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if someone have information about box culverts (precast box culverts, design methods, loads distribution, soil-structure interaction, rules and codes, technical specifications, etc.) please share.
Engineering Rock Blasting Operations
By S. Bhandari
* Publisher: Taylor & Francis
* Number Of Pages: 400
* Publication Date: 1997-01-01
This work provides detailed information about materials needed for carrying out blasting operations such as explosives and related accessories, understanding of the process of fragmentation, various techniques, design methods, and applications including environmental aspects.
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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Building and Remodeling
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Building and Remodeling
John Barrows, Lisa Iannucci,
Alpha 2009 | ISBN-10: 1592578284 | 336 Pages | PDF | 2,5 MB
It’s easy building green!
This guide helps environmentally conscious people make real-world decisions about building or remodeling a home. Readers will find information on how to save money by going green when building or remodeling, how to find the right green integrated system design, how to choose heating and cooling equipment, and how to save money on water.
·Focuses on the design integration of green materials
·Residential and commercial green building will grow from 2% of the U.S.
construction market in 2005 to as much as 10% in 2010 (NAHB)
·More than 80 regional and local green building programs are in place in the U.S. and more are being promoted in the private sector
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Idea of Building: Thought and Action in the Design and Production of Buildings
Idea of Building: Thought and Action in the Design and Production of Buildings
Publisher: Spon Press | pages: 249 | 1990 | ISBN: 0419178309 | PDF | 12 mb
This volume is a unique investigation of the ways in which we think about buildings, in the context of an overview of the architects, designers, engineers, developers, builders and suppliers who compose the construction industry
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Basic Well Log Analysis for Geologists By George B. Asquith, Charles R. Gibson
Publisher: American Association of Petroleum Geologists | Pages: 216 | 1993-08-01 | ISBN: 0891816526 | PDF | 4.9 MB
Basic Well Log Analysis is a general introduction to common openhole logging measurements, both wire line and MWD/LWD, and the interpretation of those measurements to determine the traditional analytical goals of porosity, fluid saturation, and lithology/mineralogy. It is arranged by the interpretation goals of the data, rather than by the underlying physics of the measurements.
The accompanying CD-ROM contains digital versions of the data from the case studies, a summary guide to the measurements and their interpretation, and a simple spreadsheet containing some of the more common interpretation algorithms.
This Second Edition of Basic Well Log Analysis delivers a great impact on training and self-training along with superior workbook exercises, newer measurements, borehole imaging, and nuclear magnetic resonance in separate chapters, all directed to provide a guide through the lengthy and sometimes ambiguous terminology of well logging and petrophysics. It provides readers with interpretation examples (and solutions) so that the techniques described here can be practiced.
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Finite Element Methods for Engineers
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company | Pages: 171 | 1996-03 | ISBN 1860940161 | PDF | 7 MB
Professor Fenner's definitive text is now back in print, with added corrections. It serves as an introduction to finite element methods for engineering undergraduates and other students at an equivalent level. Postgraduate and practising engineers will also find it useful if they are comparatively new to finite element methods.
The main emphasis is on the simplest methods suitable for solving two-dimensional continuum mechanics problems, particularly those encountered in the fields of stress analysis, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Complete FORTRAN programs are presented, described and discussed in detail, and several practical case studies serve to illustrate the methods developed in the book.
Finite element methods are compared and contrasted with finite difference methods, and throughout the level of computer programming, continuum mechanics, numerical analysis, matrix algebra and other mathematics employed corresponds to that normally covered in undergraduate engineering courses.
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