search easier by providing a comprehensive but concise text for those new to FEM, or just in need of a refresher on the essentials.
Essentials of the Finite Element Method explains the basics of FEM, then relates these basics to a number of practical engineering applications. Specific topics covered include linear spring elements, bar elements, trusses, beams and frames, heat transfer, and structural dynamics. Throughout the text, readers are shown step-by-step detailed analyses for finite element equations development. The text also demonstrates how FEM is programmed, with examples in MATLAB, CALFEM, and ANSYS allowing readers to learn how to develop their own computer code.
Suitable for everyone from first-time BSc/MSc students to practicing mechanical/structural engineers, Essentials of the Finite Element Method presents a complete reference text for the modern engineer.
Provides complete and unified coverage of the fundamentals of finite element analysis
Covers stiffness matrices for widely used elements in mechanical and civil engineering practice
Offers detailed and integrated solutions of engineering examples and computer algorithms in ANSYS, CALFEM, and MATLAB
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Project Management Simplified : A Step-by-Step Process
Author(s)/Editor(s): Barbara Karten | Size: 5.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press :Taylor & Francis Group | Year: 2016 | pages: 274 | ISBN: 9781498729352
Project Management Simplified: A Step-by-Step Process i applies well-defined processes for managing projects to managing change in our lives. It describes an approach modeled on a process used successfully in businesses, not-for-profit organizations, schools, and other organizations. The skills and techniques are not unique to businesses and organizations; they are life skills available to everyone.
There are a number of structured approaches that guide the successful completion of projects in business environments. This book translates these processes and techniques such that non project managers can easily use these proven approaches in a non business context for their own projects. It removes technical jargon, the need for computer software and hardware, and complicated organizational environments, describing the essential project management processes in a simple, straightforward manner.
As you progress through the book, you connect the dots necessary to complete your personal projects. A sample project in the text and a case study in the appendices further illustrate the concepts explained in the text. The author challenges you to select a project and, working along with the book, be the project manager and develop a project plan. By working with customers and funders of the project, defining the project, identifying how long it will take, and determining its cost, you will develop the expertise to define project goals and create a plan to reach them.
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Russell D. Archibald ,Shane C. Archibald | Size: 3 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC press Taylor & Francis | Year: 2016 | pages: 368 | ISBN: 9781498751216
The primary cause of many project failures is that responsible executives, because of their lack of knowledge in project management, fail to demand that their managers and staff properly utilize the well-proven best practices, processes, systems, and tools that are now available in this field. This book remedies this situation by providing executives at all levels with the understanding and knowledge needed to best take advantage of the power of effective project management and thereby lead and manage innovations within their enterprise.
In Leading and Managing Innovation: What Every Executive Team Must Know about Project, Program, and Portfolio Management, Second Edition, the authors present concise descriptions of
The key concepts underlying project and program management
The important characteristics of projects and programs
How projects and programs are best governed and managed
How to determine if the desired benefits have actually been achieved
The book presents a list of 31 reasonable demands that executives can and must place on their staff members to ensure excellence in the way their programs and projects are created, selected for funding, planned, and executed. Placing these demands communicates to the entire enterprise that top management understands what it takes to achieve the best performance possible and fully supports the continuous improvement needed to ensure continued success.
Leading and Managing Innovation explains how to measure the project management maturity level of an enterprise, benchmark against competitors, and identify where project management improvements are required. It discusses the many ways that an enterprise can derive substantial success and competitive advantage from increasing its project management maturity level.
A helpful quick reference summary of all of the book’s key information is included in the final chapter. Armed with this information, you will be well-qualified to give excellent direction to your managers and staff to ensure that your vital capability in the field of project management―and how you manage innovation―is equal to or better than that of your competitors.
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Based on expert practitioners’ contributions from across the globe including Brazil, Jamaica, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Strategic Project Management: Contemporary Issues and Strategies for Developing Economies offers modern experiences, best practices, and tools for individuals and teams working in projects spanning diverse environments in developing economies. The book answers the questions: what are the issues and challenges experienced in "developing" countries and how can effective project management practices address them? It then presents strategies and sustainable solutions.
The book covers the foundations of project management, highlighting particular strategies that may resonate with organizations across the globe, particularly developing economies. It includes dialogue on project success criteria and performance evaluation techniques, stakeholder management, program and portfolio management, managing knowledge in projects and case studies across industries such as ICT, education and law. In addition, the book showcases:
Diverse perspectives and experiences in the effective management of projects from the developing economies
The importance of project maturity through the adoption of sound strategic project management principles
Application of project management standards and practices in specific domains
Emerging tools and techniques that can enhance the management of different types of projects
Opportunities for future research and collaborations
The contributors share ideas, insights, and experiences for all forms of business projects with a core ICT artifact or supported by ICT to deliver the specific artifact, product, service, or result. The chapters discuss the range of issues found in managing different types of projects across many domains and countries and underline the similarities and nuances in managing projects with strategies that resonate in developing economies. The book, in a nutshell, gives you tried-and-true advice from experts that you can put to immediate use.
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This text book is designed essentially to meet the requirements of an undergraduate textbook on Engineering Hydrology. The revised edition retains almost all the features of the earlier edition and further emphasizes on the applicability to field situations relevant to Indian conditions. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 2. Precipitation 3. Abstractions from Precipitation 4. Streamflow Measurement 5. Runoff 6. Hydrographs 7. Floods 8. Flood Routing 9. Groundwater 10. Erosion and Reservoir Sedimentation Appendix A ? Multiple Choice Questions Appendix B ? Abbreviations Appendix C ? Conversion Factors Appendix D ? Answers to Objective Questions Appendix E ? Answers to Problems Printed Pages: 552.
About the Author:
"K Subramanya is a retired Professor of Civil Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Mysore University and a master’s degree from the University of Madras. Further, he obtained another master’s degree and PhD degree from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He has taught at IIT Kanpur for over 30 years and has extensive teaching and research experience in the area of Fluid Mechanics, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering. During his tenure at IIT Kanpur, Prof. Subramanya worked as Visiting Faculty at the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, and at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, for a short while. He has authored several successful books for McGraw Hill Education (India). Besides the current book, his other books include Flow in Open Channels; Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines–Problems and Solutions; and Hydraulic Machines. Dr Subramanya has published over eighty technical papers in national and international journals and conferences. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India), Fellow of the Indian Society for Hydraulics, Member of Indian Society for Technical Education and Member, Indian Water Resources Association. Currently, Prof. Subramanya resides in Bangalore and is active as a practicing consultant in Water Resources Engineering. "
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This handbook is a unique, comprehensive resource for professional project managers and students in project management courses that focuses on the integration between baseline scheduling, schedule risk analysis and project control, also known as Dynamic Scheduling or Integrated Project Management and Control. It contains a set of more than 70 articles. Each individual article focuses on one particular topic and features links to other articles in this book, where appropriate. Almost all articles are accompanied with a set of questions, the answers to which are provided at the end of the book.
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