An Excel Spreadsheet which imports Staad support reactions from the Staad file using OpenSTAAD functions. Results are sorted and can be used with any foundation design spreadsheets. This is my first try of using OpenSTAAD functions. Any suggestions on improving the embedded macro code will be appreciated.
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Remote Sensing and GIS Integration: Theories, Methods, and Applications: Theory, Methods, and Applications
Remote Sensing and GIS Integration: Theories, Methods, and Applications: Theory, Methods, and Applications
Qihao Weng,
McGraw-Hill Professional | 2009 | ISBN: 007160653X | 416 pages | PDF | 10,9 MB
Maximize a geographical information tool by incorporating it with up-to-date remotely sensed data
GIS is predominantly a data-handling technology, while remote sensing is a data retrieval and analysis technology. This book addresses the need to combine remotely sensed data with cartographic, socioeconomic, and environmental data and GIS functionalities.
Remote Sensing and GIS Integration begins with theoretical discussions, followed by a series of application areas in urban and environmental studies that employ the integration of remote sensing and GIS. Each application area is examined through analysis of state-of-the-art methods and detailed presentations of one or more case studies.
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Stress Field of the Earth's Crust
Arno Zang, Ove Stephansson,
Springer | 2009 | ISBN: 1402084439 | 240 pages | PDF | 5,9 MB
This book about rock stress is suitable for students in geosciences and engineering, who need to broaden their horizon about the Stress Field of the Earth´s Crust. The book covers the topic in a way such that geoscience students will be able to grasp the Cauchy Stress Principle without fear of matrix transformations in an exercise. Students interested in math, physics and engineering will learn to cement a strain gauge on a rock specimen, measure residual strains by multiple overcoring and evaluate the results. Leading edge technology in determining stress (Kaiser Effect) is presented together with classical methods (Hydraulic Fracturing). In addition, borehole techniques (Breakouts) and drillcore techniques (Anelastic Strain Recovery) are illustrated. With respect to stress data, we choose locations of global interest where integrated stress determination strategies have been applied. Each case study presented has special application, like the scientific ultra-deep drilling project (KTB, Germany), drilling of seismic active fault zones (SAFOD, USA) and excavation for nuclear waste disposal (Forsmark, Sweden). Stress compilations viewed by the World Stress Map project are presented and interpreted in terms of plate tectonics. The purpose of this book is twofold. First, to report on the current field of knowledge in rock stress to students at an introduction level and second, to inform readers about stress measurements in underground excavations of public interest and about global rock stress in plate tectonic settings.
This textbook consists of three main chapters accompanied by a DVD containing twelve video lectures presenting the same material in a self-instructed way. Exercises, laboratory testing and colour animations are included to emphasize the role of stress in various fields of solid earth sciences.
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Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications
Publisher: Artech House Publishers | Pages: 726 | 2005-11-30 | ISBN: 1580538940 | PDF | 7 MB
Product Description:
This thoroughly updated second edition of an Artech House bestseller brings together a team of leading experts who provide a current and comprehensive treatment of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The book covers all the latest advances in technology, applications, and systems. The second edition includes new chapters that explore the integration of GPS with vehicles and cellular telephones, new classes of satellite broadcast signals, the emerging GALILEO system, and new developments in the GPS marketplace. This single-source reference provides a quick overview of GPS essentials, an in-depth examination of advanced technical topics, and a review of emerging trends in the GPS industry. Engineers can use this book to build GPS receivers and integrate them into navigational and communications equipment. Executives can turn to this book to determine how technology is affecting markets and how best to invest their companies’ resources. The book also serves as a handy resource for electrical engineering students looking to advance their studies and careers in GPS.
