Author(s)/Editor(s): Ray K Linsley, Max A Kohler, Joseph LH Paulhus | Size: 44.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education | Year: 1958 | pages: 358 | ISBN: 0071005994
Hydrology for Engineers (The McGraw-Hill Series in Water Resources & Environmental Engineering)
This book is a classic and what it does best is to unify theory and practice. It puts the reader in touch with the theories in the field, taking its time to run through them in a meticulously manner; and at the same time, it gives a sense of professional, real-life world Hydrology. As a student and an Engineer, I fully enjoyed it. It is a go-to reference book for me and for many that I have worked with.
Without a trace of doubt, it is a reliable source and a must-have for those who want to work with Hydrology.
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Hello guys,
I need this book if anyone knows about it please share it.
Article/eBook Full Name:
Managing and Organizations. An Introduction to Theory and Practice.
Clegg, S.; Kornberger, M., Pitsis, T
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SAGE Publications
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ChemMaths contains numerous engineering tools to improve your working life, 3000+ data of chemical, mathematical, general scientific information. Solves hundreds of equations, 300+ unit conversions and much more see below for further features listing. ChemMaths contains all the features of EquationsPro, DataPro, ChemPlayer, ProSimGraphs, ChemPlayer and UnitsPro.
Contains over 300 units conversion from some 30+ categories i.e. area, length, time, force etc
Solve numerous physics, electrical,mechancial,engineering equations etc. Over 300 equations.
Chemmaths contains data on over 3000 chemical compounds.
Contains many predefined mathematical graph equations i.e. straight lines, log graphs etc….
Contains numerous information charts containing maths, chemical, general information.
Contains standard calculator functions and many commonly used constants in the science/engineering field.
Contains a media player interface to play music (MP3,WAV,Flac etc) , Videos (AVI,MP4,DVD), burn and rip CD's.
Contains Web Browser interface, so you can search the web for further information etc ..
The screen size , layout are all sizeable.
Plot 2D/3D graphs.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): JOSEPH W. TEDESCO / WILLIAM G. McDDUGAL / C. ALLEN ROSS | Size: 11.4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified
Structural Dynamics: Theory and Applications provides readers with an understanding of the dynamic response of structures and the analytical tools to determine such responses. This comprehensive text demonstrates how modern theories and solution techniques can be applied to a large variety of practical, real-world problems. As computers play a more significant role in this field, the authors emphasize discrete methods of analysis and numerical solution techniques throughout the text. Features: covers a wide range of topics with practical applications, provides comprehensive treatment of discrete methods of analysis, emphasizes the mathematical modeling of structures, and includes principles and solution techniques of relevance to engineering mechanics, civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering.
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personnaly , i can't get this book when i use this link .
i post this link in other to obtain pdf version , then this version will be posted in our forum. grteetings
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Bentley Systems Inc., the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, has released the V8i (SELECTSeries 6) version of STAAD.Pro is allows structural engineers to analyze and design virtually any type of structure through its flexible modeling environment, advanced features and fluent data collaboration.
Design any type of structure and share your synchronized model data with confidence among your entire design team, using STAAD.Pro. Ensure on time and on budget completion of your steel, concrete, timber, aluminum, and cold-formed steel projects, regardless of complexity. You can confidently design structures anywhere in the world using over 80 international codes, reducing your team’s need to learn multiple software applications. Thanks to the flexible modeling environment and advanced features such as dynamic change revisions and management, you can:
- Lower total cost of ownership: Design any type of structure including culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, and piles
- Increase design productivity: Streamline your workflows to reduce duplication of effort and eliminate errors
- Reduce project costs and delays: Provide accurate and economical designs to your clients and quickly turnaround change requests
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Bentley Systems Inc., the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, has released the V8i version of RAM Elements. This software for analysis and design of almost any type of structure or structural component complete with sophisticated design tools to help you with your everyday analysis and design needs.
Perform analysis and design – including quickly performing 3D finite element analysis – of almost any type of structure or structural component, all in one affordable application. You will save time and money by performing your daily design tasks for all of your building projects, simple or complex, all within a single easy-to-learn and use application. Complete your steel, concrete, cold-formed steel, timber, and masonry projects, regardless of complexity, on time and on budget. Maximize your software investment by using RAM Element’s simple graphic interface to quickly design trusses, continuous beams, and frames of all types. Quickly complete many other design tasks such as designing retaining walls, masonry walls, tilt-up walls, shear walls, or footings.
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Water Retaining Structures Analysis and Design (WRSAAD)
Size: 7.92 MB
WRSAAD software is a computer program for water retaining structures that operates SAP2000v14 to analyze and execute analysis results from SAP2000 for design of water retaining structures just by fixing the input parameters (dimensions, material properties and load cases) on Microsoft Excel.
WRSAAD software developed to
1. Analyze surface support and underground rectangular and circular water retaining structures by exporting input parameters from Microsoft excel.
2. Design surface support and underground rectangular and circular water retaining structures using excel template by importing analysis results from SAP2000v14 to Microsoft excel
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Abstract: This set includes publications developed for Geo-Chicago 2016, held in Chicago, Illinois, August 14-18, 2016. Individual titles are listed below. The papers in these volumes address issues in geotechnical engineering.
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Geo-Chicago 2016: Geotechnics for Sustainable Energy
Edited by Arvin Farid, Dimitrios Zekkos, Krishna R. Reddy, Anirban De and Nazli Yesiller
Geoenvironmental Engineering: Honoring David E. Daniel
Edited by Craig H. Benson and Charles D. Shackelford
Geosynthetics, Forging a Path to Bona Fide Engineering Materials: Honoring Robert M. Koerner
Edited by Shobha K. Bhatia, Te-Yang Soong and Y. Grace Hsuan
Geo-Chicago 2016: Sustainability and Resiliency in Geotechnical Engineering
Edited by Dimitrios Zekkos, Arvin Farid, Nazli Yesiller, Anirban De and Krishna R. Reddy
Geo-Chicago 2016: Sustainable Geoenvironmental Systems
Edited by Anirban De, Nazli Yesiller, Krishna R. Reddy, Arvin Farid and Dimitrios Zekkos
Geo-Chicago 2016: Sustainable Materials and Resource Conservation
Edited by Dimitrios Zekkos, Anirban De, Krishna R. Reddy, Arvin Farid and Nazli Yesiller
Geo-Chicago 2016: Sustainable Waste Management and Remediation
Edited by Arvin Farid, Dimitrios Zekkos, Anirban De, Krishna R. Reddy and Nazli Yesiller
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Free-standing chimneys.
• BS EN 13084-1:2007. General requirements
• BS EN 13084-2:2007. Concrete chimneys
• BS EN 13084-4:2005. Brick liners. Design and execution
• BS EN 13084-5:2005. Material for brick liners. Product specifications
• BS EN 13084-6:2004. Steel liners. Design and execution
• BS EN 13084-7:2012. Product specifications of cylindrical steel fabrications for use in single wall steel chimneys and steel liners
• BS EN 13084-8:2005. Design and execution of mast construction with satellite components
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