This Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) contains 23 papers addressing a variety of current issues in Soils and Rock Instrumentation, Behavior, and Modeling; Earth Retaining Walls and Slope Stability; and Seismically Induced Hazards and Mitigation. These papers were presented at the GeoChina International Conference held on July 25-27, 2016 in Shandong, China. The technical programs for the GeoChina International Conference struck a balance between the fundamental theories and field applications. Sustainable civil infrastructures using innovative technologies and materials are endorsed by a number of leading international professional organizations. This GSP includes investigations and solutions from numerous countries. It expands ranges of tools that are available to engineers and scientists.
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EN 26891:1991 (identical to ISO 6891:1983)
Timber structures. Joints made with mechanical fasteners. General principles for the determination of strength and deformation characteristics
Author(s)/Editor(s): N. Dixon, E.J. Murray and D.R.V. Jones | Size: 14,7 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing | Year: 1998 | pages: 149 | ISBN: 0727727087
Geotechnical engineering of landfills is a symposium designed to provide a forum for the presentation of recent developments in the design, construction and operation of landfills facilities. The papers presented in this volume bring together expertise and experience from industry, academia and the Environment Agency.
(Proceedings of the symposium held at The Nottingham Trent University Department of Civil and Structural Engineering on 24 September 1998)
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This Geotechnical Special Publication contains 34 peer-reviewed technical papers presented at the 4th GeoChina International Conference: Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Technologies for Severe Weathers and Climate Changes, which took place in Shandong, China, from July 25 to 27, 2016. This proceeding examines topics such as:
- Tunnel Management and Inventory, Monitoring and Settlement Control
- Emerging Technologies, Lining Design & Precast Segment Advances
- Innovation in Tunneling Design, Construction, Repair, Rehabilitation
- Fire & Life Safety, Vulnerability & Security
- Tunneling in Soft Ground, Ground Conditioning and Modification
- Advanced prediction technology of tunnel construction geology
- Deep excavations and urban tunneling
This publication should be valuable to geotechnical engineering professors and students, as well as geotechnical engineers and professionals.
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As a result of increasing and continuous social and infrastructural growth, appropriate ground for living and development becomes progressively scanty. Thus, engineers have been considering constructing buildings and infrastructure at locations with less favorable geotechnical conditions and in some cases in seismically active regions. Therefore, proper nderstanding of the soil behavior has become significantly important to optimize the design and construction of foundations. This Geotechnical
Special Publication (GSP) contains 30 papers that were accepted and presented at the GeoChina International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Technologies for Severe Weathers and Climate Changes, held in Shandong, China on July 25-27, 2016. Major topics covered in this GSP are dynamic behavior of soils and foundations, and physical, numerical, constitutive modeling of soil behavior. The overall theme of the GSP is Behaviour of Geomaterials and Foundations for Civil Infrastructure Applications, and all papers address different research findings of this theme. It provides an effective mean of sharing recent technological advances, engineering applications and research results among scientists, researchers and engineering practitioners. All abstracts and full papers have been peer-reviewed prior to their acceptance and inclusion in this publication. We are most grateful to all authors and reviewers who have contributed to this Geotechnical Special Publication.
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Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Resource Recovery
Inc. Metcalf & Eddy
5th Edition
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McGraw-Hill Education
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Title: Cyclic Testing of Moderate-Aspect-Ratio Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls Authos: Thien A. Tran and John W. Wallace Journal: ACI Structural Journal
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Can you please upload the following codes regarding offshore structures? BS EN ISO 19901, 1 to 8, specially the followings: BS EN ISO 19901-3:2014. Petroleum and natural gas industries. Specific requirements for offshore structures. Topsides structure BS EN ISO 19901-7:2005-Petroleum and natural gas industries. Specific requirements for offshore structures. Stationkeeping systems for floating offshore structures and mobile offshore units
BS EN ISO 19902:2007+A1:2013 - Petroleum and natural gas industries. Fixed steel offshore structures BS EN ISO 19903:2006 - Petroleum and natural gas industries. Fixed concrete offshore structures