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Structural Geology and Personal Computers
546 pages | Pergamon Press Inc; 1st edition (December 1, 1996) | ISBN: 0080424309 | PDF | 45 Mb
Hardbound. This book will help structural geologists keep abreast of rapid changes in work practices resulting from the personal computer revolution. It is organized into six parts: I Computer-Aided Learning; II Microstructural Analysis; III Analysis of Orientation Data; IV Strain and Kinematic Analysis; V Mathematical and Physical Modeling; VI Structural Mapping and GIS. The 45 contributing authors explain how to: set up computer-aided teaching and learning facilities on a low budget; illustrate tectonic strain concepts with a drawing program; integrate multimedia presentations into structural coursework; analyze microstructures with computer-aided microscopy; produce sophisticated stereonets with custom software for both the Mac and IBM PC; evaluate orientation data using a spreadsheet program; model the development of macrostructures and microstructures numerically; integrate structural and geophysical data; and apply PC technology to the production of
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Luiz A. Mendes-Victor, Carlos S. Sousa Oliveira, João Azevedo, António Ribeiro, "The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake: Revisited"
Springer | ISBN: 1402086083 | November 1, 2008 | 600 pages | PDF | 11.9MB
The 1755 earthquake and tsunami were influential not only in Portugal but in all European and North African countries where the devastating effects were felt. The entire world was deeply impressed and the discussion of its causes generated a large amount of scientific and metaphysical speculation. It inspired philosophers, poets and writers. The socio-economic consequences of the event were great and affected the future organization and development of Portugal. The possibility of a similar occurence urges society and the scientific community to reflect on its lessons.
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Rochelle C. Jaffe, "Masonary: Instant Answers"
McGraw-Hill | 2004 | ISBN: 0071437525 | 256 pages | PDF | 1,8 MB
Masonry Instant Answers delivers a no-nonsense, informational format packed with charts, tables, and figures — just enough detail to get the job done. Perfectly sized for carrying on-site, this information-dense resource covers:
* Masonry units
* Mortar and grout
* Reinforcement
* Masonry assembly
* Bracing
* Installation practices
* Hot and cold weather construction
* Code requirements for QA/AC
* ASTM standard requirements for materials and testing If you've been looking for a portable quick-reference that will help you do your job faster, better, and more economically, check out Masonry Instant Answers.
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Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, Second Edition
Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, Second Edition
Dean G. Duffy
Chapman & Hall/CRC | English | 2003-03-28 | ISBN: 1584883499 | 840 pages | PDF | 18 MB
Resoundingly popular in its first edition, Dean Duffy's Advanced Engineering Mathematics has been updated, expanded, and now more than ever provides the solid mathematics background required throughout the engineering disciplines. Melding the author's expertise as a practitioner and his years of teaching engineering mathematics, this text stands clearly apart from the many others available. Relevant, insightful examples follow nearly every concept introduced and demonstrate its practical application. This edition includes two new chapters on differential equations, another on Hilbert transforms, and many new examples, problems, and projects that help build problem-solving skills. Most importantly, the book now incorporates the use of MATLAB throughout the presentation to reinforce the concepts presented. MATLAB code is included so readers can take an analytic result, fully explore it graphically, and gain valuable experience with this industry-standard software
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Sewers: Replacement and New Construction
Geoffrey F Read
Published by Elsevier – Butterworth-Heinemann | Publication date : July 2002 | ISBN : 0750650834 | PDF | 588 pages | English | 6.3 MB
Sewers: Replacement and New Construction is a detailed guide to the management and construction of new sewer systems. Different construction and replacement techniques, such as jacking, moling and ramming, are described and evaluated.
The importance of proper site preparation and management is emphasised, and detailed guidance is given to pre-construction investigation as well as to managing traffic and public relations during the construction period.
Geoffrey Read, one of the UK's leading experts on sewer construction, has compiled the most detailed account available on this subject, using material from civil engineers, consultants and his own wide experience :
• Comprehensive coverage of technical and management issues
• Expert contributions from industry professionals ensure the content is practical
• Photographs and diagrams illustrate key techniques
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The Effects of Higher Strength and Associated Concrete Properties on Pavement Performance
This report documents the investigation of the effect of strength and other associated concrete properties of the long-term performance of concrete pavements. Performance criteria used included joint spalling, faulting and transverse slab cracking. Project variables included pavement age, traffic, climate, distress levels and types, joint spacing and compressive strength. Compressive strength was found to correlate well with permeability. Concrete characteristics found to be desirable include compressive strength in the 45 to 50 MPa range, flexural strength in the 4.5 to 6.0 range, non-alakali reactive aggregate that is freeze-thaw distress resistant, a well- graded aggregate with large top size, water-cement ratio of 0.42 to 0.45 and cement content of approximately 335 kg/m3.
Prototype mixture designs were developed for different climatic regions. This report will be of interest to those involved in concrete pavement mixture design, as well as those involved in the design, construction and analysis of concrete pavements.
Sufficient copies are being distributed to provide 10 copies to each FHWA Resource Center, five copies to each FHWA Division, and five copies to each State highway agency. Direct distribution is being made to the FHWA Division Offices. Additional copies may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
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