Title :PLUMBING PRACTICES By : Syed Azizul Haq
Pulished year : 2006
Description :
This book has been written in a very simple way so that it can be well understood by students, practitioners and professionals alike. The most exceptional part of this book is its chapter 12. Which illustrates on storm water management rather than describing on storm water drainage. In this chapter proper utilization of rainwater or storm water has been illustrated.
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Project Management for Building Construction
Hans Sommer,
Springer | 2010 | ISBN: 3642108733 | 176 pages | PDF | 67 MB
Without project management, the successful completion of major projects is no longer possible. This book describes all the basics with the help of many clear illustrations. In this edition the already very successful work has been complemented with contributions that take into account how communication and organization have become increasingly important in construction projects. The fact that land - municipal or private - now need to be prepared in a very focused manner to ensure its wise use and increase its value to reach is also considered, making the book of interest to project managers and construction experts who have realized that project development and comprehensive, integrated construction will be key issues in the future.
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Pulished by : Transport Research Laboratory
Edition : 4th
Description :
In this guide book Methods and recommendations are presented to provide guidance on the choice and design of an appropriate surface dressing. Managers and Supervisors of surface dressing programmes can obtain comprehensive guidance on the preparation, application and aftercare of the works by consulting the code of practice for surface dressing published by the Road Surface Dressing Association (RSDA, 1995a).
Road Note 39 is a design guide, it is NOT prepared as, nor should it be used as, a specification. The results of the design process can be used to prepare specifications, but the advice in this Design Guide has not been drafted in a form that can be used directly as a specification. However, it is expected that the advice contained will be Indispensable to those drawing up specifications.
The methodology for this Design Guide (Chapter 3) has been developed from experience with the traffic intensities, construction practices and weather conditions found in the UK. Therefore, the design method may not be appropriate for use in other situations, particularly if they are markedly different from those found in the UK.
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Lecture Notes of University of Illinois (during 1921-1937)
Hardy Cross
N.D. Morgan
1926 (Reprint 1950)
Scanned Copy
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This unique book focuses on comparing several types of 3D models. Due to the rapid developments in sensor techniques a vast amount of 3D data is available. Effective algorithms for (semi) automatic object reconstruction are required. Integration of existing 2D objects with height data is a non-trivial process and needs further research. The resulting 3D models can be maintained in several types of 3D models: TEN (Tetrahedral Network), Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) models, Regular Polytopes, TIN Boundary representation and 3D volume quad edge structure, layered/topology models, voxel based models, 3D models used in urban planning/polyhedrons, and n-dimensional models including time. 3D analysis and 3D simulation techniques explore and extend the possibilities in spatial applications.
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Real Options in Engineering Design, Operations, and Management
Harriet Black Nembhard "Real Options in Engineering Design, Operations, and Management"
CRC | English | 2009-10-27 | ISBN: 1420071696 | 253 pages | PDF | 5,3 MB
Given that engineering flexibility can potentially provide a competitive advantage, the question then becomes: Precisely how valuable is this flexibility? However, traditional methods often fail to accurately capture the economic value of investments in an environment of widespread uncertainty and rapid change. The real options method represents the new state-of-the-art technique for valuation and management of strategic investments, enabling corporate decision-makers to leverage uncertainty and limit downside risk.
Real Options in Engineering Design, Operations, and Management presents and synthesizes the body of knowledge in the area of real options for engineering systems. Providing case studies and step-by-step computations of real options valuation, it covers engineering applications across different disciplines such as industrial and civil engineering, and computer science. The authors review financial-option research results, consider how to quantify engineering activities, and analyze optimal business strategies based on a variety of real option models. They integrate academic work on real options in engineering, current practice, and discussion of future needs and opportunities.
Flexibility in decision making allows firms to compete more effectively in a world of substantial price and demand uncertainty, product variety, short product life cycles, and rapid product development. And with more frequent demands being placed on engineering systems to change, managers and manufacturing systems must react to events as they unfold. This book explores a real options modeling framework for engineering transitions that allows decision makers to capture and investigate several alternatives for improving an engineering system.
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Finite Element Analysis: Thermomechanics of Solids
By David W. Nicholson
* Publisher: CRC
* Number Of Pages: 296
* Publication Date: 2003-03-26
* Sales Rank: 1842469
* ISBN / ASIN: 084930749X
* EAN: 9780849307492
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: CRC
* Studio: CRC
* Average Rating:
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Book Description:
Many applications of finite element analysis (FEA) involve nonlinear problems. While engineers dealing with such applications may have access to powerful finite element codes and computers, they often lack the full understanding of the finite element method that nonlinear problems require. This text gives a comprehensive, unified presentation of FEA applied to coupled mechanical and thermal, static and dynamic, and linear and nonlinear responses of solids and structures. The inclusion of a concise review of the relevant mathematics and first-course material, sample problems, and exercises, makes this an ideal text for a second course in finite element methods.
Book Info
Text presents the principles of the finite-element method for application to the mechanical, thermal, and thermomechanical response- both static and dynamic- of linear and nonlinear solids. Designed for a second-level course or as a reference work. Basic familiarity with the finite-element method is assumed. Includes index and chapter exercises. DLC: Thermal stresses--Mathematical models.
Table of Contents
Ch. 1 Mathematical Foundations: Vectors and Matrices 1
Ch. 2 Mathematical Foundations: Tensors 25
Ch. 3 Introduction to Variational and Numerical Methods 43
Ch. 4 Kinematics of Deformation 51
Ch. 5 Mechanical Equilibrium and the Principle of Virtual Work 73
Ch. 6 Stress-Strain Relation and the Tangent-Modulus Tensor 95
Ch. 7 Thermal and Thermomechanical Response 107
Ch. 8 Introduction to the Finite-Element Method 117
Ch. 9 Element Fields in Linear Problems 121
Ch. 10 Element and Global Stiffness and Mass Matrices 139
Ch. 11 Solution Methods for Linear Problems 153
Ch. 12 Rotating and Unrestrained Elastic Bodies 167
Ch. 13 Thermal, Thermoelastic, and Incompressible Media 173
Ch. 14 Torsion and Buckling 181
Ch. 15 Introduction to Contact Problems 195
Ch. 16 Introduction to Nonlinear FEA 201
Ch. 17 Incremental Principle of Virtual Work 215
Ch. 18 Tangent-Modulus Tensors for Thermomechanical Response of Elastomers 227
Ch. 19 Inelastic and Thermoinelastic Materials 243
Ch. 20 Advanced Numerical Methods 257
Monographs and Texts 265
Articles and Other Sources 267
Index 269
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Product Description:
This important textbook provides an introduction to the concepts of the newly developed extended finite element method (XFEM) for fracture analysis of structures, as well as for other related engineering applications.
One of the main advantages of the method is that it avoids any need for remeshing or geometric crack modelling in numerical simulation, while generating discontinuous fields along a crack and around its tip. The second major advantage of the method is that by a small increase in number of degrees of freedom, far more accurate solutions can be obtained. The method has recently been extended to nonlinear materials and other disciplines such as modelling contact and interface, simulation of inclusions and holes, moving and changing phase problems, and even to multiscale analyses.
The book is self contained, with summaries of both classical and modern computational techniques. The main chapters include a comprehensive range of numerical examples describing various features of XFEM.
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