1. Diskin, M. H., and Boneh, A. (1975).“Determination of an optimal IUH for linear, time invariant systems from multi-storm records.” J. Hydrol., 24(1–2), 57–76.
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2. Singh, K. P. (1976). “Unit hydrograph— A comparative study.” Wat. Resour. Bull., 12(2), 381–392
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3. Bree, T. (1978). “The stability of parameter estimation in the general linear model.” J. Hydrol., 37(1–2), 47–66.
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Abstract: ASTM International is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services.
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Abstract: ASTM International is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services.
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The Transportation Planning Handbook provides a comprehensive reference with a practical focus on fundamentals concepts and techniques. This new fourth edition draws from 70 years of solutions by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), with a new emphasis on serving the needs of all users. Context-sensitive roadways, sustainable transportation, and the context of safety in planning are discussed with expert insight, and a new content structure facilitates a more functionally-driven multimodal approach to planning, designing, and implementing transportation solutions.
Collect and analyze data to predict usage, volume, demand, parking, and more
Adopt custom approaches to planning transportation in corridors, activity centers, and metropolitan, rural, and recreational areas
Consider the impact of freight, pedestrians, cyclists, and environmental factors on a transportation network
Get up to date on ADA, HSM, MUTCD, HCM, and other safety regulations
Include the public in the planning process through social media and active participation
Understand the use of performance measures in the planning process.
Reflecting both the latest advances and proven methods, the Transportation Planning Handbook provides an essential day-to-day reference for transportation planning professionals.
About the Author
THE INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS (ITE) Founded in 1930, ITE is a community of nearly 13,000 transportation professionals including transportation engineers, transportation planners, consultants, educators, and researchers working in more than 90 countries.
MICHAEL D. MEYER is a Senior Advisor for WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc. For 30 years he was a professor of civil engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has published over 200 papers/books on transportation planning and is considered a leading authority on transportation systems. Dr. Meyer has advised numerous countries, states and regions on transportation planning issues.
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Manual for the geotechnical design of structures to Eurocode 7
Author(s): The Institution of Structural Engineers Published By:IStructE Ltd Published Year:May 2013 Size: 4 MB Abstract: Quick Overview:
The Manual presents a unified design approach to geotechnical engineering and provides guidance across a range of activities, from traditional foundation design to slope stability, retaining wall design, investigation and reporting. The Manual aims to help engineers move from a permissible stress approach to that of the limit state design philosophy, as well as promoting interaction and understanding between structural and geotechnical engineers.
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BS EN 26891:1991 (ISO 6891:1983) Timber structures — Joints made with mechanical fasteners — General principles for the determination of strength and deformation characteristics
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