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Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering: Géotechnique Symposium in Print 2015
Stuart Haigh
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ICE Virtual Library
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I was wondering if anyone here had a issue with the differences in pressure reading in the pneumatic system of triaxial apparatus?
I am havin problem with the adjustment of pressures in system. Pneumatic systems using rubber bladders is result in in negative pressure inside triaxial cell, producing negative pore water pressures in sample, although the pressure transducers have Ben "zero offset".
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Article/eBook Full Name: Fractured Aquifers - Formation Evaluation by Well Testing Author(s): Kurt Ambo Nielsen Publish Date: 2008 Published By: Trafford Publishing
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Soil compressibility as determined by oedometer and triaxial test.
Janbu, N.
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Proceedings of the European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundations Engineering
Janbu, N. Soil compressibility as determined by oedometer and triaxial test. Proceedings of
the European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundations Engineering, Wiesbaden,
Germany, 1963, Vol1. pp. 19-25
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The ConnectSAP2000v18andETABS2015 tool can be used to convert ETABS 2015 models into SAP2000 v18 models, and vice versa. In order to use this tool, the user must have both ETABS 2015 and SAP2000 v18 installed on the same system. Using the latest versions of all CSI products is recommended, but the tool will work with any versions of ETABS 2015 and SAP2000 v18. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are supported.
Run ConnectSAP2000v18andETABS2015.exe
Select an option, either “SAP2000 to ETABS”, or “ETABS to SAP2000”.
Follow the instructions in the title of each of the subsequent “Open File” dialog boxes.
First, you will select the program executable from which you are converting (either SAP2000.exe or ETABS.exe usually located in .../Program Files/Computers and Structures/[PROGRAM NAME]).
Next, select the model file to be converted.
Finally, select the program to which you are converting.
The ConnectSAP2000v18andETABS2015 tool will launch the first program, open the model, then launch the second program and transfer model data.
It will save the new model with the same name as the original.
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I would like to ask if someone has studied at these universities or programs.
I want to do a specialization on bridge engineering. I have already a MSc. in structures, but I
want to do a specialization on bridges.
I am not either in UK or US, so I am no able to attend to classes a full year (I´m working). However, these universities allow you to take the classes online.
Surrey University has three different options:
4 Courses and you get an advance certificate.
8 Courses and you get and advance diploma.
8 Courses + a theses (that need to be in presence) and you get the MSc.
All the classes can be taken online in this university
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University at Buffalo
You can take up to 50% of the credits online. ( Approximately 5 courses)
You need 9 courses and one project to get the MS. However the remaining courses
must be taken at the university.
The courses that are taken online can be taken as a continuous education also,
but not diploma or certificate is given and where I am they love certificates.
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Maybe I can attend for a semester to the university in order to finish and get the degree. However, I am not really concern about the Degree (I have already one). My main concern is about the knowledge that you can get.
I have checked the course content of bout masters. I prefer the options at surey (at least the first four).
If you have experience in this topic, have you ever studied at these programs or in other universities, feel free of putting your two cents.