The construction of the Millau viaduct in the southeast of France was a colossal engineering effort. The piers rise 803 feet from ground level, and the bridge weighs 400,000 tons. The bridge is supported by seven huge pillars. When the thickness of the platform (14 feet) and the height of the pillars are included, the total height reaches 1102 feet. That is about 50 feet higher than the famous Eiffel Tower. Construction of this bridge required more than 350,000 tons of concrete and 40,000 tons of steel. Assembled with the precision of a Swiss watch, this giant was designed to resist winds of up to 130 miles per hour and has cost almost 300 million euros (US$523 million). Built across the mountainous terrain of the Tarn river valley, the 8071-foot long bridge is part of the A-75 freeway that connects the cities of Clermont-Ferrand and Béziers. It will shorten by more than 60 miles the route connecting Paris with the Mediterranean. Seven European countries participated in construction of the bridge, the design of which was the work of the prestigious British architect, Sir Norman Foster, of Manchester, England.
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G.N. Smith & Ian G.N. Smith: Elements of Soil Mechanics 7th Edition
G.N. Smith & Ian G.N. Smith: Elements of Soil Mechanics 7th Edition
Now in its Seventh Edition, this well established hook provides undergraduate and HND students of civil engineering with a core text on the theory and treatments of soil mechanics. The fundamental principles of the subject are explained clearly and logically and their use in practical applications is well illustrated.
The book also features a wide range of worked examples and problems which help to aid student centered Learning.
Key features of the new edition are:
• for the first time, an introduction to practical geotechnical design using limit state theory, together with new worked examples
• an outline of the changes introduced by the draft European GeotechnicaL Design Code, Eurocode 7
• a revised section on unsaturated soils
• new material in a number of areas including soil nailing„ highway design, and in situ moisture content determination
• an enlarged text page with more user-friendly presentation
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Finite Elements in Plasticity: Theory and Practice
Front Cover
Title Page
Table of Contents
Part I
1. Introduction
2. One-dimensional nonlinear problems
3. Solution of nonlinear problems
4. Viscoplastic problems in one dimension
5. Elasto-plastic Timoshenko beam analysis
Part II
6. Preliminary theory and standard subroutines for two-dimensional elasto-plastic applications
7. Elasto-plastic problems in two dimensions
8. Elasto-viscoplastic problems in two dimensions
9. Elasto-plastic Mindlin plate bending analysis
Part III
10. Explicit transient dynamic analysis
11. Implicit-explicit transient dynamic analysis
12. Alternative formulations and further applications
Appendix I
Alternative formulations andfurther applications
Appendix II
Instructions for preparing input data for plane, axisymmetric and plate bending problems
Appendix III
Instructions for preparing input data for dynamic transient problems
Author Index
Subject Index
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I am a civil engineer from Spain with a MSc in Geotechnical Engineerring in UK. I have more than 5 years of experience in geotechnical engineering working for both designers and contractors.
I have worked 4 years in the UK and now I am in the eastern part of Europe trying to design and build two motorways.
I just would like to say that this forum is an excellent way of exchanging both experince and resources and that we should do our best to help each other.
From my side you will get technical solution to geotechnical problems as well as a huge collection of books and spreadhseets.
Foundations of Theory of Plasticity
By L. M Kachanov
* Publisher: North-Holland Pub. Co
* Number Of Pages: 482
* Publication Date: 1971
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0444101004
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780444101006
* Binding: Unknown Binding
Summary: A foundation book in the field of plasticity of continuous media
Rating: 5
The book of Kachanov on the Fundamentals of the Theory of Plasticity and the book of R. Hill on the Mathematical Theory of Plasticity are undoubtedly the two books that any researcher in the field of applied mechanics must hold. The book of Kachanov is still today unparalleled as far as it concerns presentation of difficult concepts of plasticity theory in a way understandable from any student or practitioner in the field of engineering. The material presented covers all aspects from plasticity theory including e.g. limit analysis, flow rule, hardening, stability theorems; even a concise but clear presentation of the older deformation theory of plasticity is presented. Certainly, the book shows its age because numerical aspects of plasticity theory are not included. However, this is a book, which greatly contributed to the diffusion of plasticity theory and must be read by anyone who whish to undertake research in the field of mechanics of deformable media.
