Article/eBook Full Name:IRC-2015 - International Residential Code Author(s):ICC Publish Date:2015 ISBN:9781609834708 Published By:ICC Related Links:
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All, Can you please upload the following paper, if any of you have access to ASME or researchgate websites? # Full title: An Example of Bolted Joints in Pressure Vessels Under Fatigue Conditions # Author(s): I. Le May and R. Pascual Paper No. PVP2007-26146, pp. 11-15; 5 pages
doi:10.1115/PVP2007-26146 Further detail about paper: ·ASME 2007 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference ·Volume 3: Design and Analysis ·San Antonio, Texas, USA, July 22–26, 2007 ·Conference Sponsors: Pressure Vessels and Piping Division ·ISBN: 0-7918-4281-9 ·eISBN: 0-7918-3804-8
Author(s): ASCE; Publish Date: 2014; ISBN: ISBN-10: 0784412855 ISBN-13: 978-0784412855; Published By: American Society of Civil Engineers
Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings describes deficiency-based and systematic procedures that use performance-based principles to evaluate and retrofit existing buildings to withstand the effects of earthquakes. This next-generation standard combines the evaluation and retrofit process and puts forth a three-tiered process for seismic evaluation according to a range of building performance levels from collapse prevention to operational that marry targeted structural performance with the performance of nonstructural elements. The deficiency-based procedures allow the evaluation and retrofit effort to focus on specific potential deficiencies deemed, on the basis of past earthquake observations, to be of concern for a permissible set of building types and heights. The systematic procedure, applicable to any building, sets forth a methodology to evaluate the entire building in a rigorous manner. This standard updates and replaces the previous Standard ASCE/SEI 41-06, Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, as well as Standard ASCE/SEI 31-03, Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings
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The sixth edition of the highly successful The City Reader juxtaposes the very best classic and contemporary writings on the city to provide the comprehensive mapping of the terrain of Urban Studies and Planning old and new. The City Reader is the anchor volume in the Routledge Urban Reader Series and is now integrated with all ten other titles in the series. This edition has been extensively updated and expanded to reflect the latest thinking in each of the disciplinary areas included and in topical areas such as compact cities, urban history, place making, sustainable urban development, globalization, cities and climate change, the world city network, the impact of technology on cities, resilient cities, cities in Africa and the Middle East, and urban theory. The new edition places greater emphasis on cities in the developing world, globalization and the global city system of the future. The plate sections have been revised and updated.
Sixty generous selections are included: forty-four from the fifth edition, and sixteen new selections, including three newly written exclusively for The City Reader. The sixth edition keeps classic writings by authors such as Ebenezer Howard, Ernest W. Burgess, LeCorbusier, Lewis Mumford, Jane Jacobs, and Louis Wirth, as well as the best contemporary writings of, among others, Peter Hall, Manuel Castells, David Harvey, Saskia Sassen, and Kenneth Jackson. In addition to newly commissioned selections by Yasser Elshestawy, Peter Taylor, and Lawrence Vale, new selections in the sixth edition include writings by Aristotle, Peter Calthorpe, Alberto Camarillo, Filip DeBoech, Edward Glaeser, David Owen, Henri Pirenne, The Project for Public Spaces, Jonas Rabinovich and Joseph Lietman, Doug Saunders, and Bish Sanyal. The anthology features general and section introductions as well as individual introductions to the selected articles introducing the authors, providing context, relating the selection to other selection, and providing a bibliography for further study. The sixth edition includes fifty plates in four plate sections, substantially revised from the fifth edition.
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Describes the essential duties of a project manager
Analyzes the project management lifecycle in five phasesPresents the what, when, how, and why of PM tasks presented in detailed steps
Show how to leverage checklists to optimize PM efficiency and throughput
Learn step-by-step instructions for managing any project in a clean sequence of five classic phases—initiating, planning, executing, releasing, and closing. This book sets out clearly and engagingly which tasks need to be done and when, how, and why they need to be done. Each chapter on one of the five phases walks you through all the steps in that phase’s workflow, which are laid out in a checklist attached to the chapter. The checklists are graphically supplemented by flow charts and swim lane diagrams. The master checklist serves as a map and tool for project managers to use in the real world to run projects and keep them on track.
Senior project manager and PM mentor Melanie McBride understands the predicament of beginning and junior project managers: "You're at the edge of a tornado, bombarded by overly excited people offering you a Mission Impossible. Everywhere you look there are cool shiny things swirling around your head—the earnest coworker telling you to go agile, the software package promising a turnkey collaboration solution, the PMO with an arm-long list of required processes. So how do you avoid getting whacked in the head by that airborne Mac truck of a customer commit? Oh, and what exactly do you need to do to get those flying monkeys to shut up?"
Project Management Basics slips the spinning project manager into the eye of the storm where things are quiet and it’s easy to figure out what to do next using the author’s detailed checklists and hard-headed advice. She shows that project management doesn’t have to be "a chaotic hot mess, leaving you with an egg-beater hairdo." With McBride’s book and checklists in hand, even first-time project managers can pull off controlled, flying-monkey–free projects.
What You Will Learn
• The essential duties of a project manager• The project management lifecycle in five phases• The what, when, how, and why of PM tasks presented in detailed steps• How to leverage checklists for optimum efficiency and throughput• How to adapt workflow controls to low-PM organizations• How to enhance PM with vogue methodologies without obscuring the basics
Who This Book Is For
This book is for beginning and junior project managers seeking a concise, authoritative guide to the basics of project management, together with checklists, flow charts, and swim lane diagrams for immediate use in real-world projects.
Number of Illustrations and Tables
18 illustrations in colour
Project Management
Software Engineering
Software Management
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I hope you know without description. Try to use it without complaining (as some users after many years of WinRAR 5) about corrupted files when using old versions.
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This revised, fully updated second edition covers the analysis, design, and construction of reinforced concrete structures from a real-world perspective. It examines different reinforced concrete elements such as slabs, beams, columns, foundations, basement and retaining walls and pre-stressed concrete incorporating metric units and the most up-to-date edition of the American Concrete Institute Code (ACI 318-14) requirements for the design of concrete structures. A new chapter on the design of formworks has been added which is of great value to students in the construction engineering programs along with practicing engineers and architects. This second edition also includes a new appendix with color images illustrating various concrete construction practices, and well-designed buildings. The ACI 318-14 constitutes the most extensive reorganization of the code in the past 40 years. References to the various sections of the ACI 318-14 are provided throughout the book to facilitate its use by students and professionals. Aimed at architecture, building construction, and undergraduate engineering students, the scope of concepts in this volume emphasize simplified and practical methods in the analysis and design of reinforced concrete. Distinct from advanced, graduate engineering texts, where treatment of the subject centers around the theoretical and mathematical aspects of design over details of design. As in the first edition, this book adopts a step-by-step approach to solving analysis and design problems in reinforced concrete. Adopting a highly graphical and interactive approach in its use of detailed images and self-experimentation exercises, “Concrete Structures, Second Edition,” is tailored to the most practical design questions and fundamental concepts of design of structures in reinforced concrete. The text stands as an ideal learning resource for civil engineering, building construction, and architecture students as well as a valuable reference for concrete structural design professionals in practice.
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This Standard provides requirements for the design and evaluation of building components of fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) in buildings and of building components reinforced with FRP materials. It is based on limit states design principles and is consistent with the National Building Code of Canada. This Standard does not apply to the design of fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC), except for FRC/FRP cladding as defined in Clause 7.3 and Clause 13.