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Product Description:
Tremendous advances in computer technologies and methods have precipitated a great demand for refinements in the constitutive models of plasticity. Such refinements include the development of a model that would account for material anisotropy and produces results that compare well with experimental data. Key to developing such models-and to meeting many other challenges in the field- is a firm grasp of the principles of continuum mechanics and how they apply to the formulation of plasticity theory. Also critical is understanding the experimental aspects of plasticity and material anisotropy. Integrating the traditionally separate subjects of continuum mechanics and plasticity, this book builds understanding in all of those areas. Part I provides systematic, comprehensive coverage of continuum mechanics, from a review of Carteisian tensors to the relevant conservation laws and constitutive equation. Part II offers an exhaustive presentation of the continuum theory of plasticity. This includes a unique treatment of the experimental aspects of plasticity, covers anisotropic plasticity, and incorporates recent research results related to the endochronic theory of plasticity obtained by the author and his colleagues. By bringing all of these together in one book, Continuum Mechanics and Plasticity facilitates the learning of solid mechanics. Its readers will be well prepared for pursuing either research related to the mechanical behavior of engineering materials or developmental work in engineering analysis and design.
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Cost Estimating Manual for Water Treatment Facilities
Susumu Kawamura, William T. McGivney, "Cost Estimating Manual for Water Treatment Facilities"
Publisher: Wiley | Pages: 224 | 2008-09-16 | ISBN: 0471729973 | PDF | 12.9 MB
Tested-and-proven techniques for quick, accurate estimates
Here is the first manual that guides engineers, planners, and contractors through the process of estimating the cost of building water treatment facilities. Based on more than eighty years of the two authors' collective experience, the Cost Estimating Manual for Water Treatment Facilities not only enables you to arrive at a dependable estimate, it shows you how to do it quickly with a minimum of information and supporting data.
In order to ensure reliability, the authors have compiled and analyzed the results from their own construction cost estimates for more than 500 projects as well as the results from many other engineers and contractors. The manual identifies forty-three treatment processes, nine types of water treatment plants, plus five additional types of advanced water treatment plants. The authors then demonstrate how to calculate costs for each element, accounting for needed mark-ups and allowances in order to arrive at the total plant construction cost.
To help you make your own estimates, the manual provides:
*Examples of cost estimates for different water treatment processes
*Historical data from several public agencies
*Sample tables for 10 mgd and 100 mgd product water flow rates for each type of treatment plant
*Accompanying CD-ROM with Excel spreadsheets that enable you to perform estimates using your own data
Now that the Cost Estimating Manual for Water Treatment Facilities is available, you no longer have to rely on hunches and anecdotal information; you have a proven, scientific method that leads to reliable estimates.
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CDM 2007: Questions and Answers
By Pat Perry
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Number Of Pages: 512
Publication Date: 2008-05-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0750687088
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780750687089
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 repeal the CDM Regulations 1994 and the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996; containing all the legal duties regarding the design and management of a construction project and the safe operating standards expected on a construction site.
CDM 2007: Questions and Answers by Pat Perry is a pragmatic, common-sense approach to interpreting the many queries which will inevitably arise from the new Regulations, no matter how simplified they purport to be.
The author details practical solutions to a wide range of legal compliance issues and explores answers which go beyond the rather limited information contained in the Approved Code of Practice which supports the Regulations.
The various duty holders, project stages and safety issues are dealt with in different chapters and the book can be used for detailed reference or for a quick refresher on specific subjects.
* The most practical book covering CDM 2007 for all duty-holders
* Q & A format helps readers to easily comply to CDM 2007, compulsory since April 2007
* Free online toolbox of checklists, forms and table templates allow readers to complete their own risk and safety assessments
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GIS for Coastal Zone Management
344 pages | CRC; 1 edition (May 26, 2004) | ISBN: 0415319722 | PDF | 28 Mb
Increasingly used to analyze and manage marine and coastal zones, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide a powerful set of tools for integrating and processing spatial information. These technologies are increasingly used in the management and analysis of the coastal zone. Supplying the guidance necessary to use these tools, GIS for Coastal Zone Management explores key technical, theoretical, and applications issues. Drawing on the practical experience of experts in the field, the book discusses recent developments and specific applications. A comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date overview of the state-of-the-art in coastal zone GIS applications, this down-to-earth and practical book puts the science in a management context. The chapters present groundbreaking coastal applications of GIS based decision support tools, spatial data infrastructures, remote sensing technology including LiDAR and CASI, and more. Covering a broad range of topics by international experts, the logical organization supplies a flow and structure to the entire book that makes the information not only easily accessible but immediately applicable.
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